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Nick Griffin tells bishops to 'grow up'


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Nick Griffin tells bishops to 'grow up' after they say 'don't vote BNP'

British National Party leader Nick Griffin has told senior Church of England bishops to 'grow up' after they urged voters not to vote for the party as a way of expressing disgust over the MPs' expenses scandal.

In a joint statement yesterday, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Rowan Williams and John Sentamu, said it was understandable for voters to be disillusioned with politicians.

But Mr Griffin responded angrily to their statement, telling the BBC: 'It's amazing, isn't it?

'They're also saying that people should let the politicians off the hook in Westminster, that one of them might commit suicide because they've been caught stealing from the public purse.

'We've got to be nice to them but the Church of England wants to be nasty to the BNP - I think it is bizarre.'

'We think that our vote and our support is now sufficient that it's time the Church of England grew up and decided to sit down and talk with us about the issues that we're getting across to our supporters.'

In the bishop's joint statement yesterday, they said it would be 'tragic' if people chose not to vote, or to register a protest vote for extremist parties at the European Parliamentary and local elections on June 4, stressing that those elected would wield power and influence for years to come.

Their highly unusual foray into party politics came a day after Dr Williams claimed that the 'systematic humiliation' of MPs was becoming a threat to the democratic process by undermining public confidence.

Dr Williams and Dr Sentamu said the forthcoming elections were taking place 'at a time of extraordinary turbulence in our democratic system'.

'The temptation to stay away or register a protest vote in order to send a negative signal to the parties represented at Westminster will be strong,' they said.

'They're also saying that people should let the politicians off the hook in Westminster, that one of them might commit suicide because they've been caught stealing from the public purse.

'We've got to be nice to them but the Church of England wants to be nasty to the BNP - I think it is bizarre.'

UNBELIEVABLE! got to be nice to themlinked-image

Telling these Twonks to grow up is just to linked-image

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What is that idiot Rowan Williams on?

:hmm: god maybe. :w00t: hell NO, not in that way :no:

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The church should keep it's nose out of politics, this could be the tipping point for many who will now vote BNP

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