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Movement to impeach George W. Bush


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"An explanation of the grounds for impeachment was given in a recent memo to Rep. Conyers from attorney Bonifaz.[20]

Among the preliminary formal charges made against the Bush administration as proposed by Clark include the following allegations that:

  • President Bush fabricated evidence regarding Iraq's threat to the United States in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, specifically, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction;
  • President Bush violated various sections of the United States Constitution and Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
  • President Bush committed crimes relating to "bribery and coercion of individuals and governments;"
  • President Bush has concealed "information vital to public discussion and informed judgment;" and
  • President Bush has caused or is responsible for assassinations, torture, and indefinite detentions such as the Camp X-Ray, Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse, Bagram torture and prisoner abuse, desecration of the Qur'an at Guantánamo Bay and other such matters including the persecution of U.S. and non-U.S. Muslims.
  • President Bush has violated the First Amendment to the United States Constitution on numerous occassions with the prohibitive measures on any protests or marches by the people of the United States."

Any Bush supporters care to defend him on these allegations?...

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* President Bush fabricated evidence regarding Iraq's threat to the United States in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, specifically, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction;

incorrect, would you like me to post pre-bush administration speeches from Clinton, UN officials etc regarding Iraqs wmd programs? what about the Iraq Liberation act pushed by the democrats in 1998? basically the claim that Bush lied holds no water whatsoever outside the minds of those playing partisan politics who are attempting to score political points

* President Bush violated various sections of the United States Constitution and Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

going to have to expand on that, in what way? examples etc

* President Bush committed crimes relating to "bribery and coercion of individuals and governments;"

example? i hope he's not trying to claim for instance, Bush tried to coerce the Taliban or Iran or North korea or something ridiculous like that

* President Bush has concealed "information vital to public discussion and informed judgment;" and

such as?

* President Bush has caused or is responsible for assassinations, torture, and indefinite detentions such as the Camp X-Ray, Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse, Bagram torture and prisoner abuse, desecration of the Qur'an at Guantánamo Bay and other such matters including the persecution of U.S. and non-U.S. Muslims.

bleeding heart?

* President Bush has violated the First Amendment to the United States Constitution on numerous occassions with the prohibitive measures on any protests or marches by the people of the United States."

prohibitive measures, as in? restricting protests to designated areas? or like asking protests to be organised and such? thats so the other 98% of people don't have to be inconvenienced by an idiot like sheehan

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Hey, i hope he gets impeached, hes a war criminal who is responcable for the torture of hundreds, and the death of thousands.


Edited by Thanato
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Hey, i hope he gets impeached, hes a war criminal who is responcable for the torture of hundreds, and the death of thousands.


I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it to happen.

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We all know whats going to happen to him. You cant turn half the world against you and not have someone slip through the barrage of defenses around you at all times. Not that I support any kind of violence against the man, But hes certainly manuevered himself into a incredibly dangerous position. What with p***ing half the country, and half the planet off at him.

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We all know whats going to happen to him. You cant turn half the world against you and not have someone slip through the barrage of defenses around you at all times. Not that I support any kind of violence against the man, But hes certainly manuevered himself into a incredibly dangerous position. What with p***ing half the country, and half the planet off at him.

Even if somebody managed to kill him is this going to stop these same people from hating us?

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Bush kicked out? Heh.. one can only hope.

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Of course I'd want him kicked out, if only for the reason that I could picture him more so at a drunken barbeque rather than in the white house. Though he'll never get impeached, I think we all know that. It's roughly 2 more years for him, I'm sure we'll survive until then.

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W is in the white house, ******* deal with it. B)

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W is in the white house, ******* deal with it. B)

Thankyou. If they couldn't impeach a idiot like Clinton, then Bush is going nowhere. Don't worry 2 years will fly by. A democrat still won't win next time. They aren't strong enough when it comes to dealing with terrorism.

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Any Bush supporters care to defend him on these allegations?...

While I'm not a "Bush supporter" per se, I'll give it a crack...

These "allegations" are all poopy and make me laugh.

That is all.

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just because he will be gone, dosnt mean all the damage he has caused wont still affect us for many years to come......


Well said Nxt2Hvn.

Come on now bloodmoon, if anything he's done more good than bad. For gods sake, no one can do a perfect job, he did what he thought was best and we cant ask for more than that. He could have done nothing at all, but he chose to act, atleast give him that.

The only thing I have against Bush is I think he was a poor choice for president, that doesn't mean he didn't do his best.

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Thankyou. If they couldn't impeach a idiot like Clinton, then Bush is going nowhere. Don't worry 2 years will fly by. A democrat still won't win next time. They aren't strong enough when it comes to dealing with terrorism.

clinton WAS impeached. bush could likely be impeached also. remember being impeached does not mean you are kicked out of the presidency. it just means that charges were brought against you and a hearing will be held. remember when clinton was impeached and a hearing was held?

bush should be impeached and kicked out of the presidency. dick cheney should be there right along with him, including condoleeza rice, donald rumsfeld and others.

Edited by I am me
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Whatever.Every presidency has had problems. I guess they should have all been impeached.

Edited by ericraven2003
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Whatever.Every presidency has had problems. I guess they should have all been impeached.

if they break the law or go against the constitution, then yes they should be.

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Impeachment is a means to remove an elected official from office that has done something illegal - like Clinton. There was proof that he lied under oath. Just because you do not agree with Bush's policy/actions, does not mean he should be impeached. Where is your proof that he did something illegal??

As for the claim that he mislead the people about the WMD, it was stated by BILL CLINTON, the UNITED NATIONS, and JOHN KERRY that they believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Bill Clinton said it before Bush was even in the White House.

Bush got the same intel fron the CIA as Clinton and Congress. Even though it looks like there were no WMD, it is not accurate to say that Bush lied.

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*coughs* Clinton wasn't impeached...

Doubt Bush will be either. But once can always hope and dream...

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Clinton was impeached... 2 counts, grand jury perjury and obstruction of justice. Kate Moss is going to jail for grand jury perjury? She's no Clinton..

Second pres in history to be impeached by the house. I'd like him tried for treason and hanged.

The "allegations" made against Bush are what I said the were before. Poopy. That's the only word that describes them accurately. Not sure they're even worth an ounce of that. To believe these, and have that mindset to believe them with all that's going on, you'd have to believe Clinton never got impeached or, man-made gloabal warming is true, or something irrationally absurd like that...

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SilverCouger, don't you check your facts before you post?? Some people have such a hatered for Bush that it blinds them from reality. Bush has done nothing illegal, and no one has provided any credible evidence to prove otherwise.

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Quote "Done nothing illegal" is also a opinion biased by lack of evidence on your part. See...I've peered through your comment and revealed the ignorance of your post on ignorance.

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The statement that Bush has not done anything illegal is a fact. Where is your evidence that he has?? So I could accuse you of illegal activity even though I have absolutely no proof? Aren't people innocent until proven guilty?

Indictments are handed down when there is enough evidence to charge someone with a crime. It is ridiculous to accuse someone of something and gather the evidence after the fact.

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he means illegal by unjust :/

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