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The Demon Warrior Speaks

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My name is Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior.  I have a group called Halo Paranormal Investigations and we investigate ALL things paranormal.  Here are some of our stories.

Entries in this blog

The Ashmore Estates Investigation

The Ashmore Estates Investigation Written by Staff at: Fort Atkinson, WI Paranormal Society Distributed by Paul Dale Roberts, HPI's Esoteric Detective Halo Paranormal Investigations The drawing above was created by Richard Vasseur. Concept by Paul Dale Roberts. It depicts a crossover between Al Capp's Li'l Abner with Saint Gothic aka Deanna Jaxine Stinson and Cleo de Nile of Monster High Ashmore Estates Description: Ashmore Estates was built in 1916 with 3 floors and was orig


pauldaleroberts in Paranormal