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The Demon Warrior Speaks

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About this blog

My name is Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior.  I have a group called Halo Paranormal Investigations and we investigate ALL things paranormal.  Here are some of our stories.

Entries in this blog

Dogman at the Ciudad Juarez / El Paso, Texas Border

Dogman at the Ciudad Juarez / El Paso, Texas Border Paul Dale Roberts, HPI's Esoteric Detective Halo Paranormal Investigations Now, you are probably wondering how I learned that there was a Dogman sighting on the Ciudad Juarez / El Paso, Texas border.  Well, it was from a simple conversation with a United States Border Patrol agent.  I am now retired from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and I am now able to talk about these things.  My titles at the California Department of


pauldaleroberts in Paranormal

Elverta Case a Paranormal No Go!

Elverta Case a Paranormal No Go! Paul Dale Roberts, HPI's Esoteric Detective Halo Paranormal Investigations Sacramento Paranormal Help INITIAL REPORT THAT CAME THROUGH THE PARANORMAL HOTLINE: Date to be there: Feb 5 Saturday. Time to be there: 6pm. Contact Person: Willie. Case Number: 9B168Z2119C92. Activity: The home had a murder/suicide by the previous owners. Voices are heard in the home. An entity with a black long robe and hoodie is seen. The home is near Dyer Lane. They have a f


pauldaleroberts in Paranormal

Haunted Barbados

Haunted Barbados Paul Dale Roberts, HPI's Esoteric Detective Halo Paranormal Investigations     I have been to something like 59 countries and territories. When I was the Army for 12 years, the travel bug bit me.  There are so many other places I want to visit and perhaps sometime in the future, it will happen.  In this article, I want to talk about Barbados.  I have been to many islands in the Caribbean from St. Thomas to Haiti to Jamaica to the Dominican Republic to Puerto


pauldaleroberts in Paranormal