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The Demon Warrior Speaks

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About this blog

My name is Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior.  I have a group called Halo Paranormal Investigations and we investigate ALL things paranormal.  Here are some of our stories.

Entries in this blog

The Organization of D.E.A.T.H.

The Organization of D.E.A.T.H. (Destroy Evildoers and Teach Harmony) sounds like a formidable group! 🌟 Let’s delve into the intriguing concept behind it. Conceptualized by Paul Dale Roberts and brought to life through the artistic talents of Richard Vasseur, this organization embodies a blend of justice, mystique, and a dash of dark humor. Here’s what we know: Purpose and Mission: D.E.A.T.H. stands for Destroy Evildoers and Teach Harmony. Their mission? To rid th


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