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The Demon Warrior Speaks

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My name is Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior.  I have a group called Halo Paranormal Investigations and we investigate ALL things paranormal.  Here are some of our stories.

Entries in this blog

A Haunting in Citrus Heights

A Haunting in Citrus Heights By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI's Esoteric Detective Halo Paranormal Investigations DRAWING EXPLAINED: Slimer meets Woody Woodpecker. Artwork by Richard Vasseur. Concept by Paul Dale Roberts BELOW IS A "BLAST FROM THE PAST" The location is Citrus Heights, near Sacramento. The residence will remain confidential by the request of the occupants. The date is March 16, 2007, Friday. The start time of the investigation is 21:30 hours. Roll Call for S.P.S


pauldaleroberts in paranormal