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The Demon Warrior Speaks

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My name is Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior.  I have a group called Halo Paranormal Investigations and we investigate ALL things paranormal.  Here are some of our stories.

Entries in this blog

Haunted Bass Lake Road

Haunted Bass Lake Road Paul Dale Roberts, HPI's Esoteric Detective Halo Paranormal Investigations There are 3 ghosts that I know of that haunt Bass Lake Road and Bass Lake Recreation Area.  They are: 1. Lady in the White Nightgown. 2.  Bass Lake Road Old Man 3. Hide and Seek Shadow Man Most people have seen the Lady in the White Night Gown and the Bass Lake Road Old Man.  The Lady in the White Night Gown has been seen near the reservoir at the bend. When water flows over the road,


pauldaleroberts in Paranormal