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The Demon Warrior Speaks

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About this blog

My name is Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior.  I have a group called Halo Paranormal Investigations and we investigate ALL things paranormal.  Here are some of our stories.

Entries in this blog

The Haunted Diary

The Haunted Diary Paul Dale Roberts, HPI's Esoteric Detective Halo Paranormal Investigations Date of Call: 7/25/2022.  Time of Call: 13:12 pm (Pacific Standard Time).  Lori Gaines from Akron, Ohio says that she went to an estate sale in her neighborhood and purchased this old diary that was written by the deceased woman of the house.  Lori liked the way the diary looked. The diary cover had flowers, it looked old and the cursive writing was quite unique.  Lori bought the diary for $20.0


pauldaleroberts in Paranormal