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Places I have lived and Traveled

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Entries in this blog

Travel Entry 2: Hawaii

Welcome to part 2 of my travel blog. In this entry I would like to share my time in Hawaii. I lived in Honolulu Hawaii from (1997-1999). One of the things I can say about the island is the scenery. Great beaches, especially Waikiki are a must to visit. The weather is also wonderful year-round, you don't have to worry about cold winters and too much snow (Yes it does snow in Hawaii). The downside however is after a long period of time you start to miss the mainland, think of it as a form of cabin


Scholar4Truth in Travel

Travel: Alaska

Growing up an Army Brat, I have had to move various times in my life and travel to various places. The first that comes to my memory is Fort Greely Alaska. I lived there from the time I was 5 years old to 6 years old (1993-1994) So I spent my Kindergarden and First Grade years there. Many Years later I moved there again, this time to Anchorage (2003-2005). One thing I can tell you about Alaska is that the winters are long and cold almost all year around and it snows all the time. There are both


Scholar4Truth in Travel