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Piney's Blog

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Jersey Deviling

Entries in this blog

Northerner Quiz

@acute It's time to quiz @Stiff and see if he's truly a Northerner. He will be asked questions and with every wrong answer will be bitten by a house ferret without his shots. 1. What's the capital of England?    London   York   Bamburgh 2. Who's your preferred mates?   Londoners   Brummies   Scots 3. Do you consider yourself Saxon or Anglo-Norse? 4. What's your thoughts on ferrets? 5. How many family members are in the SAS? 6. How



Urantia- and some of W.S. Sadler's Nastiness

Found this  "Long Headed"......This caught my interest.  Then I found this. https://archive.org/details/longheadsroundhe00sadl/page/n8 'Long Heads and Round Heads or What's the Matter with Germany' Anybody wishing to slug through it is more than welcome. Northern Asians and Algonquians are round headed so it made me throw up a little in my mouth. This idea was also grabbed by many "Developmental Centers" ruining lives, people written off as stupid because the shap



Meh! Christmas

I was under verbal assault from a couple of relatives who noticed a lack of holiday ornamentation on and around this house.......so I thought about it....no way!....I will not demean my yard with inflatable snowmen or Santas but I thought I had my grandmom's old 2/3 scale plastic light up nativity somewhere in the barn hmmmm.... This could be made offensive and humorous I thought. I went to the barn loft to dig up this and I managed Mary, baby Jesus, a 2/3 scale plastic light up Santa and



Tri-racial fire drill

When I was a kid my aunt use to tell me "Your a flag! Your Indian, so the Whites took your land. Your Black, so the Whites enslaved you and your White so you did it to yourself. No wonder your f---ed up." My Black part wanted to riot and break some windows. My White part (which is conservative) told me to stop complaining and get a life. Then my Indian side got into it and deliberated for a long time....... I decided to form my own tribe. The rolls are now closed (unless Vanessa Williams want

