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About this blog

This blog began as just random tidbits that I would post of things that either irritated me or I found humorous. I still post those items to ease the pain of my third eye being blinded by a soup spoon, yet it’s evolved into so much more. I cover topics such as religion, entertainment, the unexplained, and whatever I may have thought was interesting at the time.

perhaps you will find something to your liking, or even disgust, but at the end of the day it’s my hope that you at the very least were entertained, and at most gave you something to think about.

Entries in this blog

Uncle Creepies Terrible Tales 2024.

The third and final Halloween entry for the ghastly tales in which I’ll share with you dear readers. This year will be far different than in years past. I will be creating stories based off of famous paintings despite a picture being worth a thousand words. Each story for the pictures will be in the dooblydoo directly underneath them and no more than a sentence or two. Shall we begin then?                


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Uncle Creepies 2024 Critter Cavalcade.

This is the third and final monster entry my Ghouls and Succubus.    First up is the Vampire and not the sparkly kind, they are lets say in the Vampire Protection Plan where they are being watched over by tween girls and their mothers. Don’t worry they’ll be safe.  Nosferatu - "Nosferatu" has been presented as an archaic Romanian word,[1] synonymous with "vampire". However, it was largely popularized in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by Western fiction such as the gothic novel D


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Uncle Creepies Halloween Trifecta: 2024 movie recommendations.

I will be breaking down the Halloween movie recommendations this year by category. There will be some repeats from previous years that will be balanced out with new recommendations. First things first so here’s a Halloween songs to get you in the mood   Kid friendly:  Coco, Muppets Haunted Mansion, Wendall and Wild (trailer below), Toy Story Of Terror, The scariest story ever, A Mickey Mouse Halloween Spooktacular, Wallace and Gromit: the curse of the were rabbit, Hocus Poc


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Valentines Day: Dark Chocolate And Other Crimes Against Nature.

Most people who think about Valentines day conjure images of cupids, roses, expensive dinner dates with wine, and holiday themed chocolates. Let us first explore the dark origins of the holiday, as well as feature some rogues in history. The dark origins of Valentine's Day Updated February 14, 2022 7:49 AM ET  By  Arnie Seipel Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate romance and love and kissy-face fealty. But the origins of this festival of candy and cupids are actually d


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Christmas Critters - Frau Perchta and Gryla.

A Bohemian depiction of Frau Perchta from 1910. / Wikimedia // Public Domain Tales told in Germany and Austria sometimes feature a witch named Frau Perchta who hands out both rewards and punishments during the 12 days of Christmas (December 25 through Epiphany on January 6). She is best known for her gruesome punishment of the sinful: She will rip out your internal organs and replace them with garbage. The ugly image of Perchta may show up in Christmas processions in Austria, somewhat like


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Break out the yule log and Judo Chop!

The Christmas season is upon us and has been since Halloween honestly, there are some who are thankful that the November turkey day is over and I’m not talking about the elections at the beginning of the month. Last year Christmas blogs I did something about Krampus, and other winter holidays. This year I’ll do something a little different and perhaps spark some ideas for people to do small acts of kindness towards their fellow human beings.    Usually at this time of year it really bothe


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Jive Turkey And The Non Traditional Thanksgiving Day Post.

Tired of listening to that one crazy Uncle’s political and religious tirades? How about the conspiratorial cousin going on about Illuminati lizard aliens infiltrating the governments around the world to enslave us by putting fluoride in the water? Got an aunt who claims she has proof that scientists are turning frogs gay? If so then they need to come to UM, but if it’s a break your looking forward too than here’s a non traditional blog for the Thanksgiving ‘holiday’. Instead of turkeys here


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Uncle Creepies Tales Of Terror 2023

Welcome to the years final unholy trinity blog for this Halloween season in the year of our Under Lord 2023, with your good ole Uncle Creepies Tales of Terror! Some stories may not be suited for the feint of heart, continue at your own risk, you’ve been warned! Listen to the following as you read these terrors.  Like last year we will present to you ghastly tales of terror for your reading leisure whilst the wind howls outside, driving the rain against the window pane, and the occasion


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Uncle Creepies Halloween Speak Easy For The Dead 2023

Last Halloweens mid post crisis involved monsters from around the world. This year we will tackle contacting those on the other side for fun and not for profit. But first lets have our Halloween Hymn “God is in his holy temple”, sung by the incomparable ghost preacher, Reverend Kane from Poltergeist II. For those who wish to imbibe some spirits this fine holiday then here’s my Halloween vodka cocktail recommendation. Made with Crystal Skull Vodka by none other then Dan Ackroyd of


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Uncle Creepies Halloween Revival 2023

Thank you MJ for opening this blog with your classic ‘Thriller’ and now for the rest of the show. Greetings to you my patrons of the macabre and grotesque. Once again we find ourselves willingly or kicking and screaming in to the Halloween season. A time of year where we delight in scares, monsters, daemons, and least we forget that kindly neighbor that lives in the dilapidated house where the constant screams of their devilish hell beasts drowns out the guttural sounds of cats sizing each


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Happy US day of insurrection.

So once again we find ourself coming up on the 4th of July. Fireworks, beer, burgers and dogs, and numerous ‘hold my beer’ moments, and softball will undoubtedly occur. Just in case someone doesn't know why the US celebrates the fourth of July, a primer: The original 13 colonies (on the east coast) were British territories. Some stuff happened that upset people but a big one was the Boston tea party. A bunch of blokes not happy about paying extra taxes on tea dumped that in the bay. There slogan


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Ready Thy Midol Ladies, Todays Topic Is About Krampus.

Sorry for the fright, Halloween is truly over. I would like to explore the darker side of Christmas with the German winter bogey named Krampus. But first, who or what is Krampus? At Britannica.com he is described as follows Krampus, in central European popular legend, a half-goat, half-demon monster that punishes misbehaving children at Christmastime. He is the devilish companion of St. Nicholas. Krampus is believed to have originated in Germany, and his name derives from the German word Kr


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Twas the night before moola’s hobo Shepards pie

At the time this drops it wll be past Thanksgiving so no tales of pin the scalp on the pilgrim that was a traditional game played when I spent that holiday on the res with friends. Perhaps those in a Turkey coma will awaken from their triptifan slumbers, stretch and yawn as  they realize “Woah! I’m missing out on some nuggets of weirdness from NBM.” Well one can imagine can’t they?      So I will do a single Christmas blog this season. To tell the long and short of it, I’m not a big fan of


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Uncle Creepies Tales of Terror

“Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks, when she saw what she had done she gave her father forty one.”       Thank you Madam Dahlia for that jaunty little rendition of a children’s rhyme involving a wood cutting implement. As for the rest welcome to the third and final installment of this years Halloween extravaganza. It’s been a journey filled with the hellish delights of sugar plumb fairies being victimized by dastardly delinquents. Prepare yourself for the final leg


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Uncle Creepies Halloween Extravaganza pt. 2

Are you ready my maggoty Nieces and Nephews? I bring you part two of my Halloween extravaganza. If my entertainment recommendations didn’t raise’ the dead then perchance what’s next just might raise the hair on the back of your neck. Let’s take the next leg of the journey but beware, if you stray from this path one of the featured beasties just might… nibble on your toes. I know, how horrifying would that be? Lets find out. part 2 we’ll deal with critters, creeps, and creatures of myth and


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Uncle Creepies Halloween Extravaganza!

The great thing about October is it starts and ends with great Holidays. October first is 1001 day and of course the 31st is Halloween. With it now being officially the spooky season, I thought I would make a variety of horror recommendations for your watching, listening, and reading pleasure.  So without further ado lets start off with the television recommendations shall we? 1) Home (X-files), the episode with the disturbing peacock family. They do everything as a family, and I mean


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog

Tis the season to be… wait what? Disney owns that saying? Ahhh bolloks!

So the last week or so like in years past I have been hearing a lot about the war on Christmas. Perhaps in N. Korea and China but not here in the U.S. or other democratic nations. So unless some brown shirt and Jack boot type kick your door in and steal your pagan Christmas tree, mistletoe, and other iconography at gun point then there is no war. believe it or not there are other holidays at this time of year and some predate the birth of the holy baby with ball ping hammer and finishing na


newbloodmoon in Holiday blog