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About this blog

This blog began as just random tidbits that I would post of things that either irritated me or I found humorous. I still post those items to ease the pain of my third eye being blinded by a soup spoon, yet it’s evolved into so much more. I cover topics such as religion, entertainment, the unexplained, and whatever I may have thought was interesting at the time.

perhaps you will find something to your liking, or even disgust, but at the end of the day it’s my hope that you at the very least were entertained, and at most gave you something to think about.

Entries in this blog

Weird Tales: H. P. Lovecraft

BornHoward Phillips Lovecraft August 20, 1890 -March 15, 1937 (aged 46) Providence, Rhode Island, U.S. Married to Sonia Haft Greene Lovecraft, they eventually divorced… sort of. H. P. Lovecraft had never signed the divorce papers, I haven’t been able to find out an explanation as to why (perhaps divorce was a dirty word and he didn’t wish to besmirch the Lovecraft name) but Sophie eventually went on to remarry a gentleman named Samuel Greene. Though the most controversial of the we


newbloodmoon in Horror stories

Ohhh the horror! Not just for halloween you sexy witch.

So today I’m going to discuss my two favorite witch related movies that doesn’t involve beach faring ones. I guess this will be a non bologna filler episode, lets get to it shall we. To get us in the mood a song….    Now for the first movie for todays discussion is the 1922 silent film Haxan by Benjamin Christianson. Now if you don’t mind silent movies I highly recommend this movie. As with many silent movies the over exaggerated movements will lend itself quite nicel


newbloodmoon in Horror stories

Tiny Terrors

So here’s my thought and I’m going to let my fellow UMsters help decide… or I just might do it regardless but still looking for feedback. My thought is creating short horror fiction and posting it here for others to maybe enjoy  


newbloodmoon in Horror stories