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All your faults in me...

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Funny Dream...



...Not really funny, but it was wicked.

I dreamed that UniversalAbsurdity lived next door...no joke. So me and some friends went in and he was sat down on a couch, typing away on a laptop. I looked over, and who was in the other chair?


So, we all proceeded to go drinking, and have a wicked time...although I can't remember much of the dream.

Point is, it was funny...and I think I should stop spending as much time in the Chat...lol



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Universal Absurdity



WAAAAY too much time in chat ;)

*looks at pandy* the drugs arent working...we'll have to up his dose

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I'm glad you don't remember the whole thing.......

Gawd only knows what you had me doing :lol:

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Universal Absurdity


Well jo, because this is proof that i am god. Its not tangible evidence by any means *checks last box on list* , but if you have faith, one day you will believe.

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Well jo, because this is proof that i am god. Its not tangible evidence by any means *checks last box on list* , but if you have faith, one day you will believe.


I admit you are god, as long as I get to be your counterpart evil deity.

pfft! I don't get to go dream drinking why?!?!?!?!

You're a dirty hippy.

Guess I can't argue with this.

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Universal Absurdity


Cant do that for you either jo, that would imply that i'm god of some nutty religion, you know, the kind where they go around askin if you've found some dead guy. I cant have that, they'd start blaming me for all sorts of things. Instead, i'll be the all encompassing god, and i wont kill you :yes:

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Go plot somewhere else :P

I really dont think you where doing anything Pandy....but who knows :lol:

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