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UM social shifts and rubber chickens



A skeptical rennaissance is about to happen right here on UM. I think we've reached a point here where utter ridiculousness and fanatacism have reached critical mass. For too long it's gone unchecked except by the few people who still have energy to argue. But that's about to change. If you've read around lately you'll see what I mean. Blind belief is starting to collapse in on itself; much like every house with no foundation is bound to do. Let the Logic Crusade begin!
M. Falco said that, and its got me thinking. thats not the only big shift going on on UM right now. does it seem to anybody else that the younger members are being accepted more and more into the forum? lately i see us being truly listened to, and recognized, and most of all, stepping outside of our age group and talking and being talked to, in ways that we havent been doing in a long time.

i got a rubber chicken today. it was supposed to be a christmas present, but it came in the mail late. its fun. i named it 'plucky' (since its a dead chicken and it's feathes have been plucked).


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I don't know if it's true for every younger member; but if you didn't actually say how old you were; nobody would realize you were a younger person. Naturally, anybody with your intelligence will be listened to..

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Falco's right, man, I didn't even know you were a teenager till I looked at your profile. You tend to have a pretty clear view of things, Mudd.

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thats not the only big shift going on on UM right now. does it seem to anybody else that the younger members are being accepted more and more into the forum? lately i see us being truly listened to, and recognized, and most of all, stepping outside of our age group and talking and being talked to, in ways that we havent been doing in a long time.

Not for all of the younger members, but more and more are getting treated more like adults. I find that if I tend to be less careless with giving out my age, (14), the more respect I get.

Also, if my posts usually have a good point and are well thought-out, (along with the occasional vocab word wink2.gif ) people here could care less how old I was. Most people guess I'm about 18-30. cool.gif

I find that going here does wonders for my school papers and other stuff like that. I had a vocabulary test today, and I missed 7 school days due to my family's Christmas planning. We get 3 new words each day, so I missed a lot. You want to know what percentage I got right? 100%.

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