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We tend to think of ‘Christ in our neighbor’, instead of thinking ‘Christ is our neighbor’,



We tend to think of ‘Christ in our neighbor’,
instead of thinking ‘Christ is our neighbor’,

“The proof of your love for God is the affectionate care you take of your neighbor. Be sure that you see Me in him, that you charm Me when you charm him. This will keep you humble beside him. Always be the smallest. Think of the size of the Host. Begin today to do your best to speak to Me when you speak to your neighbor. I expect this of you this afternoon when you get together with your friends. You would not want to refuse Me anything this week of My passion, would you? Begin. I’ll continue. When you were very little, your mother would say, ‘Three stitches on the canvas,’ and that was all you did; she finished the row. Look at Me. Am I not still more tender than your mother? How happy you will be when you believe in love as it is, as I give it to you now, and as I want to give it to you in eternity.

Bossis, Gabrielle. He and I (Kindle Locations 2540-2545). Pauline Books and Media. Kindle Edition.

In the “He and I” book, there is always a tenderness found that Christians can seem afraid to believe is actually true. The incarnation happened, perhaps for one reason, is to show us that while we try to create God in our image, it is always short of the mark. We understand limitations. Punishment, anger, wrath, are concepts that we are very familiar with because we experience them, as well as feel them in our own hearts when hurt, or disappointed, by those we love and therefore are vulnerable. Love does make the heart a target. That goes for both men and women.

In the incarnation, we are shown the total intimacy that God has with each of us. The love of God, according to the revelation of Jesus, is not something global, but a love that is unique and directed towards each of us. I find this concept hard to grasp, so I have decided just to try to live out this truth and not have some sort of logical explanation for something way beyond my captivity to do myself.

We tend to think of ‘Christ in our neighbor’, instead of thinking ‘Christ is our neighbor’, under the many disguises that we meet every day in those around us. It is here in this world that we meet Jesus, and in that, also the Trinity, in which each of us dances with every day though hidden from our eyes.

We are called as followers of Christ, to actually become his face in the world. Jesus wept over Jerusalem, each soul that lived in that city was known by him, and he had an infinite tenderness for each one, particular to their own inner lives. So yes he wept, his passion started way before Holy Thursday. Ask any loving parent about what is the cost of their love?

Jesus loves all in an infinite manner, he loves the way the most loving parent loves, and more. His mercy is infinite because he sees all, and no explanation is needed, he sees, understands, and in that is his mercy as well as justice.

We are called as followers of Christ, to actually become his face in the world. Jesus wept over Jerusalem, each soul that lived in that city was known by him, and he had an infinite tenderness for each one, particular to their own inner lives. So yes he wept, his passion started way before Holy Thursday. Ask any loving parent about what is the cost of their love?

So yes, what if, we Christians began today to see that all those whom we meet, no matter who they are, are Christ Jesus, for that is the true depth of intimacy that the Lord has with each of us. Strangers, family, enemies, can lead us to a deeper understanding of what this love cost Jesus, who could not protect himself from our pain, fragmentation, and self-loathing, no, he experience all of it. He never lost sight of our unique humanity.

We are counseled to be the salt of the earth, which is a healing metaphor. We are also called to be ‘light’, but not in a manner that causes more alienation, but in showing others that before God they are loved and there is no need to fear.

It is one big Gordian-Knot, the many problems, and evil in this world, that only grace’s gentle
healing can untie. Will we allow ourselves to be used by God, one person at a time?-Br.MD

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