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Prison is a tough school for those who seek God.




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Prison is a tough school for those who seek God.

My prisoner friend is doing better at this time.
Below is another letter, with some quotes from him.
I am amazed at how God works in prison
with those who are open to the Holy Spirit.

Please pray for him, and for all men and women
in prison. There are many factors involved, so it is
impossible to judge, but we can support, encourage
and love and accept them. We all need healing,
and we are called to heal in how we love, relate and
and accept others-Br.MD

~~~~~I'm starting to understand the real job of a priest. Sure, the Sacraments - bringing Jesus to the people -
but the most important part is to "be" Jesus for the people. To be a guide for the sheep and help them find their way. T
o be a good example, and someone they can turn to when they're troubled. Like you have always been for me.~~~~~

That is what we are all called to my friend. As it says in the Epistle of Peter, we all belong to the Priesthood of the people.
No small thing, but something real, important, and needs to be lived out. I believe that you are doing that
Joseph by working with the other prisoners. The closer we come to Christ Jesus,
the more we find ourselves loving others. Of course, there is a struggle,
that is how we grow by making choices when we are tempted to stop or give up.

~~~~I fail miserably! I do fine when things are good, but as soon as times get rough, I crumble.
I have a lot of growing up to do, if I will ever be any good for God's flock.
This is where He has sent me, and I have to see what work He has for me here.~~~~

Growth in self-knowledge is not easy, but necessary. What you said above is true for me as well.
It is about always beginning again, and in that, we leave room for grace to grow, and over time,
we find ourselves in a more expansive place. Conversion is a lifelong process. As we both grow,
the realization is that the good days and the rough days are the same in God’s eyes.
He wants us to grow into becoming an Icon for His beloved Son.

~~~~I've been talking to some of the men here. I may start a Bible study soon,
beginning with the Bible Basics class I was teaching for the Faith-Based program.~~~~

The word of God is living, and when read every day our love of scriptures and the Lord deepen.
Often the reading of the Bible can seem dry, but it is later that we see the grace flowing in.
Jesus is really the living water who waters and nourishes our souls. You are doing great work, you are growing where God has planted you.

~~~~~Still haven't seen any counselors - Mental Health or otherwise - but I did get a Book request
turned in for the "Why all People Suffer". I'll let you know when it gets approved. Thank you.~~~~~

I do hope that they allow you to receive it. It is a good read and can be helpful in understanding
life according to our Christian understanding of life and its meaning.
Stay grounded in Christ, and it will certainly help your mental health.
We all go through cycles, and our faith can help us to be centered
and rooted when things get rough.-Br.MD

Edited by markdohle


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