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Prisoners struggle for faith and trust




Prisoners struggle for faith and trust

One of the prisoners I am writing is named William. I would think that for those seeking God, the dark
times can be very bleak indeed when incarcerated. It is hard to respond to them sometimes, but then, I find
that if I talk from my own experience I may be able to address their struggles. It is our common, though unique experiences,
that can allow communication to actually happen, with some trust thrown into the mix. William is going through a rough patch
with his faith, and prayer. I can understand that because I have gone through this, and will no doubt go through it a few more times
before I die. These times of struggle are moments when we make a very conscious choice on which way we will go,
it brings us to the very epic center of the mystery of faith and free will.

William, I know it must be a struggle for you to pray. I also understand that you feel alone, it is human, and
painful as well. It is then that we can forget to trust in God's love for us, and doubt that our prayers are real.
One thing you should understand William, is that when you pray, or even attempt to pray, or think about it,
it is God’s grace at work. When you fail to respond, still, keep going. Get through the day, and seek to grow in
the trust of God every day.

To trust is a choice, our emotions, and feelings, come and go, but to trust in God is the Rock we can stand on.
The greatest attribute of God is mercy, and with that flows love and compassion for you. Doubts are understandable,
but they can be helpful for then you have to make a conscious choice to have faith, and to love God for Himself,
which is no small thing. Look to Jesus, not to yourself.



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