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May Our Hands Gather in Unity




May Our Hands Gather in Unity

“Lend Me your hand to write. Lend Me your voice to teach the little
ones the living truth. Lend Me your gestures to love them.

And to cheer your pastor in his duties, lend Me your kindness. In this way, through you,
I shall be among them, among yours. Your influence will be increased and you
will think less of yourself. ‘This is not the fruit of my own effort,’ you will say.
‘Jesus was there with me.’ Say it to yourself over and over again; it will keep you humble. And humility is truth.

Bossis, Gabrielle. He and I (p. 206).
Pauline Books and Media. Kindle Edition.

People will often ask me what I think of other religions.  I believe that other faith paths are seeking God, and through their personal experience, they come to explanations that become religions.  Our seeking after truth, God, and meaning, are all responses to the call of grace that is given to everyone. 

The Christian faith is the way that God tells us the truth about His nature, as well as His will towards mankind.  Jesus shows us the Father by the way he taught, healed, and treated others.  True He could be ‘angry’ and challenged some in a way that could be seen as rough.  Yet it was the only way that He could reach those who were in authority.  He did not seek to humiliate anyone but to lead all to the truth of God’s love and mercy.

As Christians, we are called to love God with our whole self and to love our neighbors as ourselves.  We are also called to put on the mind of Christ Jesus and to live out of that reality. 

It does not take long for the beginner to understand that it can’t be done by willpower, or by willfulness.  No, it is done by being willing to let Jesus fill our souls so that he can work through our humanity to touch others deeply.

Below is the Unity Prayer that I would recommend others to pray and meditate upon.  It is very Pauline in Spirit.   St. Paul said:  It is not I who live, but Christ who lives in me.  In Baptism, we die and rise with Christ Jesus. 

Unity Prayer

My adorable Jesus,
May our feet journey together,
May our hands gather in unity,
May our hearts beat in unison,
May our souls be in harmony,
May our thoughts be as one,
May our ears listen to the silence together,
May our glances profoundly penetrate each other,
May our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father,  


(Unity Prayer given by our Lord Jesus
to Elizabeth Kindelmann

It is by God’s grace that we exist, by grace that we seek truth, by grace that we have faith, or seek after it.  It is grace that shows us our need for healing, mercy, and a new beginning.  It is all grace, yet we have the freedom to respond.  Our response, no matter what it is, may take a lifetime to reach, but reach it we will.  Begin today, now is the acceptable time. -BrMD


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