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tcgram's Blog

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The holidays last year were really weird for me; I went through the motions, but my heart wasn't in any of it.   This year, things look different.   Although I feel some sadness about facing another round of holidays without my husband, I find myself wanting to make new memories and to (in some small way) still honor my husband.   So this year I will put up a Christmas tree (I could not emotionally handle it last year), put the ornaments on it in memory of not only my husband and our life together, but also put up the ornaments of those close to my heart who have passed on.   I was recently given a couple of butterfly ornaments to place on my tree in memory of my friend, Kara.  I will find a special place for them, just as she had (and still does have) a special place in my heart.   :wub:

Edited by tcgram

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Posted (edited)

5 minutes ago, Piney said:

I still finished decorating for Christmas but it seems like a empty gesture.

I very much understand that.   I could not even decorate last year, my heart wasn't in any of it.   I loved seeing family and friends but I just felt empty inside.   This year looks a bit different but still painful nonetheless.   Hang in there, my friend.   I know it is hard and I wish there were some way to lessen the pain for you.   

Edited by tcgram
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2 hours ago, tcgram said:

I very much understand that.   I could not even decorate last year, my heart wasn't in any of it.   I loved seeing family and friends but I just felt empty inside.   This year looks a bit different but still painful nonetheless.   Hang in there, my friend.   I know it is hard and I wish there were some way to lessen the pain for you.   

I decorated when she was sleeping so I could surprise her in the morning. She was so happy. But I still wanted to do the finishing touches.

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