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Spring-Heeled Jack at the Green Valley Vortex



Spring-Heeled Jack at the Green Valley Vortex
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI's Esoteric Detective
Sacramento Paranormal Investigations
Halo Paranormal Investigations

The Green Valley Vortex is a very strange place. It's located by Auburn and Colfax. Some people call it the Green Valley Triangle and the closest occupied building to the Green Valley Vortex is the Weimar Institute at 20601 W. Paoli Lane, Colfax, CA. The first person that took me to this location of high strangeness is a former HPI investigator named Amanda "Mandy" Lewis. Talking to Mandy I learned that there have been two UFO sightings at the Vortex. Back in 1977, I was a firefighter at the CAL FIRE/Placer County Fire Department - Station 30 - Colfax, and I was able to talk to some of my former teammates. They tell me that a crop circle was once at the Vortex and a lady named Susan McCormick from Monterey, CA saw a Bigfoot. In the local Colfax newspaper, dated 1978, it read that 2 high school boys saw a blue disc land in the Vortex and 2 robotic aliens came out of the disc and chased them.  Besides aliens and Bigfoot, you have a cluster of wandering ghosts. The Weimar Institute back in the 20s and 30s was a tuberculosis sanitarium. Many people died and are buried at the Vortex.  A simple wooden stake and template with the patient's number marks the sight where victims of tuberculosis are buried. Near this makeshift cemetery are crooked manzanitas, and people see wandering spirits all over this cemetery.   

People hiking through the area have encountered ghosts on Frontier Trail and Coyote Creek Trail. A lady from the Weimar Institute told Mandy and me, that a woman hiking in the area, safe-guarded a bear cub from a mountain lion.  She saved the bear cub and in the midst of her heroism, she was mauled to death by the mountain lion.  Her spirit is seen at the Vortex and when people see her, the skin from her face has been scratched off. Her face is covered in blood. Another unusual event is that an archaeologist discovered dinosaur bones from a Sauropod by Clipper Gap at the Vortex. A hiker named Howard saw a "Lightning Pixie" at the Vortex.  The pixie looked like lightning and then changed into a bright little humanoid creature that darted off and vanished.  

Now that you know of all the craziness at the Green Valley Vortex, let me tell you about a recent sighting of Spring-Heeled Jack. This sighting didn't happen in the British Isles, where previous sightings of Spring-Heeled Jack has been seen. Let's talk a bit about the history of Spring-Heeled Jack.  Spring-Heeled Jack was first seen in England in 1837.  People describe Spring-Heeled Jack as having clawed hands, red glowing eyes, breathes out fire, wears a black cloak, can leap up to 9 feet, wears a helmet and wears a tight-fitting outfit.  The last sighting of Spring-Heeled Jack was in 1904. Some people describe Spring-Heeled Jack as a devilish looking character with a sinister smile.  Spring-Heeled Jack attacked two English girls with brutal savagery.  It is also believed that Spring-Heeled Jack was seen in Czechoslovakia. In Czechoslovakia, they call him Perak - The Spring Man of Prague. When I visited Prague, I went to some of the areas of the city where Perak was seen. I did not encounter Perak, but I sure was looking for him. Now to the sighting at the Green Valley Vortex.  Here is the report I got from Julie Pavlovic of Santa Monica, Ca. Julie was visiting her friend Debbie in Colfax and they decided to do some hiking at the Green Valley Vortex.   

Julie and Debbie saw a small creature hopping as high as 7 feet through the manzanita trees. The creature had a black cape, long nose and red beady eyes. The hands on this creature looked metallic with sharp fingernails. The smile on this creature was hideous. Julie said that the creature either had long ears or horns.  Julie and Debbie picked up long sticks for protection and threw some rocks at the creature.  The creature hopped backwards to avoid being hit by the rocks and with a flash, the creature was gone. Julie and Debbie hightailed it out of there. Their hearts pounding with fright. When they reached their car, they left the area immediately. Julie feels that there is a vortex at the Green Valley Vortex and that interdimensional creatures are coming through the Vortex.  I also believe what Julie is saying about a vortex being located in this area, because it was reported that a vortex opened up at the Green Valley Vortex and a Bigfoot creature was seen coming out of the portal. Further investigation is warranted.   

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When you say that "Spring-Heeled Jack attacked two English girls with brutal savagery.", what did he actually do?

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