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Places I have lived and Traveled

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Travel: Alaska



Growing up an Army Brat, I have had to move various times in my life and travel to various places. The first that comes to my memory is Fort Greely Alaska. I lived there from the time I was 5 years old to 6 years old (1993-1994) So I spent my Kindergarden and First Grade years there. Many Years later I moved there again, this time to Anchorage (2003-2005). One thing I can tell you about Alaska is that the winters are long and cold almost all year around and it snows all the time. There are both pros and cons of living in Alaska;

Long Winters 
High Cost of Living

Outdoor Recreation such as Hunting and Fishing 
No State Income Tax
Friendly people

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Commander CMG


I envy you living in Alaska, one of three places I would love to have visited and the ones I wished I had🥰.  Do you have any photos of your time there?

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