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tcgram's Blog

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Life Changes



As most of you know, I lost my mom recently after her being in ICU for a little over a month.   When the doctors told her they could do no more for her, she cried and I held her in my arms.   She then made the decision that she wanted to go home to die, not in the hospital.   My younger brother and I were not in agreement to this and as a result, it took several days to finally get her home.   She went home on hospice and passed the same day.   I believe she was waiting until we were all there around her, including my 2 best friends who she thought of as daughters as well.  She was very brave for facing death and wanting to go on her terms.   She insisted on no more surgeries, no more dialysis.   She said she was simply done.   I can only hope when it is my turn to leave this body behind that I will be able to go as peacefully, with dignity and have those I love around me.  :wub:


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Grim Reaper 6


TCGRAM, I am very sincerely sorry for this loss. 

Hope everything is going ok for you and your children!!!!

Peace TC

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With everything you've been through over the past few years, hopefully it is your time for some peace and calm in your life.

Very sorry TC...

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I can't say I know how you feel, darlin', but I can say I know how it felt to lose my own momma, and after eight years that emptiness and loneliness has never gone away. In life, we have to learn to live with some hard things, but it's the livin' without that's hardest of all.

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