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The Precious Blood (God with us)




The Precious Blood
(God with us)

You are My beloved spouse of My Most Precious Blood. It is My Blood that refreshes the soul and brings forth new life in the Spirit. My little one, My Blood, poured out for mankind, has been trampled on. It has not been received as My gift of Myself to humanity. At every Mass, My Blood is present to you (pl.) to receive into your own hearts. This Blood is the power of My love for you (pl.). This Blood is sacred, for it is the Blood of the Lamb of God who voluntarily laid down His life for you (pl) so that you can be free. Yet My Blood has not been received. Your tears are one with My tears and Mary’s, for the wrath of God is upon the earth. My Blood saves, restores, heals, and brings forth new life. Yet the world has chosen to give their good God the blood of the most innocent, My little ones in the wombs of their mothers, and the blood of the slaughtered innocent ones on the streets of the world. This is the blood of (the victims of) Satan, the blood (shed on account) of evil. You have been chosen by the Father to bring to God the blood of My martyrs of love; the blood shed with tears of pure love as one with Me. This blood hidden to the world has the power to cast out evil and usher in the reign of peace. Continue to unite these pure martyrs of My Divine Love to save the world from utter destruction.

Community, Love Crucified. Teaching
Manual Love Crucified 2020 (pp. 142-143). Kindle Edition.

When a soldier dies on the battlefield he or she gives their life blood.  Blood is life, we go to the Red Cross to donate our blood for those who need it.  Sometimes that blood will be the difference between life and death.  It is an act of love. 

Christ Jesus also died in battle for our souls.  He allowed himself to be beat down, tortured, abandoned and betrayed, yet in all of that as His blood ran from his body, he loved and forgave.  To forgive is a great sacrifice.  We all know it because for most people to forgive can be a very long process.  If we do not forgive, we stay under the power of those who harmed us, we become like them.   It is a very terrible situation lived out all over the world. 

The human situation is often a ‘Gordian Knot’, it cannot be untied by us, but only from the center where grace is at work.   God’s infinite love is grace, stronger than death, nothing can extinguish the love God has for us.

We can extinguish our love for God and others and for that we pay a heavy price.  Our very humanity is swallowed up in evil, we cease to exist as humans and become monsters if it is allowed to continue to grow.  The wrath of God is against the horror of sin, not at his children. 

We live in a cold culture, and perhaps as time goes on, more unloving.  Today abortion is celebrated, and as the laws become more liberal and crueler.  Yet it has become mundane, expected, and yes celebrated.  For Christians it has simply become one issue among many.

In the Christian faith, God is not above and far away, but in the lives of each of us.  One with our pain, love, suffering and our often despairing quest for truth.  We are never alone.

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ save us and the whole world!-Br.MD


Edited by markdohle

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