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The Shadow Person on F Street & the Demon from Arkansas




DRAWING EXPLAINED:  New ghost hunting group called Abnormal Paranormal. Concept by Paul Dale Roberts. Artwork by Richard Vasseur. 

It seems like nowadays everyone is interested in the paranormal. All I have to do is open up my TV Guide and see all of the true and fictional TV shows on the paranormal. Here are some of the shows that are listed: Monster Quest, UFO Files - History Channel; Sci-Fi Channel has Destiny Truth and Ghosthunters aka T.A.P.S.; Most Haunted - Travel Channel; Medium - NBC; Lisa Williams - Life Among the Dead - Lifetime; Rescue Mediums - W Network; A Haunting - Discovery Channel; Saving Grace - TNT; Bio Channel has Ghostly Encounters, Haunted History, Psychic Investigators and Dead Famous; Psychic Detectives - Court TV; Supernatural - CW TV; New Amsterdam - Fox and now the upcoming Paranormal State by A&E. Everyone wants to believe in the afterlife. Everyone, including myself wants to believe that there is more than the life we have here on this world. We all seek immortality, if we admit it or not. I, for one have sought out the truth and discovered the truth. I know that there is such a thing as energy entities, as I would like to call them, instead of calling them ghosts, for I saw my first full body apparition in a home in Marysville. A lot of people have their own paranormal experiences, it may not have anything to do with hauntings or seeing a ghost. It may have to do with something that is on the dimensional level or frequency that energy entities may frequent. Let's take for example my interview with Neko Wolf (nickname - not her real name). She calls herself an 'animal whisperer'.

Neko at a young age knew she had a connection with animals. It wasn't a connection that we may all experience with animals, but it was more a psychic connection. She feels she has an animal spirit inside her and one of her amazing abilities that she performed in front of me was the ability of imitating the sounds of snakes, dogs, cats, mules, a variety of birds and even a Cheetah! I was shocked to hear these realistic animal sounds coming from the throat of this young lady. Her story had me hooked. She even makes claims to making contact with real nymphs from the trees or the forest. She always felt like she had an animal spirit inside her and she also had the feeling of Deja Vu in regard to having a past life as a Bastet priestess from Egypt. She discovered her unusual powers when she was able to communicate with her family pet, a cat. She has always felt a strong bonding with all animals and nature itself. A bird once came to her and communicated that it had a broken wing and needed help, it perched on her shoulder and took up to her immediately. One of her other abilities is the body movements of horses from trotting to standing, with these horse like body movements, she is able to further her communication with horses. Emily is an amazing young lady and with the world of the paranormal, anything is possible, her story was consistent and very fascinating.

Being a paranormal investigator, I have opened the door to everything paranormal and I am willing to learn from my experiences and accept stories like Neko's story with an open mind. But, besides hearing stories, I am willing to investigate paranormal activity with a scientific approach. That approach happens Friday, December 7, 2007. I am heading over to a residential haunting on F Street in Sacramento at 1900 hours. Shannon McCabe, President of HPI, brought this email to my attention:

Nicole Smith, occupant of this home writes:
"Hi, my name is Nicole. I have recently moved into my first apartment (about 4 months ago) on my own downtown. I live at XXX F Street. I know that this area is known to have a lot of activity. Recently a friend has been staying with me and we both have been having strange things happening. Andy (my friend staying with me) has been having reoccurring dream about a man coming around the corner from the kitchen and slowly walking up to her. The past few dreams the man has been getting closer and last time it told her that doesn't want us to stay here. I live in a house that is split into 4 apartments. We have started taking pictures around the house and found what we think are orbs. We have been pretty apprehensive about calling them orbs, because we know that most orbs end up being dust. I will let you know that around Halloween time we had a séance, we did have some weird light changes. We video taped it and would be happy to provide you with a copy. Since then I have become uncomfortable alone in my house. I think that I am freaking myself out because of all the bad things that you hear. We hear lots of noises since we live downstairs we hear everything upstairs and we have gotten pretty good at distinguishing what noises are which, but we have one that we cannot figure out. The noise is a tapping that comes from the right hand corner of our living room. The tapping noise will last about 15-30 seconds at a time and about every couple of days this occurs. We have checked the exterior or the building and can't figure it out. I apologize that I am all over the place in relating this story, but I keep remembering things and wanting to give you as much info as possible. I have talked to the neighbors about everything that has been occurring in my home. The couple right above me has not had anything unusual happen to them, but their roommate says he sees things all the time. I don't think that if there is anything harmful here, the other people in the home have been here for 6 years and had no issues and the time that I have been here nothing has threatened or tried to hurt either one of us. I am just curious and would like your opinion on if we do have something paranormal happening here. I am afraid to cleanse the house because if there is something here, I don't what to aggravate anything. I am already on edge with the seance. I would love to hear back from you. My house is open to you if you would like to take a look around or if you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email or you can call at XXX."

My HPI posse arrives. They are core paranormal investigator/scouts Cherie Vincent and Donna Reynolds. Tonight I am the lead investigator of this investigation. Before arriving at F Street, I stopped at the residence of Shannon McCabe to get a full briefing of what we might expect at this investigation. The equipment that we have at our disposal are: 1 video camera, 1 EMF Reader, 2 digital cameras, 2 Listen Up sound enhancers, 2 audio digital recorders, 1 pendalum, 1 set of dowsing rods.

While I started my interview with the occupant, Nicole Smith, I had Donna set up the audio digital recorders in the back rooms. Nicole tells me that she moved into this residence in mid-August of 2007. In September the paranormal activity commenced. Nicole started feeling uncomfortable in her new surroundings, she had this constant feeling of being watched. Cupboards were opening and closing, she would hear footsteps in the kitchen. Her roommate, Andy, saw a shadowy figure brush up against her. Andy could only describe it as a dark figure of a man. One of her friends that came over to visit, started feeling nauseous, then started getting a feeling of sadness. Her friend claims to be an empath and could feel the presence of a sad small child in the apartment. This home that Nicole lives in was split into 4 apartments in 1952. Exactly how old is the structure is anyone's guess.

During our investigation, I took over 100 photographs and I wasn't getting any pictures that I would consider paranormal. We investigated the huge basement underneath this apartment and I managed to photograph a zillion dust orbs. Donna was not communicating with any entity using her pendulum or her dowsing rods. The Listen Up Sound Enhancers picked up no audible voices from an unknown source. As the time past on, I finally managed to get some orb pictures in the main living room. We still need to analyze these shots to rule out dust. There was one unusual photograph that I took... As I positioned my camera towards the ceiling, I snapped one photo and there was a clear picture of the ceiling that reflected the light from my flash. I took another and an ominous shadow was now in that frame of picture. I snapped another and the shadow was gone. Was this the dark shadow of a man that Andy had witnessed? Why would a shadow be projected on the ceiling, when the flash should eliminate all shadows? This one photograph was questionable.

As I got home, I received a call from Shannon and told her my results so far, and that I was still waiting for the EVP results from Cherie and Donna. Note: The EVP results will be placed at the end of this article.

After I got off the phone with Shannon, I received a call from Rebekah Stephenson from Arkansas. I talked about Rebekah aka Becka in my previous article. I discussed how she may have summoned a demon in her life through the use of a Ouija Board. In my studies of demonology, I told Rebekah to get baptized, she has never been baptized. I explained to her how to cleanse her home. I told her the proper way to dispose of an Ouija Board. She tossed her Ouija Board into a river. One of the dreams that she had before tossing her Ouija Board into the river, is that the demon was tossing her into the river. Now that she has disposed of the Ouija Board, cleansed the house and received a baptism, she has no more reoccurring nightmares of this demon. She thanked me profusely and said she owes me her life. That was a stellar compliment and I am glad that Rebekah came to me seeking assistance. Her story was unnerving when I first heard it. The tingles went up and down my spine and I felt like getting on the first plane to Arkansas to help her get over this ordeal. I kept my cell phone next to my bed in case she needed to call me and I would be able to walk her through any encounter that she would have with this demon. Rebekah is planning on marrying a Marine from Camp Pendleton, California. I told her when she does get married, to let me know, because I want to be there at her wedding. She impacted my life with her incredible encounter with a demon. Since Rebekah and I, have gone through this together, I have made a new friend in Arkansas.


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