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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/09/2025 in all areas

  1. The US has become mentally ill. President Donald Trump would have the power to rename Greenland the 'Red, White and Blueland,' under a new bill introduced in Congress. The legislation gives Trump the power to enter into negotiations with Denmark to acquire Greenland and give the island the new moniker. Republican Rep. Buddy Carter of Georgia introduced the bill on Monday. It still needs to pass the House and Senate. Trump claims America needs the island for security reasons. He's also been on a renaming kick: on Sunday he signed an executive order renaming the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. Denmark's prime minister has said repeatedly Greenland is 'not for sale' but that hasn't stopped Trump's fixation on it. 'I think we're going to have it,' he has told reporters. He also claims Greenland's 57,000 residents 'want to be with us' although many on the island say otherwise. Trump given power to rename Greenland under new GOP-led bill: 'Red, White and Blueland' | Daily Mail Online
    15 points
  2. More than a dozen people have been injured following what officials believe was a deliberate attack on a group of demonstrators in the German city of Munich. Police in Munich have deployed a major presence in the city in the wake of the incident this morning following reports that a car, believed to be a Mini Cooper, ran down up to 27 people participating in a demonstration, leaving two seriously injured. In a statement, Munich's police said there was a "major police operation" unfolding in the area of Dachauer and Seidle Street. The statement reads: "There is currently a major police operation in the area of Dachauer Street and Seidle Street. We are on site." Munich-based journalist Sandra Demmelhuber reported on X, formerly Twitter, that she saw someone "lying on the street", while another man was "taken away by police". https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/breaking-car-drives-crowd-munich-34669947
    13 points
  3. The events are “always beginning to align” just as they always fail. The question is when it doesn’t happen like you envision it on whom will you try to pin it on next? Jesus allegedly said in the Bible it would all happen 2000 years ago, if the Biblical Son of God couldn’t get it right there’s no reason to believe you can. cormac
    13 points
  4. Yup, he was at a lot of Trump's rallies and it was made perfectly clear.
    11 points
  5. To be fair- Didn't he say, "He wouldn't drink any more"? He never said, "He would drink any less".
    10 points
  6. Because asking for proof of something is not what the word 'preaching' means.
    10 points
  7. Straying a bit too far back into 'preaching' territory with this one, I think.
    10 points
  8. I mentioned this before. I don't mind the idea overall but do have some worries. Having the adminstrative portion of the government under the control of a computer system operated by Musk and the possibility of that control being hacked away. The FAA control tower network was one he publicly offered to rehaul recently. It would solve the tired overworked human error problem, but what about hacking or technical error? Transparency over who runs everything is important too. Imagine after the system is installed, if Trump and Musk have a falling out. Who then really controls the government? Can Trump even fire Musk at that time?
    10 points
  9. Anyone who says they have a definitive answer to that question is a liar.
    10 points
  10. Two nurses in a Sydney hospital have been suspended from work for threatening to kill Jewish patients and refusing to treat them in a video on TikTok, triggering an investigation by police, authorities said on Wednesday. The video was shared by a TikTok user named Max Veifer, who says he is from Israel. The video shows him talking to a man and woman wearing medical scrubs. "I'm so upset that you're Israeli ... eventually you're going to get killed and go to (hell)," the man in medical scrubs said after Veifer mentioned he is from Israel in a video chat. When asked why he would be killed, the woman in medical scrubs said: "It's Palestine's country, not your country," and used an obscenity. The woman said she would not treat any Jewish patients and instead kill them. The man, with a threatening gesture, said he had already sent many Israelis who visited the hospital to "Jahannam," the term for Islamic hell in Arabic. https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-841749
    9 points
  11. The driver of the car is a 24-year-old Afghan asylum seeker. According to a witness, the car threaded its way between police vehicles and then accelerated. In addition to adults, a number of children were injured, one of whom is now in critical condition. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/several-injured-after-car-drives-into-people-munich-bild-reports-2025-02-13/
    9 points
  12. A 2,500-year-old tomb decorated with bright-red wall paintings has been discovered at an ancient necropolis in Italy. It was created by the Etruscans, a people who thrived in Italy during the middle of the first millennium B.C. but who were gradually conquered and assimilated by the Romans. The tomb contains colorful wall paintings depicting a variety of scenes, such as men and women dancing beside a flutist, the Italian Ministry of Culture said in a translated statement. Another painting shows a woman, possibly the deceased, beside two young men, while another scene illustrates a metallurgical workshop. The workshop painting suggests the deceased's family were metalworkers. https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/2-500-year-old-painted-tomb-with-unique-scene-of-smithy-discovered-at-etruscan-necropolis-in-italy
    9 points
  13. In fairness, he was busy day one. He had to clear up that Gulf of Mexico thing, and didn't we win the war with Denmark?
    9 points
  14. She's popular with girls under twenty. Those football fans are not exactly her fan base. She was definitely boo'd. Trump was cheered.
    9 points
  15. Hi Pellinore So it's a DEI hire then using Digitally Enhanced Intelligence
    9 points
  16. Things move fast in Washington - especially when the president is as easily distracted as Donald Trump. Already we've learned the US envoy to the UK met with Keir Starmer this morning - during which time the PM spoke with Trump and discussed (but did not confirm a date for) Starmer heading over for a White House visit. 1. Trump says he'd love to have Putin back in the G7 Russia was booted out of the G8 (as it was then known) club of industralised democracies following the invasion of Crimea in 2014. But even though he's invaded a bunch more places since then, and has shown no sign of remorse for doing so, Trump reckons it's time to let Putin off the naughty step. etc, etc Donald Trump's unhinged last 24 hours - 11 mad things he did as he prepares to slap tariffs on UK - Mirror Online
    8 points
  17. That's lovely, Donald, and what are you going to do with the money saved? Will every last penny cent go towards bettering the lives of those who most need it, or will it strangely disappear without trace? (Into the pockets of you and your mates). I think we all know which it will be .
    8 points
  18. Pia Bernstein, 27, has received death and rape threats and has been a victim of a social media hate campaign on her German university campus, according to a BILD interview with the Jewish student published on Friday. During a discussion on antisemitism at her university, Goethe University in Frankfurt, she alleged she was pushed against the wall of her lecture hall - in an attack which left her shoulder injured. The young student also said she received messages from anonymous individuals threatening to behead and or rape her. https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-842163
    8 points
  19. Science isn’t open-minded to fiction. And that’s all end of the world prophecies are. Next! cormac
    8 points
  20. Explain why personal beliefs the existence of which have no reality outside of your brain should be taken seriously by anyone else or not commented on when publicly voiced.
    8 points
  21. https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/06/africa/female-inmates-raped-killed-goma-jailbreak-intl/?dicbo=v2-ir4IByP&hpt=ob_25tp
    8 points
  22. Let's be glad the article is accompanied by the photos of these 'Australian' nurses.
    8 points
  23. Of course the U.S. is mentally ill. He's p***ing off a bunch of nations that were literally minding their own business. We are the laughing stock of the world.
    8 points
  24. 8 points
  25. Archaeologists excavating a 4,900-year-old fortress in Almendralejo, southwestern Spain, have uncovered the burial of a man who may have been a Roman soldier. The solitary, shallow grave was discovered near one of the defensive ditches of the ancient fortress and contained the remains of a man between 25 and 35 years old, laid face down with a pugio—a Roman dagger—on his back. The dagger was found completely intact and still in its sheath. It has been dated to the late first century BCE, providing a chronological marker for the burial. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/archaeology-around-the-world/article-841460 https://archaeology.org/news/2025/02/06/copper-age-fortress-discovered-in-spain/
    8 points
  26. Where "this claim" refers to @Link of Hyrule's " I have consistently mentioned a group of historians who comprise a 99.9% majority." I, too, think it is time to take a more careful look at this consistent mention. I begin by requesting evidence that 99.9% of historians have even studied the question of whether Jesus was a real person who actually lived in their professional capacity. For example, a historian might specialize in Tudor era politics. Such a person might also have opinions about other personalities and events of the human past, and maybe even bring something distinctive to the discussion (e.g. recognize the names of some of the historians who wrote about something or heard about a hypothetical historical figure at some non-academic meeting, in church perhaps), but not have devoted the time and effort to apply independent historical analysis to the matter. For the excellent reason that they have devoted their scarce time and resources to other matters, like Tudor era politics. My suspicion is that with so much human history to study, and so few jobs in academic history available (and almost no opportunity for making a living as a historian in the non-academic sectors of the economy), fewer than 99.9% of the profession studies ancient history, much less studies Palestine under the Julio-Claudian.dynasty, much less Christian origins. Well, it's not my claim, so let the maker of the claim offer us some evidence for this necessary condition for the claim to be relevant to the topic. Where I think you will be able to find a prohibitive professional academic majority is in "the guild," scholars of religion, the Bible, and especially the New Testament. While some of these people describe themselves as historians, mostly they are aren't, and while some describe their work as applying the same methods used by their colleagues in ancient history departments, mostly they don't. A good example of this is found in the Wikipedia article you quoted. I noted with special amusement the hoary chestnut called the Criterion of Embarrassment. That's the idea that despite the obvious and pervasive mythological character of the gospels, that there are some incidents that supposedly nobody sympathetic to the religion would invent because the incidents depict somebody important to the religion in an unflattering way. The examples given in the article are Jesus's baptism by John and Jesus's crucifixion. Only in the guild is evidentiary interpretation of this kind seen as conclusive. For example, there is an extensive literature by academic legal scholars about the unreliablility of what they call "statements against interest" (a closely related criterion that is important to legal scholars because it is a major exception to the hearsay rule). Jail house snitch is searchable. Laying aside the inherent unreliability of such evidence, the two examples given fly in the face of what evidence we have. Paul acknowledges that Jesus's corpse having been gibbeted is a stumbling block based on Torah passages, but goes on to argue that it (along with other humiliations) was necessary for Jesus to attain his after-life divine status. That approach, as with everything else in Paul, is based on his visions and interpretation of Jewish scripture. There is not a hint of Paul suffering "embarrassment." On the contrary, he teaches that Jesus's humiliations prove his case. Worse for the implicit assumption that "invention" is the only alternative to mythology, who has tight control over their dreams and visions anyway? Paul can't determine whether or not his consciousness has left his body, that sounds a bit out-of-control to me. The first we hear about the baptism is in Mark's gospel. God himself speaks from overhead to recognize Jesus as his son, and a good son at that. There is not a hint of embarrassment in that. God is acknowledging paternity ... wouldn't it be more embarrassing to be a (oh dear, the alternative won't make it through the language filter). Anyway, that would seem to be the place to start. Do 99.9% of historians have any personally researched opinion about Jesus's historicity? If so, then and only then would it make sense to examine what that supposedly shared opinion might be.
    8 points
  27. In the context, that uber skepticism is being applied (in this case) to me, it is being used as a rhetorical device to dismiss arguments without engagement/adequate consideration. To your question, it's perfectly reasonable to question and discuss beliefs about Jesus, and people's approaches to critical thinking will vary widely. The significance of Jesus and his teachings remains a subject of ongoing debate and personal interpretation, regardless of one's level of skepticism or faith.
    8 points
  28. The way it’s been used in this thread Saru it amounts to any thought from anyone which doesn’t equate one or more scholars opinions with being either a fact or proof. cormac
    8 points
  29. Hey wait a minute! Are you trying to tell me they don't speak English in Heaven?
    8 points
  30. Coincidence? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/24/technology/elon-musk-xai-funding.html#:~:text=The artificial intelligence company founded,competes with rivals%2C including OpenAI.
    8 points
  31. The paranormal has already become the purest religion for some unstable people. They will believe anything, no matter how ridiculous it is.
    8 points
  32. A 14-year-old boy has died and four people have been wounded in a knife attack in Austria. It happened at around 16:00 local time (15:00 GMT) near the main square of Villach, a southern town close to the border with Italy and Slovenia. The suspect is a 23-year-old Syrian asylum seeker and has been detained, AFP news agency reported citing a police official. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cew5v48w54qo More cultural enrichment.
    7 points
  33. Speaking as someone with some scientific training... Scientists are the most open-minded community imaginable. Every part of every theory has to stand up to rigorous and repetitive attacks. New ideas, explanations and fundamentally evidence can upset long-held notions of how/why something happens. Proper scientists ought to be humble enough to admit that an entire lifetime's work might be leading in the wrong direction. That doesn't mean it's worthless: it's all contributing to the collective sciencia (meaning knowledge). But does that mean all alternative ideas are equally viable, just waiting for the correct evidence or explanation? No: some ideas are so unlikely that they are generally dismissed as non-starters. The Flying Spaghetti Monster. People who claim to survive on air alone. Astrology. You get the idea: these 'theories' would need to provide some pretty amazing evidence to be taken seriously. Likewise the notion that a book written two thousand years ago can accurately predict the upcoming end of days without mentioning anything that's happened up to now... is rather unlikely. That said, if you can back up this theory with evidence, if international events start to develop exactly as you describe, then people will start to take more interest. You say we're on a seven-year countdown once a peace treaty is "confirmed" between Israel and the "many" nations. That didn't happen after the Camp David Accords (1978) or the Oslo Accords (1993) or 2005 when Israel pulled its military and settlers out of Gaza. So we're still waiting for the significant treaty, to start the clock ticking. And every time the world doesn't end all you need say is there obviously weren't the right number of signatories to count as "many" nations. Neat! keeps us all guessing!
    7 points
  34. People have been going on about it for nearly 2000 years and it hasn’t happened yet. It’s always “just around the corner”. Sadly the paranoia will probably still be around in another 2000 years. Go figure. cormac
    7 points
  35. Who was Eleazar Bar Ger, and what brought him to the magnificent Alexandrium, a fortress built 2,000 years ago by Hasmonean King Alexander Jannaeus? Israeli researchers recently identified the mysterious man’s name scribbled on an ostracon, or inscribed pottery sherd, found in the fortress over 40 years ago, Bar-Ilan University announced last month. The presence of the artifact at the site could open dramatic developments in the understanding of the Great Jewish Revolt against Rome (66-74 CE), as it might testify that Jewish rebels used Alexandrium for their military efforts. https://www.timesofisrael.com/inscription-found-in-alexandrium-fortress-could-shed-new-light-on-jewish-revolt/
    7 points
  36. The Hollyweird sh**show continues. 🎅🧙‍♀️🖖
    7 points
  37. The official name of Greenland is Kalaallit Nunaat. This means "Land of the Kalaallit". Kalaallit is the name of the indigenous people. I would love to see Trump try to say that.
    7 points
  38. Prince Harry is set to learn his fate as a US resident as his visa records will come under scrutiny in the duke’s first court hearing under President Trump. The Duke of Sussex scored a major legal victory in September after a judge ruled that his US visa will stay private after the Heritage Foundation tried to get his application released to prove whether or not he mentioned his past drug use. https://nypost.com/2025/01/29/us-news/prince-harry-visa-case-to-have-first-hearing-under-president-trump-court-date-set/
    7 points
  39. Not really. People follow the Buddha. Scientology is a made up religion just like the urantia. There's always a person who starts them. The issue with Jesus is the demigod status.
    7 points
  40. Around a galaxy just 590 million light-years away, astronomers have discovered a stunning example of one of the rarest phenomena in our skies: a perfect ring of light. The phenomenon is known as an Einstein ring, and it was discovered circumscribing the galaxy NGC 6505 in data collected by the European Space Agency's Euclid space telescope. And, while such rings have been found before, such a spectacularly perfect example is rarer still. "An Einstein ring is an example of strong gravitational lensing," says astronomer Conor O'Riordan of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Germany. "All strong lenses are special, because they're so rare, and they're incredibly useful scientifically. This one is particularly special, because it's so close to Earth and the alignment makes it very beautiful." https://www.sciencealert.com/astronomers-amazed-by-perfect-einstein-ring-gleaming-in-space
    7 points
  41. Nonsense 😀 It is an absolute demonstratable obvious fact , that both "God" and "Jesus" were completely illiterate . They could not read nor write any language. They had to get humans to write stuff, as their proxy and otherwise, surely they would have written something themselves??? To alleviate the contradictions. btw The "Holy Spirit" couldn't even speak!!! (any cognisant language) , but as Paula demonstrates, had to rely on humans making up incoherent meaningless psychobabble constructed of human formed syllables!
    7 points
  42. Straws are being singled out, but Biden's original order was to phase out all "One use" plastic products in the Federal Government by 2027
    7 points
  43. Yep, and it doesn’t matter what kind of consensus scholars have reached as it doesn’t remotely reach the level of “proof”. Proof would be an ossuary verifiably dated to the 1st century AD inscribed with his name, possibly something of his lineage and religious position, ie. Messiah-ship, etcetra. His bones dated to the right time with evidence of the nails through his hands and feet. Proof would be texts verifiably written by him or his Apostles dated to the same time detailing his life or works. Proof might even be extended to his mother Mary if her ossuary were found as well. Unfortunately NONE of these are extant leaving no “proof” whatsoever merely speculation and perhaps circumstantial evidence at best but nowhere reaching the level of “proof”. cormac
    7 points