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U.S., UK present resolution to boost U.N.


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U.S., UK present resolution to boost U.N. Iraq role

By Patrick Worsnip

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States and Britain introduced on Tuesday a resolution charging the United Nations with trying to bring together Iraq's embattled factions as the two Western powers contemplate ultimately leaving.

The resolution, expected to be approved on Thursday by the 15-nation Security Council, would upgrade the mandate of the U.N. Assistance Mission for Iraq, or UNAMI, which would also include promoting dialogue between Iraq and its neighbors.

"The U.N. needs to play an enhanced role in helping the Iraqis overcome the difficulties they have at the present time," U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, formerly Washington's envoy to Baghdad, told reporters after a council debate.

"The U.N. can, given its comparative advantage, play a role in facilitating and helping Iraqis get to that goal" as well as getting regional powers to support Iraqi reconciliation and dealing with refugee problems, he said.

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New twist in the tale:

UN urged to withdraw Iraq staff


The United Nations should withdraw all of its workers from Iraq until the security situation improves, the body's staff union has said.

The union believes UN personnel will not be properly protected by US-led forces in the country.

The call comes as UN officials prepare to pass a draft resolution giving the organisation an expanded role in Iraq.

The UN has had a low-key presence there since a truck bomb devastated its Baghdad headquarters in August 2003.

The world body swept most of its personnel out of the Iraqi capital after the blast, and currently allows a maximum of 65 overseas workers to reside in the country.

But the draft resolution, backed by the US and UK, would raise the upper limit on workers to 95.

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UN = Joke,

just look whats happening in Dafur, im not too hot on dates but didnt all the trouble kick off in 2003, and its took till 2007/2008 to try and help those people, sadly people have paid with their lives while the rest of the world looked on, nothing short of Genocide has took place in the Sudan, theres only two countrys in the UN that walk the walk and thats the United States of America & United kingdom, the rest just make up the numbers,


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