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Europeans: Trans-Atlantic Bruises linger


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Europeans Tell Bush - Trans-Atlantic Bruises Linger

By Josh Ward

A new survey of European attitudes toward America released this week holds that: We share your fear of terrorists. We don't like Bush. And we don't necessarily plan on being nice once he's gone. At the same time, another world poll adds: And, please, leave Iraq.

A new poll released Thursday by the German Marshall Fund of the United States shows that Europeans are down on America right now and not seeing light over the horizon. The poll is part of the report 'Trans-Atlantic Trends 2007' that surveys 12 European countries in an attempt to gauge feelings about relations between the US and Europe.

When it comes to Europeans' views of US President George W. Bush, his war in Iraq, and his foreign policies, 77 percent disapprove of him and his policies, while 17 percent voiced approval. This compares with American views, which show an approval rate of 32 percent and disapproval rate of 63 percent, according to an August survey released by the Gallup Poll.

Teasing out whether the issue was the US war or Bush himself, the Europeans seemed divided in the trans-Atlantic survey, with 38 percent choosing the war and 34 percent Bush himself.

The survey, now in its sixth year, polled 1,000 people in 13 countries by telephone, including Britain, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, Romania and the United States. It is administered by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, a non-partisan policy institute, and the Compagnia di San Paolo, an Italian research foundation. The margin of error was plus or minus three percentage points.

Full story, Source Der Spiegel

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