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Kucinich pushes Bush impeachment


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Actually it's these type of posts that keep "them" going. You prove little except your stance and back it up with name calling. There are those that like to attack Bob here over and over and it consists of nothing but opinions. When Bob posts something why not counter instead of these lame ass attacks. Do you guys call each other in the morning to see what each others wearing so you can dress the same look the same and attack the same. Go wrap the blue sweater around pink shirt today. Ceasar all you are is gas, you never back anything up, never contribute with a link ok I will spell it slow for you L...I...N...K your opinion is nothing. The people you attack on a daily basis actually look sh1t up and post it as you don't seem to have ever heard of google. You and a few others are the ones being laughed at because you post the same crap over and over and over again. It's nothing, you add nothing get with the game and quit thinking you are on the winning side and start countering with links, not your backwater opinion.

Good. We want them to keep going.

...And the fewer words you can get the job done with, the better job you have done.

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Good. We want them to keep going.

...And the fewer words you can get the job done with, the better job you have done.

So repetition is your tactic, thats it ?

Keep it up the less you say the less we have to read :D

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Look. Bush attacked Iraq...... Without security council authorization and it was not for self defense.

That is the War Crime of Aggression.

It's not hard to understand...........

Waging a war of aggression is a crime under customary international law and refers to any war not out of self-defense or sanctioned by Article 51 of the UN Charter.

Bob I would suggest you read article 51 of the UN Charter. the U.N. Charter restricts the use of force by states to resolve international disputes, but it expressly recognizes the "inherent right" of states to use force in self-defense. Article 51 of the U.N. clearly go's over this!

"Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security."

A nation may use force in self defense in the event of an actual or imminent attack.

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Actually it's these type of posts that keep "them" going. You prove little except your stance and back it up with name calling. There are those that like to attack Bob here over and over and it consists of nothing but opinions. When Bob posts something why not counter instead of these lame ass attacks. Do you guys call each other in the morning to see what each others wearing so you can dress the same look the same and attack the same. Go wrap the blue sweater around pink shirt today. Ceasar all you are is gas, you never back anything up, never contribute with a link ok I will spell it slow for you L...I...N...K your opinion is nothing. The people you attack on a daily basis actually look sh1t up and post it as you don't seem to have ever heard of google. You and a few others are the ones being laughed at because you post the same crap over and over and over again. It's nothing, you add nothing get with the game and quit thinking you are on the winning side and start countering with links, not your backwater opinion.

:lol: lol I think I'm going to call you Jesus. are you done with your rant yet? can we get back on topic...eh

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Bob I would suggest you read article 51 of the UN Charter. the U.N. Charter restricts the use of force by states to resolve international disputes, but it expressly recognizes the "inherent right" of states to use force in self-defense. Article 51 of the U.N. clearly go's over this!

"Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security."

A nation may use force in self defense in the event of an actual or imminent attack.

Please explain when Iraq was a threat please !

I love how you use the word IMMINENT attack, scare tactics thats all and you know it. Even after you said the war was for oil LOL

Now please provide a link stating an emminent attack !!!!!

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So repetition is your tactic, thats it ?

Keep it up the less you say the less we have to read :D

Said enough to get your attention, didn't I.

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Said enough to get your attention, didn't I.

Ok this if funny I will give you that, but please call me Jesus.

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OH OH here comes Aroces, where have you been It's getting late and I have to be up soon.

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because he believes in peoples rights?..and voice?

We all believe in peoples rights and voice, Dennis had fooled you big time then if he had you believe he is the only one who believes in it.

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Look. Bush attacked Iraq...... Without security council authorization and it was not for self defense.

That is the War Crime of Aggression.

It's not hard to understand...........

Waging a war of aggression is a crime under customary international law and refers to any war not out of self-defense or sanctioned by Article 51 of the UN Charter.

Security council? You mean Kofi's security council??? :lol:

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Security council? You mean Kofi's security council??? :lol:

How did he get the job ? hmmm How did Bush get his job ? hmmm

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OH OH here comes Aroces, where have you been It's getting late and I have to be up soon.

YUP, I'm just waiting for your blogs and BUSH LIED! BUSH LIED! BUSH LIED! ;)

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OH OH here comes Aroces, where have you been It's getting late and I have to be up soon.

YAY here comes Aroces to the rescue *does the YMCA dance*

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YAY here comes Aroces to the rescue *does the YMCA dance*

Caesar and the Village People who would have thought, I bet you like to dress up as the cop :P

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Yet another thread goes down the drain due to the repetetive bickering from both sides of the political spectrum.

Well done, I bet you're all proud of yourselves.

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Libertyworld, man I still can't get over the name you gave yourself. Your posts and your extremism that you show are less than intelligent, notice I didn't use the word " fool or idiot" and the such. The only argument you have is that congress voted for the war and thats it !!!!!!! It has been shown time and time again congress did not know the whole truth. Or can you prove to me that congress new everything that Bush and his administration new, try proving that LOL good luck.

the congress was lied too..liberty knows that...he's one of the few sheep with the wool still over his eyes...

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The only argument you have is that congress voted for the war and thats it !!!!!!!

They did not even do that, all they did is authorize military force... which at the end of the day is going to leave Dubya as fall guy, all other declared that they were against it (afterwards) and the only signature on paper is that of Dubya.

The more I look at it, the more convinced I am that they pulled the 1920s "Company President Trick", just this time not with a country but a whole nation.

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They did not even do that, all they did is authorize military force... which at the end of the day is going to leave Dubya as fall guy, all other declared that they were against it (afterwards) and the only signature on paper is that of Dubya.

The more I look at it, the more convinced I am that they pulled the 1920s "Company President Trick", just this time not with a country but a whole nation.

What???? They did not vote for the war, all they did was authorize military force???? :wacko:

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What???? They did not vote for the war, all they did was authorize military force???? :wacko:

Read the resolution, it says NOTHING about authorizing war.

Which I suppose is their way to say they were innocent of the war when the whole thing starts backfiring... oops, it already is backfiring.

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Read the resolution, it says NOTHING about authorizing war.

Which I suppose is their way to say they were innocent of the war when the whole thing starts backfiring... oops, it already is backfiring.

Oh alright, you have your own meaning and interpretation to it. Like oral sex is not having sex. I get it now. :tu:

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Oh alright, you have your own meaning and interpretation to it. Like oral sex is not having sex. I get it now. :tu:

Show me the passage authorizing war, I have asked ten times now and you have not produced, so please?

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Well nations like France are sponsoring Guerillia wars in the sub-saharan region of Africa. And they have been doing it for decades! But I guess this isn't as bad for some reason?

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Well nations like France are sponsoring Guerillia wars in the sub-saharan region of Africa. And they have been doing it for decades! But I guess this isn't as bad for some reason?

oh, you mean now we are going to go into the whole you did this I get to that?

The theme is Kucinich now, but feel free to revive the France's Secret War thread a little below.

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Caesar and the Village People who would have thought, I bet you like to dress up as the cop :P

LMAO, I like the Indian :lol:

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LMAO, I like the Indian :lol:

Doh....... I didn't need to know that :lol:

Now back on topic LOL

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