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Canadian Martyrdom

Atheist God

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Here is Canada a man named Marc Emery rose from obscurity in the 90's and literally started the pro legalization movement.

Marc Emery has single handedly changed the minds of over half the nation in regards to the legality of a relatively harmless yet over hyped and lied about plant called Cannabis.

On Friday, July 29, 2005 Marc Emery, Michelle Rainy and Greg Williams were arrested on behalf of the American DEA for drug trafficking charges in relation to his sales of Cannabis seeds online from his website all over the world. They have also accused him of money laundering even though most of what he earned went into the legalization movement. What makes it worse is that here in Canada while selling seeds are illegal the law is never enforced, even if it was the max penalty you can face is a small fine. Under extradition laws the US should not be able to give him a harsher sentence then what he would receive here in Canada. Yet Marc faces 10 years to life and since the DEA pulled a magic number out of their @sses he has been implicated in the production of over a million pounds of Cannabis grown from his seeds, if this were true he was eligible for a life sentence 2000 times plus as 1000 kilos in the US carries this sentence.

Let's keep in mind he only sold seeds and really never kept most of the money.

What automatically in my opinion makes this case null and void was the official press release from the DEA Administrator Karen Tandy. This press release mentions nothing at all about his illegal activities and is more a political manifesto to silence the movement by eliminating it's main source of income Marc Emery in an attempt to quash the movement.

Here are some quotes and the link can be found at the bottom.

Today's DEA arrest of Marc Scott Emery, publisher of Cannabis Culture Magazine, and the founder of a marijuana legalization group -- is a signficant blow not only to the marijuana trafficking trade in the U.S. and Canada, but also to the marijuana legalization movement.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars of Emery's illicit profits are known to have been channeled to marijuana legalization groups active in the United States and Canda. Drug legalization lobbyists now have one less pot of money to rely on.

Karen Tandy Press Release

These statements alone negate the entire case against Marc and his friends as it is clear their arrests were politically motivated. If they are extradited it will make them political prisoners and martyrs for the cause.

Due to the clear political intent of the arrests under current extradition laws he cannot be extradited. It is a violation of the Canadian/US extradition agreement to extradite citizens due to their political activity and affiliation what ever that may be.

I urge not only Canadians but Americans here as well to pressure our governments to stop this politically motivated extradition of the BC3.

This is an issue I have been on top of since the beginning and these people are also friends of mine so it is somewhat personal too. I have know Emery for years and while the DEA puts him in league with guys like Pablo Escobar he is definitely one of the nicest people I have ever known and incredibly intelligent as well.

In my opinion the political nature of this case seriously negates our national sovereignty as well.

The DEA has also been operating in Canada for quite sometime as well, they have two offices one of which is in Vansterdam and the other in Pottawa. These offices run by the US government and actively taking a role in Canadian law enforcement and drug policy is a clear violation of Canadian national sovereignty. Canada is not the only nation to have the DEA operating within it's borders either, several nations worldwide have them as well influencing policy and law enforcement.

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Any word on whether the Canadians are going to let the US "disappear" him.

If Canada caves in, it will be a major blow to their sovereignty.

This is pure political garbage.

Rebirth of the hippy hating, pot hating, freedom hating, pro war, right wing.

How long till McCarthyism starts again? Or Cointelpro?


BTW, I still don't forgive you for calling me an idiot.

You should apologize. You know damn well I was right. :P

Edited by Bob26003
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Any word on whether the Canadians are going to let the US "disappear" him.

If Canada caves in, it will be a major blow to their sovereignty.

This is pure political garbage.

Rebirth of the hippy hating, pot hating, freedom hating, pro war, right wing.

If Marc is sent to the US and put into an American gulag he will surely not see another day of freedom for the rest of his life.

This is clearly an attempt at silencing the global anti-prohibition movement.

There is almost no chance with the pressure the US government is putting on our government here that he will beat his extradition. Everything he has done since he started the movement here and popularized it in the US has lead up to this show off. If he is sent down to the US the DEA will lose in Canada as the public backlash will put more pressure on our government then the DEA ever could. Emery has assembled crowds of up to 20,000 people to protest current drug laws he truly is our Martin Luther King.

If Emery gets a fair judge at his extradition hearing which he almost certainly won't he will beat the US government as you cannot extradite a person and make them a political prisoner.

Either which way if Emery wins he makes the DEA look bad and if he loses people here will riot, Emery has the support of over half the Canadian population in some polls as high as 69%.

What made him dangerous to the DEA and the war on drugs was the fact he was making money and lots of it. Almost all of this money was put into the legalization movement even the DEA said so.

1 of 2 things will happen if he is sent away either the people here stand up which they almost certainly will, or the movement will shrink.

Either which way I am currently in the planning stages of funding and organizing a major hunger strike all across Canada to legalize and regulate Cannabis and to keep Marc out of US jail and unfair justice system.

If he is sent a hunger strike will happen if not it will still happen and it will likely happen before his hearing. I will sacrifice my life for this movement if it means saving others from having theirs destroyed. That's what this battle has done it has destroyed countless lives many of whom were normal people who lived good lives and had families.

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In the first post it says the Canadian law states that even if extradited he can face no more than what he would have in Canada.

That sounds pretty black and white.

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I saw the documentary about him on the Cbc..."the prince of pot vs. america" or something like that....although i agree that the threat of cannibis is overblow...if you want to legalize it...you must think of a plan to enforce law...eg. you can only smoke pot once you have the right to VOTE (so thats like 21?)....then if you do take the pot you must stay home or at a place where its allowed (not behind the wheel..not in restaurants..all the obvious stuff)

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Canada will not extradite over selling pot seeds. Lets watch and see, Canada does not listen nor does Canada bend at the U.S. whim like we use to. We never really have and damn selling pot is hardly a crime here, who cares about what the Americans say about it.

Damn I'm going to track down and sue every pharmaceutical commercial from the states that enters Canada with a claim to cure a wart, but lists 84 side effects.

Oh and Atheist, say your sorry! That was not nice, you know only a select few on here can call people idiots,fools and liers right ! You know who they are......

Edited by The Silver Thong
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In the first post it says the Canadian law states that even if extradited he can face no more than what he would have in Canada.

That sounds pretty black and white.

Not only does it state that the person can face no more punishment then what they would receive here for the same crime but it also states that you cannot extradite someone for political reasons.

I saw the documentary about him on the Cbc..."the prince of pot vs. america" or something like that....although i agree that the threat of cannibis is overblow...if you want to legalize it...you must think of a plan to enforce law...eg. you can only smoke pot once you have the right to VOTE (so thats like 21?)....then if you do take the pot you must stay home or at a place where its allowed (not behind the wheel..not in restaurants..all the obvious stuff)

Of course it has to be regulated that is actually one of the staples I and most activists agree with... Legalize and Regulate!.

I would propose an 18 age limit (legal voting age), Can only be sold at licensed establishments like liquor is and served in establishment like liquor is also.

We should model pot laws after Holland's laws. You can't smoke pot outside of your home or cafe's etc. there.

Canada will not extradite over selling pot seeds. Lets watch and see, Canada does not listen nor does Canada bend at the U.S. whim like we use to. We never really have and damn selling pot is hardly a crime here, who cares about what the Americans say about it.

His extradition has nothing to do with his 'Emery Seeds' business...Good seeds especially the Black Domina... It has everything to do with shutting him up. He may have had a chance if we didn't have the government we have now who bows down to the US and supports the mass jailing of pot users and increasing penalties for use/possession etc. The current Justice Minister will extradite Emery this I am sure of.

While his extradition will be a blow to a movement which I am heavily active in the thing which erks me the most is the blow to Canadian national sovereignty which is a huge issue right now.

Damn I'm going to track down and sue every pharmaceutical commercial from the states that enters Canada with a claim to cure a wart, but lists 84 side effects.

What about the ads that promote fake ailments like restless leg syndrome just to make more money... :lol: I seen an ad for one of these medications and one of the side effects is the increased urge to gamble, I was like wow thats a crazy drug.

Oh and Atheist, say your sorry! That was not nice, you know only a select few on here can call people idiots,fools and liers right ! You know who they are......

Sorry ;)

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Then if the Canadian Gov allows him to be extradited, they are violating Canadian law............

Appreciate the apology. :tu:

Edited by Bob26003
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I agree with everything AtheistGod has said :tu:

I saw an article with Marc Emery the other day and he said something to the effect of, 'I am counting on the Canadian and US governments to do the wrong thing, they will be playing right into my hands.', that is the best attitude to have in my opinion... dont hope for the "best" hope they do the wrong thing and calculate how to turn that into your victory.

I also saw Chris Bennett on TV the other night discussing cannabis spirituality, good to see the crew is still out there spreading the good word :)

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You're really comparing the effort to get a drug legalized to the struggle for civil-rights?


Edited by BrucePrime
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You're really comparing the effort to get a drug legalized to the struggle for civil-rights?


Uhm no I dont think anyone was comparing the effort to legalize a plant with the civil rights struggle...

"Marc Emery the Martin Luther King of the Pot Legalization Movement"

"he truly is our Martin Luther King"

Its a relative comparison for the work he has done for this movement.

But taking 8 minutes to come up with "Lame" and edit your post is truly lame in itself :lol:

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Its a harmless thing, I see 'alcohol' destroy people literally everyday. Legalize and regulate it so some money can be made for the healthcare costs of all the alcoholics, there problem solved.

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Actually, I think the legalization issue is akin to civil rights.

Obviously all the propaganda they spit about weed is just that: propaganda.

Weed is not a public threat.

The reason it is illegal IMO is because of the people who smoke it. The free thinkers, the working classes, the artists, and so on. And more than anything, it is a blow against them.

They have no scientific rationale for keeping it illegal. So what is the plot?

This is an issue of civil rights.

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I saw an article with Marc Emery the other day and he said something to the effect of, 'I am counting on the Canadian and US governments to do the wrong thing, they will be playing right into my hands.', that is the best attitude to have in my opinion... dont hope for the "best" hope they do the wrong thing and calculate how to turn that into your victory.

While none of us who know the man or support him want to see him go and while we are fighting to keep him here we realize that this day would eventually come. Marc Emery in a way wants to be extradited not because he will be sent to a federal **** me in the @ss prison but because if he is sent it will cause major public outcry here and maybe in the US as well.

You're really comparing the effort to get a drug legalized to the struggle for civil-rights?


Well I wasn't comparing it to a civil rights movement but...

This really is a civil rights issue, those of us who do not break the law and live normal lives etc should not be persecuted for using a plant we enjoy. These laws literally tear apart families and destroy lives.

Alcohol and cigarettes are by far more harmful the Cannabis ever was yet they are legal. The laws against pot will be beaten the same way they were beaten against alcohol in the 20's.

To put it simply Bruce it is not lame and you are wrong, this is not a comparison to civil rights issues it is a civil rights issue.

Its a harmless thing, I see 'alcohol' destroy people literally everyday. Legalize and regulate it so some money can be made for the healthcare costs of all the alcoholics, there problem solved.

I agree it should be taxed and the tax money collected from this 7 billion dollar a year industry can be put into proper drug education and rehab programs for hard drugs like cocaine, meth and heroin.


I am going away for the weekend until late Sunday and actually leaving here within the hour.

Keep this thread alive until I get back or if you have any questions about anything pertaining Cannabis just PM me the original GanjaGuru of UM

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We're gonna have a lot of sick people leaning on the healthcare system suffering the effects of alcoholism and tabacco so it would be nice to have a windfall to cover it. Of the three maryjane has the least by far cummilative effect on the human body.

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Marc Emery the Martin Luther King of the Pot Legalization Movement!

"I HAVE A DREAM!...er... whatwasis again?....I've er forgotten..mannn huh I fancy some chocolate...mmmmh"

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This really is a civil rights issue, those of us who do not break the law and live normal lives etc should not be persecuted for using a plant we enjoy.

To put it simply Bruce it is not lame and you are wrong, this is not a comparison to civil rights issues it is a civil rights issue.

No, it's lame.

One makes a choice whether they want to smoke a plant or not.

One does not choose the color of their skin.

Pot-smokers aren't forced to the back of the bus, there aren't water-fountains or bathrooms that say "Pot-Smokers Only," pot-smokers aren't being turned away from the polls, forced to attend seperate schools, etc, etc, etc.

Smoking pot is not the same as persecuted because of the color of your skin. Lame.

Edited by BrucePrime
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If you want to take away the counter-cultural significance of dope.. then the quickest way to achieve this, is to actually legalize it!

I mean, like there's a counter-culture surrounding 'coffee' drinkers :lol:

Let the corporate tossers control it....? No..!


Edited by Billy of the Hill
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If you want to take away the counter-cultural significance of dope.. then the quickest way to achieve this is actually legalize it!

Like, there's a counter-culture surrounding 'coffee' drinkers :lol:

Let the corporate tossers control it.... No..


legalizing pot would get it out of the hands of children...beers harder for a kid to get than pot...

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There is a stigma associated with smoking, but I know a lot of smokeers who hold jobs, raise great children and help out around the community. A lot of people still think in the 'reefer madness" vain, which is the most backwards 'educational/propogandist' film ever made.

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It has got a chemical in it which makes you paranoid.. you don't notice or care at first.. but it'll catch up with ya...

Sure, it might not affect everyone.. but in my experience it's affects most of the smokers/ex smokers I know.

It's why most people stop smoking it in the end.. just a phase.. :devil::lol:your will power is draining away now...

Edited by Billy of the Hill
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We're gonna have a lot of sick people leaning on the healthcare system suffering the effects of alcoholism and tabacco so it would be nice to have a windfall to cover it. Of the three maryjane has the least by far cummilative effect on the human body.

I agree with your ideas stixx, your dead on.

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weird huh, maybe has something to do with the fact that nature made it.

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It's not all good news....


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don't be so sure. I have never heard of any illness directly attributed to canabis, but I have heard of cancer and liverfailure, cerosis etc. There are no addictive chemicals, and the paranoai thing only happens to flaky people anyway. If you aren't a space cadet naturally and you have your head screwed on straight then that don't happen.

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