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Top 10 anti-U.S. nations

Lord Umbarger

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But we shouldn't forget our good friends from Abu Dhabi

They've brought a good boost to flagging credit market with their purchase of shares into citigroup

Edited by Avinash_Tyagi
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Huh? Where is China?

China pretty much owns the US now so why would they hate us? :P

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I'm still feeling there's just something wrong about the poll. I dunno, why is my country there?! Well, we do have several problems with the US, and of course, our home-grown terrorists hate US, heck, they even hate all white people for no clear reasons because of those stupid radical Islam movements, darn, even WE hate them terrorists too!

Um, I remember that our National Army once being criticized by the US Army for not purchasing American firearms and warfare machines, instead, we bought it from the Russian! The reason is actually very understandable, US armaments are expensive and our country simply can't afford it :) .

It's a poll, Americans are not hated by many in the world. It's just that those who hates America have big mouth echoed by the Liberals here for political purposes.

Just wait and see, if the Dem gets the White House you will hear less of the world hates America.

You see the Liberals make it seem like the Whole World wants them to be in power, that is why they make such propaganda.

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A good question, would be why so many Americans are so surprised that so many nations do not like them . Is it the psychology of denial , is it just media propaganda? Is it maybe your history lessons in school only teach the events that are deemed suitable for political expediance . Maybe , like the british during their empire , US citizens feel somewhat superior to the rest of humanity . I wonder sometimes why.

Denial? America has many immigrant from different countries and culture, San Francisco is one of the top Tourist destination in the world, foreign traders and businesses establishment are attracted to Americas market.

Now, will you be in denial of that?

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Just think if Aroces was the poster boy for America ? Oh wait he is a little Bush, maybe I will call you shrub. :P

Edited by The Silver Thong
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It's a poll, Americans are not hated by many in the world.

Do you have a source for that remark? I thought not. Therefore it's just hot air.

Sources for the alternative have been posted here.

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Do you have a source for that remark? I thought not. Therefore it's just hot air.

Sources for the alternative have been posted here.

I think he means that, Americans are not hated. The present American Gov't is hated by many - myself included.

Edited by Chokmah
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No AROCES, your immigration policy is irrelevant . The psycology of denial , that Americans are absorbed within their banner , their flag , a coccoon against whatever is happening in the world, rather they would stick .. i don't know .. 'US is kick ur ass ' on the bumber of their car , then wave their flag outside all day irrespective of world affairs . Take no notice of actual news events but rely on the words of fox news commentators for their daily brief , I reckon a whole lot of US citizens are briefed entirely on this kind of news . This is americas problem, I know fluffybunny will get upset again, but there are too many dumb americans who need a big ass input of factual knowledge, not fox news lies and an ability to discern truth from propoganda.

Edited by Borat
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Fluffybunny, you see me as an enemy of the united states. Why then am I so against the right wing in your country, why do I then care if you are subjected to martial law in your country . I am more of a friend to the USA than these so called patriots that seek to destroy your liberties .

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Denial? America has many immigrant from different countries and culture, San Francisco is one of the top Tourist destination in the world, foreign traders and businesses establishment are attracted to Americas market.

Maybe you haven't notice since Fake News didn't cover it, Tourism in the US is in the tank. Getting progressively worse year over year since 9/11. No one wants to come here. The news articles cite DHS and American right-wing attitudes.

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No AROCES, your immigration policy is irrelevant . The psycology of denial , that Americans are absorbed within their banner , their flag , a coccoon against whatever is happening in the world, rather they would stick .. i don't know .. 'US is kick ur ass ' on the bumber of their car , then wave their flag outside all day irrespective of world affairs . Take no notice of actual news events but rely on the words of fox news commentators for their daily brief , I reckon a whole lot of US citizens are briefed entirely on this kind of news . This is americas problem, I know fluffybunny will get upset again, but there are too many dumb americans who need a big ass input of factual knowledge, not fox news lies and an ability to discern lies from propoganda.

Oh the irony in this post. :w00t:

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