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Danish Party Threatened by Palestinian Milita


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Danish Party Threatened by Palestinian Militants

By Charles Hawley

A right-wing Danish political party has been threatened by the Palestinian terror group al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade for using an image of the Prophet Muhammad in its campaign literature. The party wanted to show its commitment to free speech

Just three days ago, Denmark's Prime Minster Anders Fogh Rasmussen said in an interview that he thinks people have forgotten about the Muhammad cartoon crisis over a year and a half ago. But with elections in Denmark looming next Tuesday, a right-wing party decided to use an ad campaign to remind voters. By doing so, it touched off a bizarre international tiff pitting nationalist extremists against Islamist extremists.

Reacting to the Danish People's Party's use of a Muhammad image in a newspaper ad, Khaled al-Jabbari, a spokesman for the militant Palestinian group al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, threatened in an interview that the party was "playing with the blood of the Danish people." Speaking to Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that published 12 Muhammad caricatures in early 2006 triggering riots in the Muslim world, al-Jabbari said: "That isn't a threat, it's just a warning. I have a message for the Danish people: (Such images) are the same as stabbing us in the heart."

Al-Jabbari warned that the al-Aqsa Brigade, considered a terrorist group by the European Union and the United States, may add the party to the "list of enemies."

The newspaper advertisement used what the xenophobic party claims to be a "400-year-old drawing" of the Prophet Muhammad to emphasize the party's "commitment to free speech," party spokesman Kim Eskildsen told SPIEGEL ONLINE.

"We were just trying to say that we are not bound by Islamic law," Eskildsen said. "You have to understand that if there is a prohibition against drawing Muhammad's likeness, then it is only valid for Muslims. If we obey these random rules imposed by an ancient religion -- that is not good."

Full story, Source: Der Spiegel

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