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Hong Kong turns away US aircraft carrier...


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the chinese have turned a US aircraft carrier down from entering hong kong waters?...any thoughts on our allies?..the chinese?..

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the chinese have turned a US aircraft carrier down from entering hong kong waters?...any thoughts on our allies?..the chinese?..

Where did you hear about this?

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Where did you hear about this?

fox news..it was the uss kittyhawk....2 days ago 2 minesweepers were denied entry to port for fuel and shelter from a storm...

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I also read, here... USS Ktty Hawk/China affair that they then reversed the deciiaon, but by then it was too late to turn back. Some political game there, I suspect.

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from a storm, and the chinese turned them away, i think i will go smash up a chinese restaurant for this, outta order of the chinese.

consider what the rest of the world has to put up with, their outta order.

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Its might have something to do with this,

China demands US stop Taiwanese Patriot 2 upgrade

China has again called on the United States to cancel immediately plans to sell military equipment to Taiwan.

The US Defense Security Co-operation Agency notified Congress late last week of a possible sale to Taiwan of Patriot 2 upgrade systems and associated equipment worth up to USD939 million.

Speaking through China's state-run media on 13 November, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Jianchao said that China "firmly opposes" the potential deal, adding that Beijing had already communicated its "strong objection" to Washington.

Liu was quoted as saying that the sale proposal had "rudely interfered in China's internal affairs, endangered Chinese national security and peaceful unification, and disturbed the improvement and development of China-US relations".

From Janes Defence.

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The chinese want a war...they have so many new toys to try out, why not go after the bully first...I believe the long march is close..

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China is imo a definant enemy of the USA.http://washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071122/NATION/111220068/1001 This is just one of many facets of what I feel is an irreversable up-coming global conflict. The winds of ww3 are blowing strong.

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I think you will see it kick off in the Balkans first. Tensions are mounting there.

This story does indeed seem to be a political game. The school playground has a lot to answer for.

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truthfully; you wanna save the US dollar and superpower status?...then kick their commie butts...erase all chinese debt and start over without their poison trinkets...

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This does seem to be a direct attempt by the little midgets to be d****. I'll hold off on thinking its a harbinger of WW3 till I see some other things.

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Who cares... It's Chinese territory, they can do what they want. Not everybody can put up with America as well as other countries...

They also had a political reason, America would have done the exact same thing if roles reversed.

truthfully; you wanna save the US dollar and superpower status?...then kick their commie butts...erase all chinese debt and start over without their poison trinkets...

Gee, yeah. Go to war with the country that allows America to thrive... They own your economy, without them you'll all be in so much debt (more than you are now) you'll have civil wars, riots, and become a 2nd world country - maybe even 3rd world.

With attitudes like yours, I'd love to see China change it's trading-currency to the Euro. After all, the dollar is will be as useful as the Zimbabwe Dollar in a few years :lol::P

I don't see how different this is from Australia turning away a refugee ship ect. Their territory, their rules, they can accept and reject any aircraft or ship they please.

Edited by Chokmah
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Gee, yeah. Go to war with the country that allows America to thrive... They own your economy, without them you'll all be in so much debt (more than you are now) you'll have civil wars, riots, and become a 2nd world country - maybe even 3rd world.

if you understood the rules of war?..If china fired one shot all the US debt would be erased...if we continue on the path were on we will be a third world country..

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Who cares... It's Chinese territory, they can do what they want. Not everybody can put up with America as well as other countries...

They also had a political reason, America would have done the exact same thing if roles reversed.

Gee, yeah. Go to war with the country that allows America to thrive... They own your economy, without them you'll all be in so much debt (more than you are now) you'll have civil wars, riots, and become a 2nd world country - maybe even 3rd world.

With attitudes like yours, I'd love to see China change it's trading-currency to the Euro. After all, the dollar is will be as useful as the Zimbabwe Dollar in a few years :lol::P

Wow - a bit harsh don't you think? Not all Americans think the 'stereotypical' American way... That would be like me saying all English people have bad teeth.

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but dont they biff?

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but dont they biff?

Ooooh... Somehow I knew I was going to regret posting that... LOL... Hang for a wild ride :D

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It's really hard to comment here since 80% or probably more are westerners here.

<_< I'll just go with the flow.

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Doubt much will happen over this, it isn't the debt to the chinese that is the main concern, rather their willingness to take on even more. But there will be some sabre rattling from the US no doubt in some form, just to try and get a clearer picture of china's wider intentions, their opacity is somewhat disconcerting to the US.

As for the storm, that is not what I heard originally. It was just a place they always stopped off at on that particular tour. It would have been the Kitty hawk's last visit there too, it'll be decomissioned soon and they intended to have a bit of a party there. They were heading there anyway as part of the circuit , not 'can we make port in hong kong because of a storm '.

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Wow - a bit harsh don't you think? Not all Americans think the 'stereotypical' American way... That would be like me saying all English people have bad teeth.

I guess you missed the part where I stated "With attitudes like yours"...

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It's really hard to comment here since 80% or probably more are westerners here.

<_< I'll just go with the flow.

Who cares. Start your peice I say~

It'll be more interesting other than "LUTS GO 2 WARZ WIF DEM".

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Who cares. Start your peice I say~

It'll be more interesting other than "LUTS GO 2 WARZ WIF DEM".

ya it will be...i was just saying it would be a way to save the dollar i wasnt advocating war..save your sarcasm...

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Aren't there any rules about racist comments here? *mildly surprised at the level of xenophobia displayed*

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Aren't there any rules about racist comments here? *mildly surprised at the level of xenophobia displayed*

ok.. firstly I just said westerners. I never said any particular race and discriminated them or whatsoever. What I meant on " Go with the flow " was go with the discussion your already in.

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I guess you missed the part where I stated "With attitudes like yours"...

NO... I didn't miss that part. That's why I said what I said. All of us 'westerners' don't have that attitude.

It's really hard to comment here since 80% or probably more are westerners here.

I'll just go with the flow.

We are all humans, judge me because of where I live? Cool.

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Aren't there any rules about racist comments here? *mildly surprised at the level of xenophobia displayed*

racism is usually reserved for anti black or jewish statements?...xenophobes and american haters slip right thru...

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