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mps set to for major pay rise


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MPs are in line for a series of above-inflation pay rises which will boost their salaries by almost 10% over the next three years, it was claimed.

The Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB) is said to have recommended an increase in MPs' pay from £60,675 at present to about £66,500 in 2011.

According to the Mail on Sunday, many MPs are planning to vote the increase through when it comes before Parliament early next year.

The move comes as Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Home Secretary Jacqui Smith are under fire from police for effectively reducing their pay rise to below 2%.

But some MPs argue that their salaries have long been falling behind those of the professions and there have been repeated arguments for more generous settlements.

In April this year, MPs received an increase of just 0.66% from £60,277 to £60,675. An ICM poll at the time found that 61% of MPs felt their wages were "too little".

Tory MP John Butterfill was quoted as saying: "We do have an official review body which is supposed to make sure we keep in line with other professions.

"I would hope that the Government agrees with the review body's recommendations."

The SSRB, which has been conducting a three-yearly study of MPs' pay and allowances on behalf of the Government, was unavailable for comment.


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60 grand? (well pounds, but of course its worth more in dollars)

Thats GREAT pay for the sh** they do, they are getting paid more then teachers.

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Oh, and don't forget their "allowances". Some london-based MP's have been claiming over £100,000 per year for 'living expenses' - second homes near parliament - even though they live only a few miles away. In effect, they are using taxpayers money to subsidise (or even completely pay) for the mortgage on a second home, which they can sell for a huge profit when they cease to become MP's. (which is likely to be the next general election).

Meow Purr.

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Shower of sh** the lot of them, everyone knows they're in politics for themselves, its about time we ****ed them all, right off, and get people who put the country first, the Queen would be my choice, military rule, :unsure2::devil: are we living in a democracy? because the last time i checked the unelected prime-minister does what he wants without even asking the people hes meant to represent,

the saying goes they're there to serve the people, but i get the feeling its the otherway around? we the people should judge how much they get paid, if they do a good job then we might give them a little increase or if they're sh** we drop the wages or sack them, but i mean properly sack them, not sack them on friday and on monday they reappear in some other governmnet department,

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There's got to be a better option then being ruled by the queen. Not sure what it is though, none of them will be getting my vote, they never have. I wonder what would happen if all 3 major parties didn't receive a single vote at the next election? Does anybody know what the rules are if that happened?

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They should let the public vote on whether or not the MPs deserve a pay rise. If they did that, politicians would probably earn what they deserve and nothing more.

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Shower of sh** the lot of them, everyone knows they're in politics for themselves, its about time we ****ed them all, right off, and get people who put the country first, the Queen would be my choice, military rule, :unsure2::devil: are we living in a democracy? because the last time i checked the unelected prime-minister does what he wants without even asking the people hes meant to represent,

the saying goes they're there to serve the people, but i get the feeling its the otherway around? we the people should judge how much they get paid, if they do a good job then we might give them a little increase or if they're sh** we drop the wages or sack them, but i mean properly sack them, not sack them on friday and on monday they reappear in some other governmnet department,

What a pleasure it is to be able to agree with you, steve (strikeout notwithstanding).

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think of a pyramid people the workers and voters are at the bottom and the government is at the topish they look down at us and control us because we give them the power to control us, pretty simple really. us humans are like ants to the government :yes: because they know how to separate us and keep us apart they can control us. plus we have our material possessions. we dont dare cause trouble. THEY GOT US BY THE BALLS :w00t:

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I think it's time for.... a little REVOLUTION!

It's time these self serving traitorous pigs felt the righteous wrath of the people!

all this talk is making me thirsty...just need a glass of london tap water..

Anyway... where were we? Ah yes, these self serving..... are all going.. to ..

sorry what were talking about again? you know I get confused..

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