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Aliens from a parallel Earth


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Image credit: NASA/ESA
Image credit: NASA/ESA
Jay Alfred: The Basic Plasma Metaphysics Theory in 3+1 Dimensions: According to plasma metaphysics (Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 2006), the physical-dense Earth is gravitationally coupled to a counterpart dark matter Earth composed of low density plasma. This "sister" Earth was co-accreted with the physical-dense Earth about 4.6 billion years ago from dark matter components in the embryonic Solar System. Plasma life forms evolved on this counterpart Earth, just like it did on the visible planet. These life forms were as varied in scale, structure and intelligence as carbon-based life forms - as different as a microbe from a whale; a mosquito from a tiger; a giraffe from a crocodile; an ant from a human being. Their degrees of intelligence and awareness were as different as a centipede's awareness to the awareness and intelligence of homo sapiens. Homo sapiens evolved carbon-based bodies that formed symbiotic relationships with some of these plasma life forms (indicating a type of symbio-genesis). Some of these plasma life forms have interacted with us in the past (intentionally or unintentionally).

The entities that we have identified as ghosts, angels, demons, deities (for example the Marian apparitions in the atmosphere), aliens (associated with UFO sightings in the atmosphere), fairies, sightings of the recently deceased (on the surface of the Earth) and balls of light which appear to go through physical barriers (without contracting) are all plasma life forms from this counterpart Earth.

Properties of Bioplasma Bodies

Plasma life forms have bioplasma bodies. These are electromagnetic bodies which generate electromagnetic fields and radiate electromagnetic waves. Embedded in these bioplasma bodies are "plasma antennae" which can tune-in and receive electromagnetic waves generated by other bioplasma bodies. (Plasma antennae are actually being used today in scientific laboratories.) The bodies of plasma life forms that we encounter are molded by our expectations which radiate out from our own bioplasma bodies in the form of electromagnetic waves and are received by them through their embedded antennae (see Jay Alfred, Between the Moon and Earth, 2007). The nearer they come to you the better they are able to tune-in to the thought waves (i.e. electromagnetic waves which are modulated by your thoughts) you are radiating out from your bioplasma body. For example, in the Marian apparitions at Fatima (Portugal), the children saw a ball of light which resolved into a man-like angel as it got nearer to the children.

Psychokinetic effects have a much greater effect on bioplasma bodies compared to the physical-dense body. The reason for this is that the total rest mass of a bioplasma body is very much lower than the physical-dense body. The extremely low rest mass can also give bioplasma bodies a more pronounced macro-quantum effect (compared to macroscopic objects in our universe) due to the de Broglie relationship (see Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 2006).

According to plasma metaphysics, (dark matter) bioplasma bodies are composed of a complex plasma of non-standard particles. Non-standard particles are particles that are outside the physicists' Standard Model and which are included in dark matter - matter which is six times more prevalent in the known universe than ordinary matter.

<blockquote>"We will realise that most of the encounters with aliens or ghosts are really sporadic encounters with beings from parallel interpenetrating Earth-based magmaspheres. These aliens are dark matter entities...which generally do not register on the known electromagnetic spectrum - but can do so if their frequencies are brought down..." - Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 2006</blockquote>

Bioplasma bodies composed of non-standard particles glow in the dark, radiate heat, light and other electromagnetic waves that can be measured by our scientific instruments like radar or even infra-red cameras when ordinary matter condenses around them. They also possess other properties associated with these types of bodies (see Jay Alfred, Angels, Ghosts, Deities and their Magnetic Plasma Bodies, 2007 ). The general characteristics of plasma life forms (based on Jay Alfred's 2006 book: Our Invisible Bodies) include the following:

- They emit light (not simply reflect them)
- They are thermochromic (i.e. they change colors at different temperatures)
- They generate colorful auras and halos as high energy particles collide with them.
- They are able to change their degree of opacity - becoming transparent or translucent. Hence, they can apparently materialize and dematerialize.
- They generate electromagnetic fields and radiate electromagnetic waves.
- They are responsive to electromagnetic fields and waves and can have an electrical feel when passing through our bodies.
- They have networks of filamentary currents within their bodies.
- Double helical currents, aligned with the longer axis of their bodies may be discerned.
- They possess rotating orifices that suck in and emit high energy particles.
- They can emit beams of high energy particles from these orifices.
- Their shapes can vary (hence they can shape-shift) but the most stable shape is the ball of light.
- Shapes between a spheroid and a cylinder, ovoid or lenticular are also possible as the plasma membrane is resilient and elastic and can be stretched by the denser matter inside.
- Just like amoeba they can generate temporary limbs (like pseudopods).
- Vortexes and misty irregularly formed primitive plasma life forms also exist.
- Within the ovoid is a denser body which varies from one plasma life form to another.
- A bi-layered plasma (Langmuir) sheath encloses the ovoid.
- They are able to pass through each other in the same way that objects composed of collisionless plasma or dark matter do.
- Very low rest mass.

Some ancient cultures have described bioplasma bodies which are coupled to our carbon-based bodies as "souls". This is not surprising due to their quasi-quantum behavior, their unusual methods of transport, apparent ability to effect action at a distance; and decoupling on the death of the carbon-based body.

Behavior of Plasma Life Forms

Behavior can vary due to the diversity of plasma life forms. Plasma life (let's say with intelligence equivalent to octopuses) may express their curiosity by coming near to see or feel objects that seem strange to them from their frame of reference. More intelligent life forms (equivalent to homo sapiens) may actually conduct experiments. Groups of plasma life forms may exhibit swarm behavior (similar to bats, birds and fishes) with synchronized movements.

Biomechanics of Plasma Life Forms

They move generally by neutralizing or reversing their electric charge and/or redistributing the electric charges in their bodies relative to the background electric field. They may also move by changing their density. Another method of active transport is by sucking in energy particles through their orifices in the direction of the motion. The suction generates a drift.

When they fall in energy sporadically and are visible to us or our scientific instruments in the lower atmosphere, fast-moving plasma life forms will generate only weak sonic booms. This is because they are composed of collisionless plasma and have a very low rest mass. These weak sonic booms can be startling if the observer is in close proximity to a rapidly retreating entity. Ultra-sensitive instruments in close proximity to the entity should be able to pick up the weak sonic boom.

Plasma may be considered to be collisionless when Coulomb interactions are so rare that global fields in the plasma govern the dynamics. A magnetic field endows a collisionless plasma with elastic properties analogous to those of a dense gas and so a plasma wave crossing a magnetic field behaves somewhat like an ordinary sound wave. The Earth's magnetosphere is composed almost entirely of ionized collisionless plasma and is dominated by the Earth's magnetic field. Fast moving plasma life forms would therefore be expected to generate collisionless shock waves in the magnetosphere rather than in the lower atmosphere.

Parallel Plasma Earth - The Habitat of Plasma Life Forms

The counterpart dark matter Earth, composed of low density plasma and co-rotating with our visible Earth, can effectively be considered another planet. The sporadic interactions with plasma-based beings, who may appropriately be called "aliens" (since they are, strictly speaking, from another planet - although a counterpart Earth), can be studied in a more rigorous scientific framework once our current technology improves to take into account non-standard particles. All human beings are the symbiotic products of carbon-based bodies and (alien) plasma-based bodies. In this sense, all human beings are already hybrids of alien and biological bodies.

Near-death experiences, astral traveling, (genuine) alien encounters, angelic visitations, apparitions of saints or deities - both privately to individuals and to the public at large leading to mass sightings (such as the Marian apparitions or swarms of UFOs in the atmosphere) occur in this higher energy dark matter counterpart Earth and are superimposed on our more familiar Earth depending on the type of encounter (see below).

This parallel Earth is composed wholly of plasma (unlike our physical-dense Earth, which although it contains a plasmasphere, magnetosphere and ionosphere, is largely a rocky outcrop). Hence, while the biosphere of the physical-dense Earth occupies only a small volume of the Earth i.e. largely confined to plus or minus 10km from sea level (which is less than 1% of the volume of the Earth), the plasma Earth is wholly composed of plasma making it more like a gigantic plasma ocean and having a "tear-drop" shape similar to Earth's magnetosphere. The biosphere of this counterpart Earth is therefore many times larger than the physical Earth and life forms often move in all three dimensions quite extensively (i.e. like fishes in the sea, not like human beings on the surface of the Earth). There is enormous biodiversity in this oceanic plasma planet which teems with life.

Plasma objects which sporadically appear in our atmosphere are actually floating or swimming in this ocean. They are therefore able to dart back and forth (like squid, cuttlefish and octopuses) or swim majestically (like manta rays). Plasma life forms in the atmosphere have been seen at Marian apparitions, in Chinese history as dragons and other ancient civilizations (see Plasma Cosmology) and modern UFO sightings.

Types of Encounters with Plasma Life Forms

Encounters with plasma life forms can be classified as follows:

Type 1 Encounter: This is an encounter with an ordinary matter plasma life form using the cognitive-sensory system of our carbon-based body in our familiar ordinarily visible Earth.

Type 2 Encounter: This is an encounter with a dark matter plasma life form whose energy level has fallen temporarily to allow ordinary matter in our familiar ordinarily visible Earth to condense around it.

Type 3 Encounter: This is an encounter with a dark matter plasma life form using the cognitive-sensory system of our bioplasma body and takes place wholly in the plasmasphere of the counterpart Earth.

Type 4 Encounter: This is an encounter where there is a dual state of consciousness - both the cognitive-sensory systems of the carbon-based body and bioplasma body are operating. In this case, the plasma life form in the counterpart Earth is superimposed on our familiar ordinarily visible Earth.

So, why do they not land at the White House?

The SETI Institute's program objective in trying to find intelligent life outside Earth is to some extent misguided. The aliens that are most frequently encountered and that can be considered "intelligent life" do not travel at light speed within our low energy physical universe nor do they have any technology to undertake intergalactic or interstellar travel. They are co-inhabitants of the Earth system - which includes the visible Earth and its dark matter counterpart. (It is therefore not surprising that they often express concern about the health of the planet. Why would a distant extra-terrestrial civilization be so concerned about our little planet?)

Although they co-evolved with us, they are likely to have evolved at a faster rate. V N Tsytovich of the Russian Academy of Sciences argues that helical dust structures in plasma would have a "faster evolutionary rate" in his 2007 paper on plasma life forms. This is also supported by Jay Alfred's concept of "accelerated morphogenesis" of bioplasma bodies (see Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 2006). Hence, this plasma-based civilization could be expected to be more advanced than us.

Nevertheless, despite the headstart, this civilization would also be probably struggling to understand parallel universes and may not be as capable of controlling their technology or society to the extent that we imagine. They would face difficulties in interacting with us as we do in trying to interact with them. As a civilization they would have government, political and social structures; and culture. They are likely to be superior in communications technology using bioplasma bodies since they would obviously be more familiar with these types of bodies compared to us. This includes the ability to communicate with bioplasma bodies that are coupled to our carbon-based bodies. We may interpret this as telepathy.

Based on current technology it is unlikely that the world will believe of any interactions with these aliens even if they were caught on camera talking to the President of the United States. All that would be reported in the media is the sighting of a "ghost" at the White House. (These aliens are ghost-like as they are plasma life forms, just like ghosts.) Communication would be intermittent and weak due to incompatible technology on both sides of the energy curtain separating carbon-based life forms from plasma-based life forms. Medical doctors will opine that they are hallucinations and the case will then be lumped-up with all the other "ghost stories" and shelved away. Perhaps our neighbors on "sister Earth" are quite acquainted with human nature and our feeble scientific attempts to understand them. Maybe they even fear that we will harm them with our growing technological sophistication.

Why do some people see it and some don't?

The wide range of sensory systems in the animal kingdom has already been discussed elsewhere (see Jay Alfred, Brains and Realities, 2006). Unlike the bees we are not able to sense ultra-violet light nor can we hear sounds or smell what our pet dogs can hear and smell. Even within a population of human beings the sensitivity of the sensory systems can be significantly varied. It is quite obvious that even the old and young have very different sensory ranges.

Recently, a certain type of mobile phone became very popular. These phones had telephone ring tones which could only be heard by the young but not the old. The technology relies on the fact that most adults gradually lose the ability to hear high-pitched sounds when they undergo "presbycusis" or "aging ear". If there was only 1 teenager in a population of 100 persons, the rest being much older, only that teen will be able to hear the ring tone. Assuming that we are one of the 99 older persons, should we then conclude that this young person is having an auditory hallucination when he hears the ring tone? The obvious answer is "no". But this type of argument has been unashamedly and repeatedly accepted by skeptics who claim to be using the "scientific method". One skeptic says, "I will not believe it until everybody is able to see it". This is clearly ludicrous. It is a scientific fact that the sensory ranges and acuity of a population of human beings can vary significantly. Now if we bring in the fact that certain people can transfer their locus of consciousness (whether intentionally or more often unintentionally) more easily to the sensory systems of their linked bioplasma bodies, we will find even greater differences.

Dark matter objects, in (the nearest frequency) counterpart Earth, interact with ordinary matter in our visible Earth when their energy levels temporarily fall due to a variety of reasons and ordinary matter condenses around them. Often this may lead to the generation of electromagnetic fields and radiation which may be picked up by our scientific instruments or even become visible to us if the radiation falls within the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Because of this, plasma metaphysics calls this type of matter in our nearest Earth counterpart "gray matter" as it straddles between ordinary and dark matter.

By switching-off relevant (and specific) brain circuits, a person may transfer his or her locus of consciousness to a bioplasma body which has the relevant sensory apparatus to be able to view the plasma life forms currently inhabiting our counterpart Earth. UFO sightings often occur when a person is taking a long car ride in a featureless area (like a desert). This provides the ideal conditions for a person to go into a meditative state and effect a transfer of consciousness to parallel bodies with different cognitive-sensory systems - landing them in our plasma-based counterpart Earth. In this type of encounter, it is not so much a case of the aliens visiting our visible Earth but it is us who are dropping-by, uninvited, an alien Earth environment.

Where did the Aliens go after I took the Medication?

Medication cuts-off awareness of alien attacks on our bioplasma bodies because it normalizes brain functions. In this case, the brain circuits that were "switched-off", allowing the locus of consciousness to be transferred to the bioplasma body which had the necessary sensory systems to view the relevant plasma life forms, had been restored and "switched-on" again. This cuts-off conscious contact with the counterpart Earth environment. The relevant brain circuits (particularly in the parietal and temporal lobes - see Jay, Alfred, Brains and Realities, 2006) may be switched-off physically through surgery, accidents like brain injuries, transcranial magnetic stimulation and ambient electromagnetic fields which simulates brain lesions; chemically through psychoactive or spiritual drugs; psychologically through meditation or hypnosis or during sleep.

How do they go through Walls?

The bioplasma body is composed of collisionless dark plasma (i.e. magnetic plasma in the form of dark matter). This allows it to pass through walls just as dark matter does or float through windows using electromagnetic guides. What the witnesses in alien abductions and Marian apparitions are often viewing is the counterpart Earth environment superimposed on the physical dense Earth. There is much evidence of this (see Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 2006). Hence, only some people who have shifted their locus of consciousness to their bioplasma bodies can actually witness the abduction. A group of people who shared the same environmental conditions (for example, four people in a car being driven over a featureless desert which generates meditative conditions) may simultaneous witness the abduction. The victim's body that participates in "alien abductions" is the bioplasma body - not the physical-biochemical body which undergoes sleep paralysis during these episodes.

The environment in which this body finds itself is the plasmasphere of our sister Earth. The physics relating to this environment, although fundamentally the same as our physics (extended to higher energy levels), can be quite different from what we experience in our daily lives on the lower energy physical-dense Earth in our carbon-based bodies. It can get somewhat confusing when our perceptions oscillate between the two Earth environments due to fluctuations in our locus of consciousness and their corresponding sensory-cognitive systems - leading sometimes to a superimposed environment. This superimposition also explains why we see ball lightning apparently going through walls or other physical objects. Balls of light are common in the counterpart Earth environment.

Why is there Electromagnetic Interference?

Interference by electric and magnetic fields betray the presence of plasma life forms. In fact, electromagnetic interference, in the absence of other obvious sources, confirms that we are dealing with bioplasma bodies. Bioplasma bodies generate electromagnetic fields and radiate high frequency electromagnetic waves which are currently not measurable by our scientific instruments. However, when their energly levels fall (intentionally or unintentionally) and ordinary matter condenses around them, this ordinary matter then radiates temporarily lower frequency (stepped-down) electromagnetic waves that can be detected by our current scientific instruments such as radar and even infra-red cameras. There is much, not only UFO literature, but also ghost literature which documents electromagnetic interference which points to the presence of plasma life forms.

What about the Marks on the Body?

It is has been documented in the metaphysical literature that marks on the physical-biochemical body may be caused by impacts to the nearest frequency dark matter body or the "physical-etheric" bioplasma body. This is often referred to as "repercussions" in the general metaphysical literature. The body of a human being which participates in an "alien abduction" is not the physical-biochemical body but the (physical-etheric) bioplasma body. If this bioplasma body is impacted, the physical-biochemical body can be impacted - similar to what happens in many reported reincarnation cases (see Jay Alfred, Extreme Biology, 2008). (Note that in the wider plasma metaphysics theory, there is a series of bioplasma bodies covering a spectrum of frequencies which fall outside the known electromagnetic spectrum. The physical-etheric body or the "Level 3" bioplasma body has the frequency closest to our carbon-based body.)

Should I move towards the Light?

While alien abductees see the light as threatening and are drawn to it unwillingly, near-death experiencers feel and see the light as being benevolent and wise and intentionally float towards it. As explained by plasma metaphysics (Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 2006), the counterpart Earth is a habitat for billions of plasma life forms - many of which appear as balls of light in their natural state. The identity of the light can therefore vary from situation to situation.

Can you get me a Plasma Gun?

The natural ability of bioplasma bodies to direct beams of light using vortices and magnetic fields (similar to what happens in a coaxial plasma accelerator) within the bioplasma body has already been discussed in the plasma metaphysics model (See Jay Alfred, Bioplasma Bodies - Emission of Radiation and Plasma via Plasma Vortex Systems, 2007).

But, seriously, are they Real?

It is well-established in cognitive science that the world as we see it is a construction of the brain. The environment which an abductee experiences, in a similar process, is also constructed from the cognitive system of the corresponding bioplasma body. To say that our world is more real than the alternative counterpart Earth is a kind of egocentricity that was prevalent before the 15th century. Europe is not the center of the world; the Earth is not in the center of the Solar System; the Solar System is not in the center of the Milky Way; the Milky Way is not in the center of the universe nor is our universe the centre of our multiverse. If that is the case, then the biochemical brain of one species of life form, just evolved on a tiny rock in space, cannot be the sole arbiter of reality.

During the first century A.D. Europeans had very little or no contact with India, China or the Americas due to the state of technology at that point of time. Europeans had weird ideas and generated fantastic tales about these "parallel" civilizations. Some Europeans even doubted or did not know of their existence and most did not even think about them. But today we talk about a global village which comprises a multitude of nations. Today, parallel universes and parallel Earths are the new frontiers. Scientists who prefer to remain in their comfort zones - to tinker with only what they can measure with today's scientific instruments will miss the opportunity to make bold strides in understanding the multiverse - starting with the Earth itself.


The plasma metaphysics model explains a wide variety of phenomena associated with genuine sightings of aliens, ghosts, deities, angels by both individuals and groups - using an internally consistent scientific framework. These sightings betray the presence of plasma-based life forms originating from a counterpart sister Earth gravitationally coupled to the visible Earth. (This hypothesis may be cited as the "Parallel Earth" hypothesis.) These terrestrial aliens (whether they be ghosts, fairies, grays, deities or angels) share common properties and may even shed light on the evolution of carbon-based life and consciousness on the Earth that we are most familiar with.

© Copyright Jay Alfred 2008
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co-accreted with the physical-dense Earth about 4.6 billion years ago from dark matter components in the embryonic Solar System

Was the material that caused the accretion ionic? I would think that it would have to be. When you go as far back as 4.6 billion years, the earth was part of the whole big ball of liquid that banged; the ball that exploded. The biggest portion of the ball of liquid closest to us is Sgr A*, the middle of our galaxy. The closest active part of the ball of liquid is the sun.

So, in reality, that article speaks of us. We are those life forms. Our flesh is hardened plasma, our thoughts and our nerves are ionic fire.

The plasma bodies that the article talks about are all around us, maybe not now as many as have been in the past, because the concussion of any explosion is violent toward processes that require minute ionic charges.

What happens mentally to soldiers in war zones? For a time, what are they used to hearing and what is the result?

What is the purpose of a de-briefing?

When it comes to wars, they are battles inside of a plasma body that covers the earth. And it may be that the 'intelligence' of this plasma is trying to alert other 'intelligence' before the 'death' of the covering.

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Why do some people see it and some don't?

Your human vision radar is a complex machine possibly made up of thousands of parts.

The most numerous of these is the rods and cones of the eye. Well, the rods and the cones are before the perhaps millions of synaptic charges that the pressure of the liquid in the eyeball has on these rods and cones that transmits an impulse. That is thousands of rods and cones transmitting charges down an axion of a nerve to millions of synaptic gaps that fire minute charges of negative electricity through the interaction of sodium (Na) ions and potassium (K) ions and that creates a 'picture' in your brain made up of ionic negative electrical charge.

When sunshine or daylight is present, the ionic activity in the atmosphere rises to such a high vibration that any ionic action in the atmosphere is so far above the the vibratory visual field of man. That and the sun is the main projector during the day and the interaction of the ionic wind from the sun with the crystal of Oxygen (Ozone) covering the earth causes the entity that surrounds the earth to vibrate at a rate that matches the infusion of ionic particles. At night, the entity sleeps allowing your individual ionic charges to be seen.

Part of the question was why don't some people see it?

I think they do, but they do not pay attention to it or their attention is pulled away. I will call it personal subduction.

But, there are cases where somebody will go into their home and set their keys somewhere or their glasses and they'll 'forget' where they are. Just the point that they are searching for the things tells you that there is no problem as far as remembering the item mentally.

Every time my mind runs off to the physical parts of the environment that would cause breakdowns of the human and we know that the environment is not doing well; anyway, every part of your body operates from something else. The elements that you have to consume to provide the plasma body with a covering of flesh dominates the attention. When that is satisfied, then your attention is relaxed to go to other persuits. Your body is a factory inside of a chain link fence made up of sodium (Na) ions and potassium (K) ions. The President of that factory is your mind, the greatest concentration of these ions. This factory is made up of systems that have their own representative thought, i.e. digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system, but they require different elements.

As far as I can tell, the nervous system is fixed and closed. It does not grow any more that has been predetermined by the DNA. I think that the nervous system does repair through reallocation of the impulses to any unused area in the brain, but the physical nervous system is fragile, but not irrepairable.

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How do they go through Walls?

collisionless dark plasma (i.e. magnetic plasma in the form of dark matter)?

Does that mean that the whole of the universe is plasma? Would dark matter, then, be uncharged plasma? The initial concussion from the Big Bang, the leading wave of energy is where? And can you say if there is or has been 'after-bangs' causing other waves? Of course, there are 'little bangs' happening all the time. I guess 'Like father like son.'

There is one thing, I think, that scientist have measured that can pass through anything and that is a Neutrino.

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Wow! :w00t:

A fully developed theory based on.... nothing at all!

+1 my thoughts exactly.

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When sunshine or daylight is present, the ionic activity in the atmosphere rises to such a high vibration that any ionic action in the atmosphere is so far above the the vibratory visual field of man. That and the sun is the main projector during the day and the interaction of the ionic wind from the sun with the crystal of Oxygen (Ozone) covering the earth causes the entity that surrounds the earth to vibrate at a rate that matches the infusion of ionic particles. At night, the entity sleeps allowing your individual ionic charges to be seen.

Hold on GreggK, if this entity surrounds the Earth then surely at least half of it will always be in daylight? So when does it sleep?

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Hold on GreggK, if this entity surrounds the Earth then surely at least half of it will always be in daylight? So when does it sleep?

Half of it sleeps while the other is awake. You have two lobes to your brain too. That means that you have two worlds in which you live, one physical and one mental. The charged paticles blown off of the sun causes waves that drives the entity down toward the ground into the lower parts of your body during the day and you came out of the mental and into the physical. At night, the pressure is off and you rest. Your entity can then operate using only the brain.

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I object strongly to your presenting speculation as established fact, and referring to your own prior speculations as supporting evidence. Your speculation is intelligent and fascinating, and some of what you say may someday be proven to be true. Furthermore,there is, or should be in science a place for such speculation as a stimulus to discussion and a point of departure for further thought and research. But you should be more honest and label it for what it is, not present it as if it had already been proven. William B Stoecker

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Half of it sleeps while the other is awake. You have two lobes to your brain too. That means that you have two worlds in which you live, one physical and one mental. The charged paticles blown off of the sun causes waves that drives the entity down toward the ground into the lower parts of your body during the day and you came out of the mental and into the physical. At night, the pressure is off and you rest. Your entity can then operate using only the brain.

what is your opinion of the mental? why is there such a variety in opinions? Why is there individual?

If we are the product of some particulate elements' momentum post-bang.

Edited by Heebrow
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Can anyone give some more sources according to this theory?

I found it really interesting, because a lot of the things described in this article

fit into the depiction of supernatural beings in a book I read called "the unobstructed universe"

by Stewart Edward White that totally fascinated me.

I'd be so glad about more Information according to this topic!

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I object strongly to your presenting speculation as established fact, and referring to your own prior speculations as supporting evidence. Your speculation is intelligent and fascinating, and some of what you say may someday be proven to be true. Furthermore,there is, or should be in science a place for such speculation as a stimulus to discussion and a point of departure for further thought and research. But you should be more honest and label it for what it is, not present it as if it had already been proven. William B Stoecker

Interesting read, but I have to agree with Stoecker.

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I object strongly to your presenting speculation as established fact, and referring to your own prior speculations as supporting evidence. Your speculation is intelligent and fascinating, and some of what you say may someday be proven to be true. Furthermore,there is, or should be in science a place for such speculation as a stimulus to discussion and a point of departure for further thought and research. But you should be more honest and label it for what it is, not present it as if it had already been proven. William B Stoecker

Thank you for reading the article and sharing your thoughts. I appreciate immensely the interesting and valuable feedback that I receive from various readers from this website every time I write an article – including your latest comments. I have been doing research on plasma life forms since 2001. The theory in the above article is only a component of a wider theory that can be found in my books "Our Invisible Bodies" published in 2006 and "Between the Moon and Earth" published in 2007. There are hundreds of references in these books to scientific papers, outcomes of recent scientific experiments and observations by leading experimental metaphysicists which are too voluminous to be reproduced here. I guess I took a less formal approach when writing this article. I strongly believe that when technology and measuring instruments improve many aspects of this theory will find further support.

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Wow! :w00t:

A fully developed theory based on.... nothing at all!

The author, Mr. Alfred, has provided full documentation of his reference materials which are not "nothing." The existence of sources TO reference indicates extensive research must have been done upon the given topic.

The fact that all referenced materials were written by the same Mr. Alfred is neither here nor there. Consequently, they all must exist in the counterpart dark earth world.


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what is your opinion of the mental? why is there such a variety in opinions? Why is there individual?

If we are the product of some particulate elements' momentum post-bang.

The mental is made of the photons produced by the collisions of sodium ions with potassium ions inside the synaptic gap of each neuron. Y'all wake up! Humans have been on this earth for a million years give or take a few. Hydrogen ions and helium ions are much younger ions and they give us the sun!

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Thank you for reading the article and sharing your thoughts. I appreciate immensely the interesting and valuable feedback that I receive from various readers from this website every time I write an article – including your latest comments. I have been doing research on plasma life forms since 2001. The theory in the above article is only a component of a wider theory that can be found in my books "Our Invisible Bodies" published in 2006 and "Between the Moon and Earth" published in 2007. There are hundreds of references in these books to scientific papers, outcomes of recent scientific experiments and observations by leading experimental metaphysicists which are too voluminous to be reproduced here. I guess I took a less formal approach when writing this article. I strongly believe that when technology and measuring instruments improve many aspects of this theory will find further support.

I believe in invisible, or I could say not in the visible spectrum, bodies. Nevertheless, we do not have invisible bodies. We can definitly see, feel, and manipulate our bodies. It is what you are talking about with the plasma bodies that I am concentrating on. At one time, our bodies may have been invisible and there may have been elements introduced by someone or something to slowly make them visible, as may be the case with ghosts or phantams.

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post-40197-1202459166_thumb.jpgvery very interesting,i must speculate that if there is a parallel earth then this would go for everything in existence right through to the universe as a whole,or simple put the physical and parallel to it, levels of life! thanks saru for the brilliant read and gregg for some good theory explanations!....this is a real good topic and foresight into the opposing or ascended consciousness from this world to the next,they should keep looking at this, as it can explain so much to the world we live in and how we deem the term 'Life'....real'ism anyone!
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post-40197-1202459166_thumb.jpgvery very interesting,i must speculate that if there is a parallel earth then this would go for everything in existence right through to the universe as a whole,or simple put the physical and parallel to it, levels of life! thanks saru for the brilliant read and gregg for some good theory explanations!....this is a real good topic and foresight into the opposing or ascended consciousness from this world to the next,they should keep looking at this, as it can explain so much to the world we live in and how we deem the term 'Life'....real'ism anyone!

Excellent picture, kobie.

QUOTE (Heebrow @ Feb 4 2008, 09:27 PM)

what is your opinion of the mental? why is there such a variety in opinions? Why is there individual?

If we are the product of some particulate elements' momentum post-bang.

The most abundant element post-bang was Deuterium, heavy-hydrogen, but by the time the outer limits had been reached by the expansion, the deuterium had formed into tritium and then helium and on down the line to the heaviest element.

Nitrogen makes up about 4/5 of the atmosphere around us and just about that about that abundant around stars.

1/5 of the atmosphere around us contains 20.9% Oxygen.

1/5 x 21/100 = 21 / 500

4/5 = 20/25 = 400/500

Therefore, about 1.27% of the total breatheable atmosphere is Oxygen (O2).

The leaf of a plant absorbs CO2 and the waste from that is O2. The Carbon forms the material of the leaf and the blood of the plant, the chlorophyll, is identical to the red blood cell in humans except the middle atom. Humans breathe in the O2 and give off CO2.

What is the difference in the atoms of the cells of plants and humans?

The middle atom of chlorophyll is magnesium. For humans, it's iron.

I went through all of this explanation to tell you that the second stage of the sun that comes from the H1 collision is Deuterium and a neutrino and a positron.

That might mean that there 2 earths or 2 world-forms.

Hydrogen is the gate between us and whatever is on the other side. Deuterium is the first element of the physical, the neutrino is the first element of the non-physical, and the positron is the energy between the two.

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Sounds all nice and dandy, and all the wording seems plausable, but nature has taught me that when you think thats the way it is...its not...and with the certainty that you state these things as facts..thats the way i interpet it...certaintly you got it wrong.

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Sounds all nice and dandy, and all the wording seems plausable, but nature has taught me that when you think thats the way it is...its not...and with the certainty that you state these things as facts..thats the way i interpet it...certaintly you got it wrong.

It's true, there's too much sweet irony throughout life. What drives these 'ionic elements' to co-interact in sequence to produce this advanced a state of reality.

Regardless of how intricate the process of life is, I think it's in our best nature to think for our offspring and society's current "eco lifestyle" impact.

Generate some intelligent momentum in the direction of solving mankinds most formidable self-generated enemy.

Unless your too care-free'd to do so.

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