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world power


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i wonder which country is going to be the world power when america falls. i say China. tell me what you think. if you are a prophet, please post.

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Just out of curiousity, what makes you think America is going to fall? huh.gif

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When America falls, Australlia will be the world power...watch and see...

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I was gonna say canada too, but then i thought, " canada, whats that all aboot, eh?"

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America isn't going to "fall" as long as pinky and the brain remain in power......

I didn't know that Pinky and the Brain were in power...unless that was a crack at President Bush:

Cheney: Gee Bush, what are we going to do tonight?

Bush: The same thing we do everynight: try to take over the world!

Cheney: Oh...heheeehheeee

Not that I think that Bush and Chaney are cartoon characters, or trying to take over the world. Just a joke...easy...put that wet fish down....

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An African super nation if they can get their stuff together, huge poplation, abundance of natural resources, gold and diamonds, trade routes. when the colonys were handed back their previous owners thought they would be super powers in their own right.

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I'd say the United Federation of Europe, or whatever its going to be called.

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Just a joke...easy...put that wet fish down....


But yes, hypothetically speaking, it would be one of the major European powers I think.

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I just can't see the US losing the top spot for a while.

As far as the following:

Africa - No chance. At least not for many, many years to come. I think that at present they are too unstable. South Africa and Zimbabwe are prime examples.

Australia? Need a few more people to emigrate there first; hard to be a Super Power with 30m odd people and such a large land mass to defend.

Europe Super State? Yeah right!! Just need to erase about a thousand years of rivalry, jelousy and prejudice first.

China - Now that's a possibility!! Over a billion people, powerful military, sound economy.

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mowo Posted on Feb 5 2004 @ 12:51 PM

I think that if Wales manage to gain independance, they will become the largest superpower the world has ever seen.

England should therefore act immediately and impose martial law with the summary execution of known trouble makers. whistling2.gif

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America isn't going to "fall" as long as pinky and the brain remain in power......

I didn't know that Pinky and the Brain were in power...unless that was a crack at President Bush:

Cheney: Gee Bush, what are we going to do tonight?

Bush: The same thing we do everynight: try to take over the world!

Cheney: Oh...heheeehheeee

Not that I think that Bush and Chaney are cartoon characters, or trying to take over the world. Just a joke...easy...put that wet fish down....

acuattly fluff, i think the the other way around.

bush=pinky and cheny= brain

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I can only 3 reason's that would see america falling.

1. In history it has been shown that all superpowers time comes to an end. Though there is no reason to believe that this would be relevant in modern times.

2. America fall victim to their own success and become far too arrogant and keep disreganrding world opinion, this is a real danger.

3. If they continue to vote in sub-standard candidates to the position of their president.

I dont believe that any world power would emerge if there were to be a catasrtophic chain of events in america.

I believe Europe would eventually in the wake of this unite and become stong enough to match the chinese whom i think are the only nation left with the manpower and economic power to become the next superpower.

Though if India could get their act together they could become a major force as well.

I beleive that in the case of the fall of america as a superpower theyre would only be evenly matched rivals.

Though i hope this doesnt happen because the only way America will collapse is through war either civil or against a foregn aggressor and if thats the case then were all in big trouble. crying.gif

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acuattly fluff, i think the the other way around.

bush=pinky and cheny= brain

Are you sure they're not both Pinky? wink2.gif

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China's economy would go down the john if we shut down all trade agreements with them. The U.S. is the main source of China's economy.

On the other hand, the US buys a lot of stuff from China too that would be hard to replace in our current economy.

Try going to the store and buying anything that dosen't say "Made in China," on it. It's nearly impossible.

Also - India is a potential super power. It just needs to modernize it's military a bit.

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England should therefore act immediately and impose martial law with the summary execution of known trouble makers. 

It is funny how despite constantly claiming that the celts are a drain on the British economy the English wont let us go... could it be all that north sea oil.

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