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"Ghost" photographed in Leeds


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user posted image rLabourer michael Scheres says he and a pal unwittingly snapped the spook while working on the old Lewis's building, in The Headrow.Michael, of Belle Isle, Leeds, said: "I could feel it had gone really cold, I was shivering and this feeling was shooting up and down my spine.

Liam, the lad I was working with, took the picture. When he saved it came up with the ghost on. He nearly dropped the phone. I couldn't believe what I was seeing at first.

news icon View: Full Article | Source: Yorkshire Evening Post

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Interesting picture. I made some pics with different lighting here.




I would say that there is something here, wether it be a ghost or some sort of unexplained anomaly.

Edited by Ghost Ship
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Why is it that unexplained pictures are always blurry i think its trying to hide that its fake sorry to ruin it but my phone takes better quality pictures than that

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Interesting picture. I made some pics with different lighting here.


I would say that there is something here, wether it be a ghost or some sort of unexplained anomaly.

I like the thrid pic! It looks like modern art!

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What a strange anomaly.

TeraLink Was Here!

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I like the thrid pic! It looks like modern art!

Is it just me or can anyone else see some sort of a dog in the middle?

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Is it just me or can anyone else see some sort of a dog in the middle?

can anyone else see a person in the top right of the pic, in the background? Im sure someone is standing there

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Is it just me or can anyone else see some sort of a dog in the middle?

It's not just you :) At first I thought it was a cat, but got the picture of a dog in some of the others...If there's something there or not, it's an interesting picture.......

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I agree with the other guys saying it looks like smoke.

I blow O's all the time.

Or maybe my mouth is posessed and I expell spirits from my nostrils and demons from my mouth!!!

Pretty weak picture in all honesty.. even if it is real.

I don't know what different filters on a picture are supposed to prove but it does nothing for me.

It would be another thing to drop a filter on a picture and see someone's head chopped off.

That would be worth while filtering.


Nice looking O tho!

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Oh ys, does look like smoke so I tried to enlarge and look further. I do see the shape of a face in the circle and some weird thing in the right corner. Not sure what it is but thought I'd share:


Take care, :) Jody

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Hmm....I can't quite make out exactly what it is....(Maybe it's a ghost, maybe it's smoke) either way I have to agree with someone above. If the picture WAS taken by a cell phone, then it must have been a very old phone to have taken a picture of such low quality. Also if there was a chill in the room it may have just been a draft from ventilation or something....I don't know [shrugs]

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Why is it that unexplained pictures are always blurry i think its trying to hide that its fake sorry to ruin it but my phone takes better quality pictures than that

Good for you. Not everyone has high resolution cameras on their cell phones. I've seen blurrier photography than this shot from film. It's fairly clear for a camera phone.

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How many reading this have seen ultra sound images of an unborn baby in the womb? This picture looks like that. This is creepy. Some do believe in spirits and others do not. And of those who do not believe ,they can never believe until they have their on experience. This looks like the spirit of an unborn baby. :(

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