kubmari Posted March 30, 2009 #301 Share Posted March 30, 2009 He might mean the spirits that come for you when you die, angels/guardians or whatever. I have also found an opinion that shadow people are not evil, that would explain why not everyone of them behaves aggresive or leeches on your emotions. Other opinion was that its just a form that dead people choose to use instead of more casual ones like orbs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fylgja Posted March 30, 2009 #302 Share Posted March 30, 2009 I've seen them. Once my husband and I saw one at the same time. I don't know what they are. I have no theories. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juste Posted March 30, 2009 #303 Share Posted March 30, 2009 (edited) Will you please explain what you mean by that? I welcome any story about the Shadow Men. Well I have to say beforehand that I am not very keen on telling my story, it brings back dark memories, thus I'll be brief, will not go into much detail as I deem this experience very personal, btw the more the time goes by, the more I tend to believe all of this was the product of my imagination, or at least I wish it were... I post my account only because you look serious with your investigation. First off, I want to say that I am totally sane, I don't take any medication, and I only happened to see these beings on two specific occasions, namely on 2 life-threatening situations. I used to have many issues in my life, I lived on the edge all the time as though I was daring death. When I was 18, I had a huge car accident, I drove my car off into ditch at about 200 km/h. The car made roughly 7 or 8 flips to end up back on the 4 wheels... I was a little dizzy indeed, and for a split of second, I caught a glimpse of about 9 free-standing hooded shadow outlines looking down on me. I thought it was just a hallucination, and it stayed that way in my mind until the second time I saw them. After the accident, I was rushed to the hospital. I was told by doctors, famely, and friends that it was a miracle that I had got out of it alive... 3 years later, I had my second sighting, this one was quite a brush with death. I was going through very tough times, leading myself astray, hanging out late on hard drugs. I ended up making an overdose one night. I felt my heart fail, my legs started growing numbed and it was going up to my neck. I was really freaking out. Then, out the blue, they were there, free standing, surronding me. They were so vivid and dark, this time I could'nt think it was my mind playing tricks on me. Suddenly all the lights went off( I mean I could'nt make out any light), I heard a deafening noise and I saw they were hovering around me along with this freaking noise, I felt drained as though they were pulling something out of me, I felt ruthlessly judged and I was paralized by fear. At the very moment I thought it was all over. Actually after the lights went out, I was'nt anymore in the same reality, I was in some sort of black room, like an interrogation room. Then, its kind of fuzzy in mind, I feel like I repressed what went on thereafter, I think I went through some sort of life review of all the deeds I had done, of the tangente my life had taken since I was 17 about.Then I only remember finding myself standing in the middle of the living room when the light came back. I was very rattled after this experience, I wanted it so bad to be just a bad dream, but the fact of the matter was that I had really done drugs that night so I could'nt have fallen asleep. Since it happened, I can say that it is the best thing that has ever happened to me, it made me realize how bad I was driving my life, and I straightened it out for good. I think they were there to convey a message to me.That's why I believe they are the brothers of the death, good or bad? I think they are both... Edited March 30, 2009 by juste detracté Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aanica Posted March 30, 2009 #304 Share Posted March 30, 2009 Juste...thank you for adding that most painful personal account ..it will certainly not go unappreciated... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amarali2012 Posted March 30, 2009 Author #305 Share Posted March 30, 2009 Well I have to say beforehand that I am not very keen on telling my story, it brings back dark memories, thus I'll be brief, will not go into much detail as I deem this experience very personal, btw the more the time goes by, the more I tend to believe all of this was the product of my imagination, or at least I wish it were... I post my account only because you look serious with your investigation. First off, I want to say that I am totally sane, I don't take any medication, and I only happened to see these beings on two specific occasions, namely on 2 life-threatening situations. I used to have many issues in my life, I lived on the edge all the time as though I was daring death. When I was 18, I had a huge car accident, I drove my car off into ditch at about 200 km/h. The car made roughly 7 or 8 flips to end up back on the 4 wheels... I was a little dizzy indeed, and for a split of second, I caught a glimpse of about 9 free-standing hooded shadow outlines looking down on me. I thought it was just a hallucination, and it stayed that way in my mind until the second time I saw them. After the accident, I was rushed to the hospital. I was told by doctors, famely, and friends that it was a miracle that I had got out of it alive... 3 years later, I had my second sighting, this one was quite a brush with death. I was going through very tough times, leading myself astray, hanging out late on hard drugs. I ended up making an overdose one night. I felt my heart fail, my legs started growing numbed and it was going up to my neck. I was really freaking out. Then, out the blue, they were there, free standing, surronding me. They were so vivid and dark, this time I could'nt think it was my mind playing tricks on me. Suddenly all the lights went off( I mean I could'nt make out any light), I heard a deafening noise and I saw they were hovering around me along with this freaking noise, I felt drained as though they were pulling something out of me, I felt ruthlessly judged and I was paralized by fear. At the very moment I thought it was all over. Actually after the lights went out, I was'nt anymore in the same reality, I was in some sort of black room, like an interrogation room. Then, its kind of fuzzy in mind, I feel like I repressed what went on thereafter, I think I went through some sort of life review of all the deeds I had done, of the tangente my life had taken since I was 17 about.Then I only remember finding myself standing in the middle of the living room when the light came back. I was very rattled after this experience, I wanted it so bad to be just a bad dream, but the fact of the matter was that I had really done drugs that night so I could'nt have fallen asleep. Since it happened, I can say that it is the best thing that has ever happened to me, it made me realize how bad I was driving my life, and I straightened it out for good. I think they were there to convey a message to me.That's why I believe they are the brothers of the death, good or bad? I think they are both... Hmm... Two thoughts come to mind here. (this is directed at anyone who may have a similar encounter, not just the UM member I am replying too)OBE and SP are connected with appearances of The Old Woman. We do not usually hear of her coupling with the Hoodies, but the Hat Man often is. And since she is thought, by some, to be Hat Man's bride, maybe in this occasion she came in his place to help paralyze you, and pull you from your body. I am unsure of why they would need to pull you onto another plane, or if they even could, but if this is what happened, they may have been looking for something. This would support several of the theories in OP. That they are working for someone higher on the food chain, and that they do watch and keep track of certain people. My second thought is that if they work for the Reaper, then maybe you have not led such a good life, or have cheated Death a few too many times. (I mean no offense in this BTW) The Reaper is AKA, Death. If they are his servants or helpers, than yes, they could plausibly be the "brothers" of Death. And one final thought. They could have been looking for something and punishing you. (Once again no offense) It is possible that you may have miss used a gift for selfish purposes unknowingly. If you had used your gift for the wrong reasons, but did not even know you had a gift, they may have been "reaping" or taking the gift itself back. This is a new theory that has just come to mind. There are many people who choose to ignore the fact that they have a gift. I know a few who have lost their gift because they did not want it. I think "use it or lose it" was a factor there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amarali2012 Posted March 30, 2009 Author #306 Share Posted March 30, 2009 I have just realized that when I posted the revision, I completely forgot a few key sub-topics! I apologize for this, I was half asleep. Here is the correction: The Old Woman: - Is always reported while victim is in a state of SP (sleep paralysis) - Is associated with SP - Is associated with bad dreams and feelings of fear - Is associated with sensations of being held down, unable to move, and being drained - Believed by some to be the Bride of the Man in the Hat - Associated with OBE with nightmares Situations with The Old Woman are almost identical to that of the Hat Man. The differences, however, are quite specific: the victim will wake up in a state of SP, unable to move. The Old Woman is usually holding you down and creating quite a bit of fear, which is why most victims think they are "just dreaming". And most report having an OBE with nightmares. Victims say they feel as if they are being pulled, or forced out of their bodies. The way to avoid and/or rid yourself of her is basically the same as Hat Man as well, but with one addition: SP is caused by STRESS. Removing stress from your life will make it harder for you to fall into SP. For those who do not know about SP, it is a state in which your body is so tired that it literally cannot go any farther without rest. But, in contrast, your mind is in a state of overdrive, and so deep in thought, that your body will shut down and go to sleep while you are still wide awake and lost in thought. Your mind is active, but your body is dormant. You are wide-awake mentally but asleep physically. Even though you are coherent and conscious, you cannot move. It can be very scary, especially if you are part of the way asleep mentally and get interrupted by a nightmare like the Old Woman. Try always to go to bed in a good mood, and to have all your work for the day done. That way, you are free to drift off to sleep without any worries to tempt the Old Woman. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juste Posted March 30, 2009 #307 Share Posted March 30, 2009 My second thought is that if they work for the Reaper, then maybe you have not led such a good life, or have cheated Death a few too many times. (I mean no offense in this BTW) The Reaper is AKA, Death. If they are his servants or helpers, than yes, they could plausibly be the "brothers" of Death.What does that mean "AKA, death"? Of course they were not there to greet me, they were far from giving off any good feelings. I knew their presence was related to my life-style which was quite questionnable at the time(very auto-destructive). I think I deserved a second chance, I was just starting my life... and I think that is why I am still here. And one final thought. They could have been looking for something and punishing you. (Once again no offense) It is possible that you may have miss used a gift for selfish purposes unknowingly. If you had used your gift for the wrong reasons, but did not even know you had a gift, they may have been "reaping" or taking the gift itself back. This is a new theory that has just come to mind. There are many people who choose to ignore the fact that they have a gift. I know a few who have lost their gift because they did not want it. I think "use it or lose it" was a factor there. Its possible although I don't feel like they took anything from me. As matter of fact, I grew as a better person from their visit. They scared the hell out of me, and I think I have learned something unconsciously, I don't remember all of it, I am sure that if I dared go under hypnose, I would recall the missing part. I am just not ready for that, I put my mind to my studies right now. If I had a gift of any sort, well I never knew it and I don't feel stripped of anything. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amarali2012 Posted March 30, 2009 Author #308 Share Posted March 30, 2009 What does that mean "AKA, death"? Also Known As. I meant no offense to you with my reply. I was also directing that to anyone else who may have had a similar experience, anyone who does have a gift, or/and who IS being "evil". Also, if you did not know you had a gift, and never used it, that may be why you do not "miss" it if they did take something, not saying that they did, because I would not know. Thank you for you reply, Juste Detracté. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CausticGnostic Posted April 3, 2009 #309 Share Posted April 3, 2009 All I can say is, now I'm really glad I've never seen any kind of ghost or spirit! Man, those shadow people are freakin' creepy! And, Just Detracte, you were smart to change your lifestyle, especially if it took seeing those . . . things . . . to motivate you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CausticGnostic Posted April 3, 2009 #310 Share Posted April 3, 2009 All I can say is, now I'm really glad I've never seen any kind of ghost or spirit! Man, those shadow people are freakin' creepy! And, Just Detracte, you were smart to change your lifestyle, especially if it took seeing those . . . things . . . to motivate you! Stay off the hard drugs, my friend! Maybe now, if you ever see any more ghosts or spirits, you'll see good ones. Do only people living a bad or harmful lifestyle see these shadow people? And do only people living a good or helpful lifestyle see angels? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meiliken Posted April 3, 2009 #311 Share Posted April 3, 2009 All I can say is, now I'm really glad I've never seen any kind of ghost or spirit! Man, those shadow people are freakin' creepy! And, Just Detracte, you were smart to change your lifestyle, especially if it took seeing those . . . things . . . to motivate you! Stay off the hard drugs, my friend! Maybe now, if you ever see any more ghosts or spirits, you'll see good ones. Do only people living a bad or harmful lifestyle see these shadow people? And do only people living a good or helpful lifestyle see angels? I think it may have to do with a persons perceptions. I see both as being either points of light or points of dark respectively floating in the air. Maybe they exist outside of the normal spectrum which is why many people will never see them. My opinion is the points of light are good/pure spirits/angels, and the dark points evil/corrupt spirits/demons. It may be why people see the points of dark when they're life is in a particularly bad place. I learned to turn it off and on so I don't see it constantly because it can blind me. There seems to be more points of light than dark which leads me to think it takes more goodness to beat back evil. Considering that people always seem to attribute dark feelings when they encounter the points of darkness, this may be the reason why. My suggestion is that anyone that sees the points of darkness to look around for the points of light and move towards those. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
veledran Posted April 3, 2009 #312 Share Posted April 3, 2009 People of varying lifestyles see shadow people. It's not a good/bad lifestyle issue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deviltrigger Posted April 3, 2009 #313 Share Posted April 3, 2009 hello this is very interesting to me. also another fact which in my view is staggering is that i only found out about these shadow people and also joined this site today. when i saw one last night. a small impish one that flicked across a couple objects on my room floor. This was at like 1 am and i was the only one awake. Another thing that i am certain will get all of you incredibaly excited is that i may of found a way to see them whenever or the ones that are "invisable". The method i have used has worked over 10 times on the same night and on each of these occurances it was tall with red glowing eyes. i know what i saw the eyes were very bright like an LED like or almost run out laser. the entity only stayed there for a second then faded and was almost always seen in my peripheral vision. the method i used: stare at a spot on a wall at night with your head turned slightly ( if you were in the middle of the room, you would have your eyes fixed to the wall infront of you while having your face faceing the corner of the room) then quickly flick your eyes all the way to the other side of your head and keep them there for like 2 seconds. repeat this as many times as you want. hopefully you'l see something like i did. thx for the nice info and tell me if this works for you etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aanica Posted April 3, 2009 #314 Share Posted April 3, 2009 deviltrigger the method i used: stare at a spot on a wall at night with your head turned slightly ( if you were in the middle of the room, you would have your eyes fixed to the wall infront of you while having your face faceing the corner of the room) then quickly flick your eyes all the way to the other side of your head and keep them there for like 2 seconds. repeat this as many times as you want. hopefully you'l see something like i did. thx for the nice info and tell me if this works for you etc. This is interesting, but I advise against trying this for any reason, first these are things are not good so any attempted contact will most likely bring more of them...(IMO) They are not like pets.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deviltrigger Posted April 3, 2009 #315 Share Posted April 3, 2009 (edited) This is interesting, but I advise against trying this for any reason, first these are things are not good so any attempted contact will most likely bring more of them...(IMO) They are not like pets.. yeah i get the danger from this. but i am not really making contact because i dont try to speak or touch them or anything. just see them and observe them like they do to us. plus i did this over 10 times with the red eyes ones which are said to be the dangerous ones. im still here arnt i? surely they would of taken or done that mind tainting thing. Edited April 3, 2009 by deviltrigger Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amarali2012 Posted April 3, 2009 Author #316 Share Posted April 3, 2009 People of varying lifestyles see shadow people. It's not a good/bad lifestyle issue. Agreed! Thank you Veledran. I am sure all of the serious members/posters will also agree and back this up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amarali2012 Posted April 3, 2009 Author #317 Share Posted April 3, 2009 it was tall with red glowing eyes. i know what i saw the eyes were very bright like an LED like or almost run out laser This sounds like a Hoodie to me. The are very bad/nasty/evil, and can possibly harm you. I would strongly advise getting rid of it. Thank you for this very interesting information. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CausticGnostic Posted April 4, 2009 #318 Share Posted April 4, 2009 Agreed! Thank you Veledran. I am sure all of the serious members/posters will also agree and back this up. Well, that's a relief! I figured I hadn't seen any of the things only because they hadn't gotten around to me yet! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meiliken Posted April 4, 2009 #319 Share Posted April 4, 2009 People of varying lifestyles see shadow people. It's not a good/bad lifestyle issue. Aye, I wouldn't say it's a good/bad lifestyle issue either. But attempting to contact/touch one of these things I couldn't advise. Without knowing what would happen, it could be dangerous. But then on the other hand, how can one find out if they are dangerous without taking the chance? Personal decision on that one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deviltrigger Posted April 4, 2009 #320 Share Posted April 4, 2009 But then on the other hand, how can one find out if they are dangerous without taking the chance? Personal decision on that one. yeah like almost trying to trap one or something. like getting one in an islated room then close the door and lights then completely cover every shadow in the room while you watch through a window. would be fascinating if its still there on its own with no other shadows. yes..................i have a good imagination........................ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amarali2012 Posted April 4, 2009 Author #321 Share Posted April 4, 2009 yeah like almost trying to trap one or something. like getting one in an islated room then close the door and lights then completely cover every shadow in the room while you watch through a window. would be fascinating if its still there on its own with no other shadows. yes..................i have a good imagination........................ Hmm, interesting. But, I wonder how you would go about getting one them alone? How would you convince it to go into a room where it could be isolated? If one thing is clear about them, it is the fact that they seem to answer to themselves, and that they certainly will not obey a human. But, if this is possible, or if anyone has an opportunity, I would be very curious to see what happens! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aanica Posted April 4, 2009 #322 Share Posted April 4, 2009 Yes Amarali that is something I would also like to see..good question.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deviltrigger Posted April 4, 2009 #323 Share Posted April 4, 2009 (edited) it would most definately be an amazing thing to have caught one. it would be a scientific breakthrough aswell as PROVING their existance in a way no one would be able to say no to. could be able to trick or lure it inside? maybe there is something that attracts them. like as said previously, apparently they are attracted to people with magic or special qualities. perhaps having an item deemed magickal or evil would attract them. Edited April 4, 2009 by deviltrigger Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amarali2012 Posted April 4, 2009 Author #324 Share Posted April 4, 2009 it would most definately be an amazing thing to have caught one. it would be a scientific breakthrough aswell as PROVING their existance in a way no one would be able to say no to. could be able to trick or lure it inside? maybe there is something that attracts them. like as said previously, apparently they are attracted to people with magic or special qualities. perhaps having an item deemed magickal or evil would attract them. What attracts them, and why they are here: That is what we are here to find out! If you are able to accomplish this feat, please let us know! But also, more importantly, please keep yourself safe as well. Use caution if you attempt this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meiliken Posted April 5, 2009 #325 Share Posted April 5, 2009 What attracts them, and why they are here: That is what we are here to find out! If you are able to accomplish this feat, please let us know! But also, more importantly, please keep yourself safe as well. Use caution if you attempt this. Asking why there are here is the same as asking why we are here. I wouldn't tackle that question because there is no answer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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