Amarali2012 Posted July 17, 2008 Author #151 Share Posted July 17, 2008 Hmm, another question is: Are the basic shadow people the same as the hooded figure and hat man, or are they different but happen to look similar? THAT was the FIRST topic in the revised post. NO. They and the "old woman" are NOT what I consider shadow people. These guys DO hurt people in a way. First up: The Hat Men, the Old Woman, and the Hooded shadows. After reading through the ENTIRE thread, I have strongly noticed only ONE recurring fact about these three. EVERY mention of them relates to feelings of fear, paranoia, and vulnerability. Other accounts point to the victim feeling threatened, and/or just having experienced a personal trauma or other sadness. The Old Women is always a suspect during the occurrence of SP, when you CANNOT move. The Hat Man is alway leering over you while you are asleep,when you are MOST VULNERABLE. The Hoodies always seem to be following, or hanging around an individual who is an unhappy person, an endless supply of SAD/DARK EMOTIONS. These three types are the only ones who have been repeatedly reported to wear clothing of any kind, or to have glowing red eyes. This is the reason I believe they are NOT "true" shadow people. They DO actively interfere with our lives and cause harm! If not physical damage, then certainly psychological, emotional, and mental, which ANY of those is WORSE than physical damage. I believe these three entities are some type of evil/demonic entity or other spirit. I believe that they feed off of our fear,pain, and suffering. If you are being attacked by these creatures DO NOT make yourself an easy target! Keep a positive mind, keep your personal living space as happy and inviting as possible. If possible, have some source of light nearby when you sleep, maybe even calming soothing music to play gently in the background while you sleep. And above all else, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Believe they cannot and will not hurt you. Tell them in the name of whatever/whoever you hold sacred that they are NOT WELCOME, and GET OUT! Mediation and prayer are also helpful. Whatever you can do to empower yourself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
veledran Posted July 17, 2008 #152 Share Posted July 17, 2008 (edited) THAT was the FIRST topic in the revised post. NO. They and the "old woman" are NOT what I consider shadow people. These guys DO hurt people in a way. Ok, so let's see..... Shadow People - Range from 4ft. to 8ft. tall - Seen by themselves or in groups - Usually seen at night or in dark areas - Very quick - Usually hide when noticed - Seen at cemeteries, homes - EVP mentions “They are the brothers of death.” - Seem to ‘investigate’ those with paranormal gifts or investigating the paranormal - Seem to have at least some association with what has been termed as a ‘Sentinel’ - Some can be tricks from the corner of the eyes. Some are seen straight on however. Shadow Animals - 3ft. tall and shorter Hat Man/Hooded Figure - Seen during OBE - Possible ‘boogeyman’ type entity - Seem to be malevolent - Thought to perhaps be different entity type than the shadow people - Majority appear to be male in form, however female forms are witnessed as well <still adding> <space saver> Edited July 18, 2008 by veledran Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moon Demon Posted July 17, 2008 #153 Share Posted July 17, 2008 (edited) LOL No offense, the reason for this post is for people who believe they are not just seeing things. But yes, a LOT of the time we are. Also, not everyone can see them, and those who can do not always notice, or do not believe. In any case, for the sake of skeptics, I would welcome a link to that information if you want to post it. Scientific explanations Several scientific hypotheses have been proposed to explain sightings of shadow people, including optical illusions or hallucinations brought on by the physiological/psychological circumstances of the witnesses, drug use, and the interaction of external agents on the human body. Pareidolia In most instances, witnesses report seeing shadow people in the peripheral areas of their vision. This area of vision is linked to the areas of the brain that recognizes patterns, however it provides less detail to the brain than macular (center-forward) vision. This can lead to a condition known as pareidolia, in which the brain incorrectly interprets random patterns of light/shadow or texture as being familiar patterns such as faces and human forms. The same condition can also be observed in macular vision in low light conditions, or when viewing a complex but random image. A common example would be perceiving a shadow, thrown by an item of furniture in a darkened room, as being a person. Hypnogogia Also known as waking-sleep, hypnogogia is a documented physiological condition in which a person is part-way between sleeping and waking. During hypnogogia, a person can be conscious and aware of their environment, but also in a dream-like state where they can perceive images from their subconscious. People experiencing waking-sleep commonly report the sensation of lights or shadows moving around them, as well as other visual hallucinations. A feeling of dread is also a sensation that occurs when experiencing hypnogogia. Hypnogogia is sometimes known as 'the faces in the dark phenomenon' because those who experience this state commonly report seeing faces while experiencing waking-sleep.Similar hypothesis have been put forward linking this condition to a number of other apparent paranormal experiences, including alien abductionsm paranormal nocturnal visitations, and religious experiences such as contact with angels or demons. Chemical agents The use of narcotics and psychotropic agents, including methamphetamine, cocaine, and LSD, can produce shadow human shaped hallucinations. Dopaminergic drugs such as pramipexole can sometimes cause these hallucinations.Common over-the-counter medication can also have a similar effect if taken in sufficient quantity (see diphenhydramine and pseudoephedrine). Electromagnetic fields Under the right conditions, electromagnetic fields can interfere with the functions of the temporal lobe; creating altered states of perception in which auditory and visual hallucinations can occur. Using electromagnetic fields, researches have been able to recreate many of the experiences reported during paranormal encounters under laboratory conditions, including those of shadow people.Researchers have also documented correlations between variances in naturally-occurring magnetic fields and areas where paranormal events have been reported. Neurological conditions Certain neurological conditions, such as photosensitive complex partial seizures, have also been shown to cause sufferers to see shadow people. Edited July 17, 2008 by Moon Demon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moon Demon Posted July 17, 2008 #154 Share Posted July 17, 2008 Please note, I am not trying to debunk the theory of Shadow People. I posted that as possible explanations. I find it an interesting subject. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
veledran Posted July 17, 2008 #155 Share Posted July 17, 2008 In response to the 'investigating people who have an interest in the paranormal or people with abilities'. In demonology, it is said that saying the name out loud, studying them, or writing their name seems to attract them. I'm curious if these are the things that past researchers of demonology were writing about. As we've seen with many people who have encountered dark entities, there is a habit of calling them demons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MasterPo Posted July 18, 2008 #156 Share Posted July 18, 2008 Actually, most shadows are reported as very tall - as much as 7 feet! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aeri Posted July 18, 2008 #157 Share Posted July 18, 2008 Yeah, I think Veledran became a bit confused by the "shadow pet" sightings. Most shadow people are actually from normal to tall (6-8 feet) in height. As to Moon Demon: I've had the odd moments where I've thought I've seen it, only to find out its the edge of a couch. Its pretty easy to debunk by returning your concentration to where it was previously and seeing if that same shape is still apparent, I find. There are times, however, when I do this, find out that that wasn't it, and go back to reading that he'll pop out again and it becomes a bit of a game of "hide and seek", with me looking up to see if I can catch him in my direct line of vision and him hiding and reappearing when I look away. It gets quite annoying though, when you're trying to do something and very distracting. It is an interesting subject, isn't it? And no worries, those do explain some of the phenomena around them. You tend to know though when you've actually seen one. You get a feeling that is very strong, or time seems to pause. Very quiet-like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aanica Posted July 18, 2008 #158 Share Posted July 18, 2008 I have had this video for a while I am not sure what it is but there is a shadow creature in the top of the kitchen and hall, my BF says these small ones appear to distract you from the others we watched it several time and it will show different movement if you keep watching frame by frame her theory it knew we were watching so we was creepy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amarali2012 Posted July 18, 2008 Author #159 Share Posted July 18, 2008 Please note, I am not trying to debunk the theory of Shadow People. I posted that as possible explanations. I find it an interesting subject. Thank you, no offense taken, and you are welcome to post anything related to the topic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amarali2012 Posted July 18, 2008 Author #160 Share Posted July 18, 2008 Ok, so let's see..... Shadow People - Range from 3ft. to 8ft. tall The "people" are four feet and up. The "animals" or what have you, are three feet and shorter. Hat Man/Hooded Figure - Seen during OBE - Possible ‘boogeyman’ type entity - Seem to be malevolent - Thought to perhaps be different entity type than the shadow people - Majority appear to be male in form, however female forms are witnessed as well "The Old Woman" is seen during OBE, The "Hat Man" is Bogeyman like, and there are reports of "Shadow Women", which are classified with "true" shadow men. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
veledran Posted July 22, 2008 #161 Share Posted July 22, 2008 (edited) I've been going thru a ton of posts (and checking old threads) so I may have missed it. But does anyone know if animals can sense hat men, hooded figure, etc.? Edit: Found out about shadow people. Edited July 22, 2008 by veledran Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
veledran Posted July 23, 2008 #162 Share Posted July 23, 2008 (edited) Here's a revised list: Shadow People - Range from 4ft. to 8ft. tall - Seen by themselves or in groups - Usually seen at night or in dark areas, but are seen during the day as well - Appear indoors and out - Are seen as solid black forms and are not transparent - Very quick and usually will hide when noticed - Instead of hiding, they will sometimes disappear or fade out - Seem to be curious and will observe people - Seem to ‘investigate’ those with paranormal gifts or investigating the paranormal - Seem to ‘investigate’ those with traumatic pasts - They have been witnessed at most location types - EVP mentions, “They are the brothers of death.” - Seem to have at least some association with what has been termed as a ‘Sentinel’ - Some can be tricks from the corner of the eyes. Some are seen straight on however. - Animals seem to notice them - Footsteps are reported at times - They do not appear to be harmful - Sometimes their forms are incomplete, such as only having a torso and head - Have been seen in reflections of televisions and mirrors - Been reported during normal activities, investigations, ouija use. - A larger amount of people seem to be able to see Shadow People than the Hatm Man/Hooded Figures when they are present - People who attack them are said to seem to be ‘changed’ - On very rare occasions solid green eyes are reported Shadow Animals/Imps - 3ft. tall and shorter - Seen in groups - Most commonly seen as Imp-like, cats, birds, bats. - Sometimes take on a less solid, blob-like appearance - Usually associated with the coming appearance of higher level entities Hat Man/Hooded Figure - Possible ‘boogeyman’ type entity - Seems to be malevolent - Some are said to have red eyes - Thought to perhaps be different entity type than the shadow people - Majority appear to be male in form, however female forms are witnessed as well - Hat Men seem to appear during the ‘in between time’ of being awake and asleep - Many reports of seeing several Shadow People before a Hat Man or Hooded Figure appears - Some people do not notice them, some do Theories - The Shadow People/Animals might be a sort of servant/lookout/scout for higher-level entities such as the ‘Sentinels’ or the Hat Men. - Shadow People are how people see human spirits when their ‘abilities’ aren’t developed enough. As their senses become sharper the person will be able to see features better. - Shadow People, Han with Hat, etc. are demons - Shadow People, Han with Hat, etc. are Nephilim (ie. hybrids) - Natural animals/people that we just cannot see normally with how our eyes work - Hat Men/Hooded Figures are a type of psychic vampires - The Man with a Hat is a similar entity to those that were reported at Point Pleasant (Mothman) - Shadow People are ‘assigned’ to watch certain people - The darker they are, the older and more powerful they are - Shadow People are created by negative energy from people, rituals, and/or from tragic events - Some of these beings are actually caused by Hypnogogia - Electromagnetic fields causing hallucinations - Shadow People are the spirits of evil people after they have died - The ‘hood’ on the Hooded Figures may be long hair - They are an occasional overlap of dimensions Questions - Are the Shadow People attached to a site? - Are the Shadow People attached to a person? - Have their been cases of Shadow People attempting communication? - If so, what has been revealed? - Has anyone had physical contact with them? - How do they come into being? Edited July 23, 2008 by veledran Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
everquesterinman Posted July 23, 2008 #163 Share Posted July 23, 2008 Hey if you guys come up with anything new on this pelase email me. I am seeing shadows EVERYDAY now. sometimes more than once. so much now that i have begin to ignore them. think it might be somekind of warning? like the mouthmen? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
veledran Posted July 24, 2008 #164 Share Posted July 24, 2008 How are we to go about finding more about these things? First, I think we need to find areas where they are said to appear in masses. For example, Somerset City Cemetery From there we can try and gather some data about the location itself. Geological, historical, etc. Next we need to look at common factors relating a majority of sites. From there we can start working on possible experiments. Also, it was mentioned about them seemingly being attracted to those interested or having links to the paranormal. We need to try and figure out what draws these things out. If we can do that, it will be easier to study them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
veledran Posted July 28, 2008 #165 Share Posted July 28, 2008 (edited) *Update on Somerset Cemetery: Something of interest I found was that two brothers by the names of James Harvey Gilliland of Josiah Gilliland were hung on two sycamore trees right outside of the cemetery in 1891. They were accused of killing a sheriff. On her deathbed the sheriff's daughter said that she was the one who killed him. *Edit: I'm curious as to if this had anything to do with the comment "They are the brothers of death." I am also intrigued that when we first saw a shadow person at the site that it was while a member was returning back from his van and was being followed by one just outside of the cemetery. Information on them may be found here: Edited July 28, 2008 by veledran Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amarali2012 Posted November 8, 2008 Author #166 Share Posted November 8, 2008 Hello everyone! It has been a long time since I checked this particular post. I just returned to the forum a few days ago and I have new information to add to this thread. I am now living near the Gettysburg area. I have made numerous trips to a particular battlefield known as Devil's Den/Big Round Top. I'll be posting the details from those trips later. But since going there, I have obtained new information on Shadow people. Many of you had asked about them making noise, and had mentioned hearing footsteps when they are present. I had never heard them making noise until I went to the Den. For those of you who do not know about this, The Devil's Den Battlefield is open to the public until ten PM for paranormal study and investigation. This wonderful privilege is thanks to the Gettysburg Ghost Hunters, but you do not have to be there as an investigator to be allowed to enjoy the park after hours. I often go there with my team just to enjoy the park, and we still get as much activity as the teams that are there to study! But, on to the Shadow people. As it turns out, Shadow people DO make noises when the move. The Den is covered in woodsy areas, and likewise, blanketed in fallen leaves most of the time. This site is also no stranger to the Shadow men. They are as common as tree squirrels, and, oddly enough, behave as such. They act like you are not even there and just go about their business. They do, however, still maintain their rules on being seen. While they stay hidden from the tourists and the skeptical investigators, those of us who know of them are treated like part of the scenery. Not only do I hear them crunching through the leaves, I actually watch them do it! On another note, to further the information on who sees them, I will tell you about one of our new rookies. This was her first time to the Den after dark, and we were briefing her on the rules. She kept thinking she was seeing something, but did not say anything because she just assumed it was her excitement tricking her eyes. Later, after we had fully explained Shadows to her, she finally told us about what she had seen earlier. There is a monument on Big Round Top with a tower in it. We were resting at the bottom after a long climb when she started to get restless and jumpy. She said they were making her nervous. Sure enough, there were two of them very close by watching her. As we sat and conversed, you could see with obvious intent, that they were moving ever closer to us little by little. When they had assumed their chosen distance, they were about four feet away, flanking us. Our rookie was almost to the point of running down the bluff! We had to explain a hard truth about the paranormal world to her. "You see them, they see you." This is especially true of Shadow men. Once they know you have accepted their existence, they do not hide from you anymore, and will in fact study you in plain sight. But we told her to just relax because they will never hurt you. One of my most exciting Shadow encounters yet happened very recently. Actually, it was my most recent trip to the Den. There were only two of us that night, and we were only there for a casual stroll. Our lantern had also gotten left in another car, so we did not have our usual emergency light. For this reason, we decided to stay out of the woods on Big Round Top, and explore the paved path that runs through the woods on the other side of the site. This road is lined with all sorts of monuments and memorials; some of which, are rather creepy even in the daylight. There are also two very old stone bridges that have been fortified with asphalt to make them safe for cars. The particular path we were on is usually not used by the nighttime investigators because it is the back road out of the Dens and does not take you to the main highway. We did not expect the late tourists in the SUV to use this road then. I am also pretty sure they were not expecting two people in long black coats to be walking on the narrow one way in the dark either. We were on the end of the bridge and the driver had to slow down suddenly and slightly swerved because of the fright we gave him. He was also speeding on a road he barely knew, that was full of blind turns and lined with big oak trees. He must have been extremely embarrassed, or just angry, because he didn't even stop to apologize. But what we saw next made it all worth it! On the bridge, as they were crossing over, we saw a Shadow man. It looked like it was afraid. It was running away from the SUV as fast as it could! It was slightly hunched so as to optimize it speed, and it literally ducked down and jumped from the embankment! It HAD to have been a free stander because there was no mistaking the black on white image caught in the SUV's headlights! Judging from its reactions, it could have been running for it life! I do not know if they can be harmed or killed, but it certainly seemed to be afraid of getting hit by the car. The tourists, of course, saw nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aanica Posted November 8, 2008 #167 Share Posted November 8, 2008 I am glad you brought this post back and updated it, I am going to get to Gettyburg and observe these shadow men for my self, that is so cool that the park lets you stay like that. Thanks so much Amarali2012 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amarali2012 Posted November 8, 2008 Author #168 Share Posted November 8, 2008 I am glad you brought this post back and updated it, I am going to get to Gettyburg and observe these shadow men for my self, that is so cool that the park lets you stay like that. Thanks so much Amarali2012 That is great! Let me know when you come to visit and I will take you to Devil's Den personally! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aanica Posted November 8, 2008 #169 Share Posted November 8, 2008 That is great! Let me know when you come to visit and I will take you to Devil's Den personally! You got it, That would be fun.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustNormal Posted November 9, 2008 #170 Share Posted November 9, 2008 Great subject. I am probably the only person on here who has not seen a shadow person. I always thought they were part of a residual haunting, or possibly just a different way for any spirit to manifest itself, into a black mass kinda thing. It is an interesting read..JN Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aanica Posted November 9, 2008 #171 Share Posted November 9, 2008 Great subject. I am probably the only person on here who has not seen a shadow person. I always thought they were part of a residual haunting, or possibly just a different way for any spirit to manifest itself, into a black mass kinda thing. It is an interesting read..JN I hope you never have to see one they are un-nerving and I dont like seeing them at all , I had been lucky to not see one for a while but as luck would have it I saw one the other night , it was the tall big one not the hat man, I really think the black mass thing is very bad and not a shadow person... felt like decorating my words tonight.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustNormal Posted November 9, 2008 #172 Share Posted November 9, 2008 I hope you never have to see one they are un-nerving and I dont like seeing them at all , I had been lucky to not see one for a while but as luck would have it I saw one the other night , it was the tall big one not the hat man, I really think the black mass thing is very bad and not a shadow person... felt like decorating my words tonight.. Correct, the black masses were bad and nothing to do with shadow people. I often wonder why nearly every account of seeing these things, people describe them as male, are there no shadow women? EWWW Do you get scared when you see them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
veledran Posted November 9, 2008 #173 Share Posted November 9, 2008 (edited) Correct, the black masses were bad and nothing to do with shadow people. I often wonder why nearly every account of seeing these things, people describe them as male, are there no shadow women? EWWW Do you get scared when you see them? A combination of people being freaked out and them moving too fast gives us little time to look for shadow lumps on their chests. Edited November 9, 2008 by veledran Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustNormal Posted November 9, 2008 #174 Share Posted November 9, 2008 A combination of people being freaked out and them moving too fast gives us little time to look for shadow lumps on their chests. LOL But women dont wear dumb looking hats and long coats. At least not the ones I know.JN Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amarali2012 Posted November 9, 2008 Author #175 Share Posted November 9, 2008 Correct, the black masses were bad and nothing to do with shadow people. I often wonder why nearly every account of seeing these things, people describe them as male, are there no shadow women? EWWW Do you get scared when you see them? Yes, there have been accounts of Shadow women too. Actually, there is a link in the OP that has drawings of how people have described them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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