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British Labour Party faces Electoral Massacre

Guardsman Bass

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David Cameron looks like a charismatic guy and pretty decent in interviews. Have no idea how he really is though cause I don't follow UK politics that closely. Anyone?

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David Cameron looks like a charismatic guy and pretty decent in interviews. Have no idea how he really is though cause I don't follow UK politics that closely. Anyone?

If there is a passing bandwagon he will leap on it for a while to gain some temporary percentage points. Down with the youth and understanding of the common man but in actual fact is an Old Etonian born with a silver spoon who has absolutely no idea about the real world or real world problems.

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If there is a passing bandwagon he will leap on it for a while to gain some temporary percentage points. Down with the youth and understanding of the common man but in actual fact is an Old Etonian born with a silver spoon who has absolutely no idea about the real world or real world problems.

Like when he cycled to work to show how environmentaly friendly he was, but had a car containing his shoes and briefcase follow him.

I do think we need a change though. We have had 11 years of Labour idiocy running this country, about time we had a few years of Tory idiocy. Sad it's come to this. The Lib Dems, no way. The day they get into power they'll go, "JESUS CHRIST, WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO NOW!!!".

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In some crazy twist of events, I actually agree with the majority on this thread. :o

I don't see anything abhorrent in New Labour now that I haven't always seen... same policies, worse spin. The problem is, that while most sane people seem to agree there's no difference in the major parties, there's currently no viable alternative. Proportional representation would be a good place to start, or if not at least the option - as has been said - for people to vote 'none of the above'. I'm not sure it would result in anarchy - though I'd quite like it to - but surely if enough people chose that option it would provide an incentive for new structures to come forwards? What we need is the opportunity to express our dissatisfaction with the political system, without it seeming like we're too lazy to vote.

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I think I'll start my own party.

So. When I do. Vote for me! 'Cause if you don't, I'll do a Mugabe and state the majority of votes mean nothing, get into power and get people to bash you around :angry: .


Hey, you have to admit. At least I'm not Labour or Tory.

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If there is a passing bandwagon he will leap on it for a while to gain some temporary percentage points. Down with the youth and understanding of the common man but in actual fact is an Old Etonian born with a silver spoon who has absolutely no idea about the real world or real world problems.

If this is true, I'm not that surprised. I knew of his Eton background already, which was a little suspect consdering his 'concern' for the common man etc. Thanks.

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A few extracts from Gordon Brown party conference speech :-

"What happened with 10p stung me because it really hurt that suddenly people felt I wasn't on the side of people on middle and modest incomes'' has he reversed this?

Mr Brown said he wanted to build a new "fair society" for all.

"The dole is only for those looking for work or actively preparing for it. That's only fair to the people pulling their weight.''

"a Britain of fair chances for all and fair rules applied to all".

And in a highly personal passage, he took a swipe at politicians who use their families to gain media coverage, saying: "My children aren't props; they're people."

But apparently that doesn't apply to wives.:-

In a surprise move, he was introduced to delegates by wife Sarah.

After a lengthy ovation, Mrs Brown praised her husband's motivation to work for the "best interests of the people" before introducing video clips depicting key moments of his premiership.

"And let me be clear about the new Labour policy on crime; taking action on the causes of crime will never mean indulging those who perpetrate it. Fairness demands that we both punish and prevent."

Just what planet doe's Gordon live on.

Edited by itsnotoutthere
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from watching his speech. i have to say, what a load of crap, he was talking like the party had just come into office, and hadn't been running or should i say ruining the country for the last eleven years, he wants to create a fairer Britain, a new "fair society" a Britain of fair chances for all and fair rules applied to all, what a gob***** for the last eleven years labour have been doing the opposite, by actively making one set of rules for one and a new set for another.

then we have the free loaders, the work shy, the long term useless, Brown says "The dole is only for those looking for work or actively preparing for it. That's only fair to the people pulling their weight" oh my fecking god, yet again what's happened over the last eleven years, because i believe actions speak louder than words. Labour have yet again done the opposite they encourage people to sign on the dole, with their incentives, such has everything paid for them, then we have the news story people might have seen here on these very boards, Free computers, or internet access to the unemployed, which will cost the tax payers £300 million, yet the rest of us who go to work, sometimes for tuppence. and we have to save our own money to buy such luxuries, already his "fairer society" is hitting the rocks,

itsnotoutthere, in fairness and in keeping with Gordon's new "fairer society" i don't think he is on another planet that's a bit unfair, he more like in another dimension, he's that far removed from reality.

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He's just a vain egohead. He doesn't write the speeches, ok not many politicians do these days but I don't get the impression he believes in any of it.

He's just happy he made it to PM, and that it. Look at me...

yeah great... well done... now what? "ermm erm more money to Africa? maybe?"

A fairer Britain...what does that mean? More immigrants?

Tough, on those who are tough against crime...

Edited by Bill Hill
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If there is a passing bandwagon he will leap on it for a while to gain some temporary percentage points. Down with the youth and understanding of the common man but in actual fact is an Old Etonian born with a silver spoon who has absolutely no idea about the real world or real world problems.

Blair went to a public school? many Labour MP have had a privileged education, and many send their children to private schools,

My doctors never had piles (so he tells me) but he's very gentle when he rubs the cream in.

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I liked this reply given by one person on the BBC blog re his speech :-

''Never was so much lipstick applied to such a pig to so little effect.

His speech was purile waffle and offered no ideas or solutions, just yet more ways to spend wealth that no socialist has a clue how to create, other than through the process of legalised robbery known as taxation. Resign you hopeless old fraud !!''

Couldn't have put it better meself :yes:

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Blair went to a public school? many Labour MP have had a privileged education, and many send their children to private schools,

My doctors never had piles (so he tells me) but he's very gentle when he rubs the cream in.

Hence my "same **** , different bucket" quote earlier, its time the UK got past the old boys network.....many are proffessional politicians lining their, and their relatives, pockets whilst governing, or pontificating about governing, without having had any real world experience. There should be a minimum age of, say 45, to be a MP so we can see how and what they did in the real world before we vote for them.

BTW I went to public school myself, ( scholarship scheme ) so it is not that I am against such schools per se but Eton ( 30,000 quid a year ) and the like are simply about reams of money and the old school tie, I only mentioned it to put Cameron's "down with the common man" approach into context. An exclusive prep school, Eton and Oxford then straight into the Tory party, I mean come on.

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