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French opposition against 'Stan occupation'


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September 22, 2008

French opposition withdraws support for 'war of occupation' in Afghanistan

The French opposition today withdrew its support for the country's military deployment in Afghanistan and accused President Sarkozy of sending under-equipped troops into an unwinnable "war of occupation".

The Socialists broke with the cross-party consensus that has backed the Nato intervention since 2001 as the Government faced public anger over a disastrous ambush by Taleban fighters that nearly wiped out a French patrol last month.

The Taleban are fast regaining territory and the allies are losing the support of the Afghan people because of poor American tactics, said Jean-Marc Ayrault, the Socialist parliamentary leader. "We do not accept this slide towards a war of occupation," he told Parliament. "Our troops are manifestly lacking in equipment," he added.

Helped by the defection of several Socialist MPs, the Government was nevertheless certain to win a vote in support of Mr Sarkozy's decision to bolster the French contingent in Afghanistan this summer. After the arrival of 700 more troops, France now has 2,700 personnel stationed there.

Defending the unpopular French deployment, François Fillon, the Prime Minister, told Parliament that new equipment and about 100 more personnel would be sent within weeks to give better protection to the force.

"We have learned the lessons of the murderous ambush", he said. Ten soldiers were killed and 21 wounded in the 10-hour battle east of Kabul on August 18. "Caracal and Gazelle helicopters, drones, listening devices, and supplementary mortars will be sent," Mr Fillon said.

Opposition to the deployment has sharpened with a stream of reports of failures by the military in the August ambush. Reinforcements arrived late, no reconnaissance was been carried out in a dangerous zone, air cover did not work and ammunition ran out, according to reports from survivors.

Full story, source: The Times

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this is from Michael Yon, operating with the British in Afghanistan, in his despatches he says this,

I read a secret document detailing the deaths 10 French soldiers who were killed during a Taliban ambush. American “Green Berets,” and much airpower, were involved in helping to break the attack on the French. Yet from the secret document and other reports that ring credible, the French lacked the necessary tools – sufficient communications gear, for example – to mitigate the attack. Some of the French apparently had run out of ammunition and were captured, killed, and their uniforms stripped. Several showed signs of being killed at close range. One of them had his throat slit.

grim reading, but i think it shows the complacency shown by France, concerning their effort towards the NATO led mission, and sadly the result is the death of soldiers,

the French have suffered a bloody nose, and am not surprised the white flags are being issued. not by their soldiers but by the politicians back home.

edit to add link, http://www.michaelyon-online.com/

Edited by stevewinn
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How did Homer simpson put it?.....ah thats it.....''cheese eating surrender monkeys''

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How did Homer simpson put it?.....ah thats it.....''cheese eating surrender monkeys''

Actually it was groundskeeper willie (scottish) when he was teaching a french class..

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