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Is My Avatar Obscene?


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sarah snow vs Repoman

This is a formal 1 vs 1 debate, full details on how the debate system works can be found in our Debates FAQ. The debate will begin with an introductory opening post from each participant followed by 4 body posts and finally a conclusion.

The computer has randomly chosen sarah snow to post first.

sarah snow is arguing in favour of No

Repoman is arguing in favour of Yes

Once the debate is complete the thread will be open to member comments.

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Maybe the best thing for everyone would be for me to tie some string around your avatar's feet so that the obscenely perky little moppet you have skating around will fall down and bump its chin on the ice. *ouch* then you'll have to find an avatar holding an ice-pack up to its chin.

The sentiment that sparked this debate is above. This was a particularly unpleasant thing to read where images of actually causing unnecessary physical pain to another would be viewed with wishful thinking and, indeed, a palpable level of glee. Whilst annoyed, to actually wish bodily harm to someone even in jest on a Forum, seems a little OTT.

Now according to the online Dictionary, obscenity is described as:

ob·scene (b-sn, b-)


1. Offensive to accepted standards of decency or modesty.

2. Inciting lustful feelings; lewd.

3. Repulsive; disgusting: "The way he writes about the disease that killed her is simply obscene" Michael Korda.

4. So large in amount as to be objectionable or outrageous:

1. A skating figure albeit perky and generally happy, could not be offensive towards standard of decency or modesty. Skating is a very successful and much-loved sport and passtime, so how it could be linked to a lack of modesty or decency must be explained/justified by Repoman.

2. Once again- if Repoman feels that my avatar actually incites feelings or lust and lewd behaviour, then why is it one from the recommended list on a not over 18s only Forum?

3. Maybe Repoman finds my 'perkiness' and happy skating figure disgusting, but he also claimed it would be best for everyone if I had an accident, and to date no other issues have been brought forward by anyone else about my skating image. As my avatar has already been the subject of a beautiful poem by another member about the positive way my skating up and down affects him and makes him feel happy also- they Repo does NOT speak for everyone on the finding it obscene and in fact it can hardly be disgusting as his choice of adjective stated.

4. Compared to many avatars on here, mine is actually very not -in-your-face and large, so once again this is an outlandish claim which is totally 100% inaccurate.

So those are my opening comments and I'm off to sharpen my blades :lol:

Edited by sarah snow
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Thank you Sarah for initiating this debate.

Because the first post is supposed to be introductory, I will not be arguing against anything Sarah has already said.

But I do need to point out one very important thing - the difference between stating that her avatar is "obscene" and using "obscene" in the adjectorial as a qualifier to the perkiness of her avatar is immense.

If all she wants to do in this debate is "prove" that her avatar is not obscene then I will concede now. I never said it was. And I apologize Sarah - bringing this obvious point up is insulting because it is so obvious. But I wanted to bring it up because that is the title of this debate and I just wanted to make sure nobody misunderstood this elementary school-level distinction.

Now, having said that, I am prepared to prove that Sarah's avatar is obscenely perky. The cuteness of it, the overly positive and care-free attitude it exhibits when taking as a snapshot and applied to the whole (as avatars are meant to represent) is unrealistically perky. The adjective "obscene" only means (as quoted by Sarah) " So large in amount as to be objectionable or outrageous". So I will be arguing that my use of that adjective was warranted.

Edited by Repoman
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Thanks for your introductory post, Repoman. My apologies for not being as 'au fait' with the debating protocol as you- you are an old hand I see :)

As you rightly point out, I have already made my opening arguments.

There has been a delay due to your comment below:

The difference between stating that her avatar is "obscene" and using "obscene" in the adjectorial as a qualifier to the perkiness of her avatar is immense.

Firstly, I had not come across the use of the phrase 'adjectorial' and am unable to find this in a reliable dictionary (online anyway, my trusted ones are in storage pending my house move, my apologies for not having adequate tools to hand) so I'll interpret that as coming from the stem of adjective and I think I get what you mean ;)

You have said that If all she wants to do in this debate is "prove" that her avatar is not obscene then I will concede now

Please prove that my avatar is, by definition 'objectional' or 'unreasonable' or indeed 'unrealistic' and back up your claim that it is so. You described perfectly what my avatar is doing, but seem to try to disassociate it from your argument, now challenged.

Edited by sarah snow
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Please prove that my avatar is, by definition 'objectional' or 'unreasonable' or indeed 'unrealistic' and back up your claim that it is so. You described perfectly what my avatar is doing, but seem to try to disassociate it from your argument, now challenged.
It isn't your avatar itself that is unreasonable, objectionable, unrealistic or any other adjective used in the definition of obscene. It is the perkiness of the avatar that I was describing.

I am collecting data at this time. So far, your avatar is by FAR the perkiest. When I have solid numbers, I will back up my statement.

Edited by Repoman
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  • 3 months later...

As neither participant has anything more to add i'll set this to open.

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Whats the problem with Sarahs Avatar its purely logical I think



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It isn't your avatar itself that is unreasonable, objectionable, unrealistic or any other adjective used in the definition of obscene. It is the perkiness of the avatar that I was describing.

I am collecting data at this time. So far, your avatar is by FAR the perkiest. When I have solid numbers, I will back up my statement.

SO perky is obscene? LOL remind me never to use my animated cheerleader gif as an avitar

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I think it's ironic that Repoman, whose avatar takes a laudable and humorous stand against censorship, is effectively arguing that Sarah Snow's adorable little jam-jar skater should be censored. . . .

Edited by CausticGnostic
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  • 2 weeks later...
I think it's ironic that Repoman, whose avatar takes a laudable and humorous stand against censorship, is effectively arguing that Sarah Snow's adorable little jam-jar skater should be censored. . . .

good point.

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wow this is old but ya I had a good giggle. No wonder repo backed out lol

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This is one of the funniest threads I've seen.

My favourite colour? Lilac.

Edited by 747400
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When my kids were little they would argue over anything...literally anything, the sillier the better. So, are Repoman and Sarah siblings? Just wondering. ;)

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When my kids were little they would argue over anything...literally anything, the sillier the better. So, are Repoman and Sarah siblings? Just wondering. ;)

That reminded me of a long car trip with my nephews when they were about 6 and 8 years old. They'd been bickering for about 200 miles, suddenly you hear the younger one scream "Mommy! Make him stop picking my nose!"

Repo, dont pick Sarahs nose :P

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When my kids were little they would argue over anything...literally anything, the sillier the better. So, are Repoman and Sarah siblings? Just wondering. ;)

:lol::lol::lol: Nuh-uh :no::lol:

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Long ago I regularly posted on some board that is gone now.

I remember one of the regulars changed his avatar into a little girl with a ball in her hands.

Unbelievable as it sounds, he was being accused of being a pedophile and a child molester, just because of that avatar.

But... the avatar was a photo of a girl that showed up as some ghost child in the movie "The Shining", and.. it was supposed to be scary.

Soon it was clear the one attacking the guy using this avatar was just trying to change the topic of the discussion to an attack on the personality of the guy with the child avatar. The 'attacker' did not know how to 'win' the disussion, and so deviated to defaming his opponent.

Now I am not saying Repoman was out to defame Sarah Snow (to me it looked harmless, and nothing more than a bit of teasing), but it does happen often, here, and on other boards.

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I like Sarah's skating avatar, it's cheerful to look at.

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  • 1 month later...

while the avatar of the skating girl is absolutely not obscene, it is obscenely perky. ie. annoying, a hinderance, eyesore if you will. this was an obvious joke. is someone outraged that repoman threatened the safety and well being of animation? light the torches, ready the rope. gonna be sum fun t'nite boys!! with that said, i would like to put sarahs avatar in an air canon and launch it into an acid ocean. if the skating animation pixel-damsel happens to make it to shore, then i will shoot it with a gun that shoots goldfish with mime makeup painted on. then i would.....ohh never mind! really, i would like for my avatar to arm wrestle hers till they both fall asleep.

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I think it's ironic that Repoman, whose avatar takes a laudable and humorous stand against censorship, is effectively arguing that Sarah Snow's adorable little jam-jar skater should be censored. . . .

That was very well said.

I think there's nothing wrong or bad at all with the cute little perky skater, it's uplifting actually lol. :)

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while the avatar of the skating girl is absolutely not obscene, it is obscenely perky. ie. annoying, a hinderance, eyesore if you will. this was an obvious joke. is someone outraged that repoman threatened the safety and well being of animation? light the torches, ready the rope. gonna be sum fun t'nite boys!! with that said, i would like to put sarahs avatar in an air canon and launch it into an acid ocean. if the skating animation pixel-damsel happens to make it to shore, then i will shoot it with a gun that shoots goldfish with mime makeup painted on. then i would.....ohh never mind! really, i would like for my avatar to arm wrestle hers till they both fall asleep.

This from a person with an avatar that's--what is that, exactly? a freakin' muppet?!

I also notice that nobody is complaining about that one Member's avatar that had an animated person slamming his head against his keyboard until his head gorily explodes and his bloody eyeball is yo-yoing back and forth. That's not obscene? Or what about the Member with the disgusting and offensive user name, Babiestastegood? I think some people here at UM have ther priorities all fouled up.

Edited by CausticGnostic
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That was very well said.

I think there's nothing wrong or bad at all with the cute little perky skater, it's uplifting actually lol. :)

Thanks, Hugh. See? Even I can occasionally post something that isn't snide, offensive, or mean-spirited! It takes some extra effort, and it's not as much fun, but I can manage it if I put what my passes for my mind to it. :)

Edited by CausticGnostic
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while the avatar of the skating girl is absolutely not obscene, it is obscenely perky. ie. annoying, a hinderance, eyesore if you will. this was an obvious joke. is someone outraged that repoman threatened the safety and well being of animation? light the torches, ready the rope. gonna be sum fun t'nite boys!! with that said, i would like to put sarahs avatar in an air canon and launch it into an acid ocean. if the skating animation pixel-damsel happens to make it to shore, then i will shoot it with a gun that shoots goldfish with mime makeup painted on. then i would.....ohh never mind! really, i would like for my avatar to arm wrestle hers till they both fall asleep.

Bring on the arm-wrestling, Master Hopkins! :P

If I get bored with ya, I can just zip your gob up, like Geoffrey used to do to Zippy on Rainbow :w00t:

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one rule: loser buys breakfast!

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My money's on the Jam-Jar Skater! I think she can take you, Witchfinder! She's tougher than she looks, that little darlin'! And if she breaks out a hockey stick, I'll give odds of 5 to 1! :)

Edited by CausticGnostic
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If she breaks out a hockey stick the best advice to her opponent would be "turn to vapor". Otherwise it's going to hurt like hell.


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