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Shadowy Bilderberg group meet in Greece


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May 14, 2009

Don’t tell anyone, don’t breathe a word, but the world’s most powerful men are meeting secretly again to save the planet from economic catastrophe. Oh, and their address, should you want to send them your opinions, is: c/o Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel, Apollonos Avenue 40, 16671 Vouliagmeni, Greece.

Bed space is a bit tight there for the next two days while the Bilderberg illuminati hold their private conclave in the five-star Greek hotel. Every year since 1954 a club of about 130 senior or up-and-coming politicians gather at the fireside of a secluded hotel with top bankers and a sprinkling of royalty to discuss burning issues, to trade confidences and just stay abreast of the I-know-something-you-don’t-know circuit. No lists of participants are disclosed, no press conferences are held; spill the beans and you’re out of the magic circle.

For those of us standing outside the locked gates all that is left is to hope that they will sleep well, avoid jet ski injury and solve our problems for us. For the Bilderbergers it is a little like that recent MI5 recruitment ad: “See all your best work go unnoticed!”

Each country delegates two people to the steering committee that is the intellectual hub of Bilderberg. In the past Kenneth Clarke, the Shadow Business Secretary, and Martin Taylor, formerly head of Barclays Bank, have had their hand on the British tiller.

This year the club is going to talk about depression. “According to the pre-meeting booklet sent out to attendees, Bilderberg is looking at two options,” says the Bilderberg-watcher Daniel Estulin — “either a prolonged, agonising depression that dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline and poverty — or an intense but shorter depression that paves the way for a new sustainable economic world order, with less sovereignty but more efficiency.”

Since Bilderberg does not officially exist, it cannot deny anything and is therefore manna from heaven for the conspiracy theorist. Eurosceptics are convinced that the future development of the European Union was plotted here — EU commissioners have always been welcomed into the coven, with Peter “We are intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich” Mandelson a particular favourite. Margaret Thatcher, it is said, was a shy debutante at a Bilderberg meeting in 1975.

........... article continues http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle6283373.ece

Whether Lucifer will be down there on the sun-loungers remains to be seen. But what we have been able to establish from a World Bank spokesman, Alexis O’Brien, is that the organisation’s president, Robert Zoellick, will be in Athens on unspecified business on May 14. And that US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s public schedule is mysteriously empty for the next two days. Jo Ackermann, head of Deutsche Bank, will be travelling “somewhere in Europe”. Jean-Claude Trichet, head of the European Central Bank, will not be around until the end of the week.

You get the drift. Something is going on. If only somebody would let us in on the secret.


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Charlie Skelton, writing for London Guardian, was detained by authorities in Athens, Greece after taking a photograph close to the site of the annual elite gathering.

Charlie Skelton is menaced by police with guns (and mirrors on sticks) in his third dispatch from (near) the Bilderberg summit of the global elite

Charlie Skelton

guardian.co.uk, Thursday 14 May 2009 13.39 BST http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/may/1...kelton-dispatch


You know your day's gone badly when it ends with you being shouted at in a Greek police station.

It wasn't meant to end this way. I'd gone for a gentle sunset walk, up by the Bilderberg hotel, to relax before the big opening day of the elite globalist shindig, watch Phoebus plunge headlong into the western sea, and (yes) maybe sneak a couple of short-lens pictures of the mounting security.

Opposite the hotel gates I took a casual photo out over the bay, limbering up to swivel round and snap off some naturalistic "armed guard having fag and chatting up policewoman" sort of shots. A plainclothes officer jogged across the road and got in my face.

"No photos."

"Of the sea?"

"Give me your camera."

"I don't understand."


"I've got my Oyster card".


"Driving licence?"

He takes my licence. A group of policemen have sauntered over, and mutter Greekly about the enormous threat to the smooth running of Bilderberg I seem to represent.

"What is this?" asks one of the local militia. He takes my notebook. Opens it at random.

"What are you writing? What here?"

He points to an old 8 Out of 10 Cats joke (well, barely) about what would happen if we had a female Doctor Who. He jabs at it, proof, in black and white, of my status as an agitator. I read it out: "I'm not saying we've already had a female Doctor Who, but Sylvester McCoy put cracks in the glass ceiling."

"Who is this? Syl... Syl..."

"Sylvester McCoy."

"A friend of yours? He is staying here?"

I bite back telling them that Sylvester McCoy is a noted anti-globalist freedom fighter who is here to lead the people's revolt against Bilderberg's liberty-stripping agenda. "It's nothing. Can I have my book back?"

They confer. An imp in my brain tells my hand to reach for my camera and take a photo. Click. Whir. At which point, on a gorgeous May evening on the Athens Riviera, began one of the more stressful hours of my life. Hands went to holsters.




Over came the man with the machine gun. Over came the man with the special mirror-on-a-stick for car bombs. It was the first time in my life, and hopefully the last, that I've been intimidated by a mirror on a stick. They circled round me. One of them, the one in the photo with one hand up and the other on his pistol, kept prodding me in the shoulder, and shouting: "Give the camera! Just give the camera!"

All around me: "Delete! Delete photos!" followed by a lame tug of war for the camera with no great self-belief on either side, which I won. Camera back in pocket.

Then it became: "Get in the car!" Get in the car!" I wasn't about to get in the car. I remember saying: "One of you has a machine gun, you're shouting at me, I don't understand why, I took one photograph, this all seems a bit strange. What's going on here?"

One of the nicer policemen, who looked a bit like the short guy from LA Law, the one married to Jill Eikenberry (note to self, update this reference), took me aside. "Very important people coming. Very important. No photograph. Please get in car, we take details, put in computer, you can go."

I complained, reasonably I think, that they could simply phone my details through to the station, and check that I wasn't wanted on three continents for acts of terror, but they were having none of it. Prod, prod, prod. Eventually I got in the car. I had to.

They drove me to the police station. Other cars followed. At the station, officers gathered from all quarters. They'd sniffed an incident. A dozen of them stood round me. The Greek chorus reached full voice: "Give the camera! Delete photos! You understand?!" I hated my hands for trembling when I wrote down my father's name so they could look me up on "computer". But at least I got a chuckle hearing them try and pronounce Melvyn.

One of the policewomen smiled. "Delete photos and you can go, no trouble." She looked like Christina Aguilera's slightly butch cousin and I fell on her smile with a thirst. Nearly gave her the camera. Understood in a flash the whole good cop, bad cop thing. Kept my camera in my pocket. Smiled back. "I just want you to tell me if I've broken the law, and if so, are you arresting me?" God, I sound like a cliché of a protester. Oh god, I'm a protester. What are my rights here?

"Charge me or release me!" is what I didn't shout. I sat quietly and tried to still my hands in my lap. I smiled at Christina. I was winning.

Suddenly, a "you can go" from the sergeant at the computer. I went. I had my camera. I had my photo. I was free. It was the end of Midnight Express. The Breakfast Club fist in the air. Except that I felt sick and wanted to go to sleep.

I slept. This morning, feeling stronger after a slice of breakfast cake, I think I understand: I was the trouble kicking off. I was the agitation they'd been warned about. Very important people. No mistakes. They were wired, pumped up for confrontation, and my photo had been the spark. It's why they'd blown up in my face. Important people arriving. No fotografia.

And then it struck me: there really ISN'T any fotografia. There's none. Not a single member of the mainstream press. Not a single newshound camera on a tripod. Nothing. Nothing is happening here. Nothing to report.

The limousines have started to arrive. Nothing to report.

They've closed off an entire peninsula. There are roadblocks. Machine guns. Nothing to report.

This is Bilderberg's 57th annual meeting. Nothing to report.

Susan Boyle plucks eyebrows! Finally, something to report.

Charlie Skelton will be filing regular updates from Athens – even though he has been warned and may not be so lucky next time.


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Why point fingers at the rich and famous, simply because they meet behind closed doors?

Since you mention "Lucifer," I would remind you that the Bible says plainly that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, so why fear these men meeting secretly?

While you could argue that this organization is secret because it is evil, you could also argue that it is evil because it is secret.

Just because something is "secret," doesn't make it evil. After all, both good and evil influence(non flesh and blood) hide equally well.

Edited by Raptor Witness
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Why point fingers at the rich and famous, simply because they meet behind closed doors?

Since you mention "Lucifer," I would remind you that the Bible says plainly that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, so why fear these men meeting secretly?

While you could argue that this organization is secret because it is evil, you could also argue that it is evil because it is secret.

Just because something is "secret," doesn't make it evil. After all, both good and evil influence(non flesh and blood) hide equally well.

Have you drawn up any new "triangles" lately to support your theories?

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I've been invited! yay... :tu:

don't worry when 'population reduction goal 5537' comes up in the meeting, ie who should we target..

I'm gonna shout out "Gypos!"

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I wasn't invited and i had my suit cleaned from virgins blood too. :(

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I've been invited! yay... :tu:

don't worry when 'population reduction goal 5537' comes up in the meeting, ie who should we target..

I'm gonna shout out "Gypos!"

sorry bill its 5536 not 5537, 5537 is just kill anyone who gets in the way of the nwo order agenda ;)

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Why point fingers at the rich and famous, simply because they meet behind closed doors?

Since you mention "Lucifer," I would remind you that the Bible says plainly that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, so why fear these men meeting secretly?

While you could argue that this organization is secret because it is evil, you could also argue that it is evil because it is secret.

Just because something is "secret," doesn't make it evil. After all, both good and evil influence(non flesh and blood) hide equally well.

Perhaps because "rich and famous" means nothing at all. These people are not so important that wherever they meet any protest is met with armed Police... What gives them the right to exceptional and unusual protection? Why do all nations afford them this bizarre level of security, why do they never go public with their deliberations but yet all nations that host these meetings use public money to "protect" them. We, the people , are allowing this to happen, we the people do not raise a voice in anger at this abuse of our taxes, we the people, will at the end have paid for our own demise, Lorded over by worthless, useless , chinless wonders.

Why is there a global financial crisis? Ask Bilderberg..... DONT ask the Bible Raptor

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sorry bill its 5536 not 5537, 5537 is just kill anyone who gets in the way of the nwo order agenda ;)

checks, oh yep you're correct. But there's a reason why you're only 32 degrees and not 33.

No one likes a smart ***.

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checks, oh yep you're correct. But there's a reason why you're only 32 degrees and not 33.

No one likes a smart ***.


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These meetings are illegal under internation law. To bad someone couldnt bombard the place with rockets, it would be one big step in cleaning up this world.

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Why point fingers at the rich and famous, simply because they meet behind closed doors?

Since you mention "Lucifer," I would remind you that the Bible says plainly that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, so why fear these men meeting secretly?

While you could argue that this organization is secret because it is evil, you could also argue that it is evil because it is secret.

Just because something is "secret," doesn't make it evil. After all, both good and evil influence(non flesh and blood) hide equally well.

Actually it's not just the rich and famous who go... World leaders, politicians, corporate titans, bankers are the main people who attend... Most presidents get an invite to attend.

Fact is there is some kind of conspiracy here... Many of the worlds most wealthy and powerful people attend this annual meeting. What are they doing and talking about that they don't want us to know?

In democratic nations politicians should not be allowed to attend such meetings. The people who attend steer global policy and economics, when people in this position meet and then keep what went on from the public it says collusion.

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These meetings are illegal under internation law. To bad someone couldnt bombard the place with rockets, it would be one big step in cleaning up this world.

Perhaps you should lead by example.

How do you know these people are not working for the betterment of humanity, and remain in secret to protect themselves from all the whack jobs who don't want that(and they vastly outnumber the people who do)?

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Perhaps you should lead by example.

I would, but I wouldnt even know how to begin, plus for the sake of my family I would probably chicken out, especialy if I was on my own.

How do you know these people are not working for the betterment of humanity, and remain in secret to protect themselves from all the whack jobs who don't want that(and they vastly outnumber the people who do)?

How do I know that a bunch of bankers, and corp elites arent looking out for humanities best interest? My goodness bro, you have some studying to do.

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Actually it's not just the rich and famous who go... World leaders, politicians, corporate titans, bankers are the main people who attend... Most presidents get an invite to attend.

Fact is there is some kind of conspiracy here... Many of the worlds most wealthy and powerful people attend this annual meeting. What are they doing and talking about that they don't want us to know?

In democratic nations politicians should not be allowed to attend such meetings. The people who attend steer global policy and economics, when people in this position meet and then keep what went on from the public it says collusion.

D1CKY_D, the points I bolded is what has had me wondering for many years -- and there seem to be no answers.



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These meetings are illegal under internation law. To bad someone couldnt bombard the place with rockets, it would be one big step in cleaning up this world.

Yes because mass murder is always the answer.

I think the real question is how they can do any work if they're always in the shadows? With such poor lighting I'd think it would be hard to read their evil memos.

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I would, but I wouldnt even know how to begin, plus for the sake of my family I would probably chicken out, especialy if I was on my own.

How do I know that a bunch of bankers, and corp elites arent looking out for humanities best interest? My goodness bro, you have some studying to do.

Right, I haven't read enough of the alternative media's ideas on what they're really up to. And I thought I was a pessimist. Nobody knows so you assume the absolute worst. Chances are they're just working out ways to screw the proletariat over for half a percent more of their wages.

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Right, I haven't read enough of the alternative media's ideas on what they're really up to. And I thought I was a pessimist. Nobody knows so you assume the absolute worst. Chances are they're just working out ways to screw the proletariat over for half a percent more of their wages.

I dont assume anything. Jim Tucker has told us from his inside info exactly what they were up to in the past that has come to full frutation over YEARS, and is telling us whats going on there right now.

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Yes because mass murder is always the answer.

I think the real question is how they can do any work if they're always in the shadows? With such poor lighting I'd think it would be hard to read their evil memos.

Our founders would have already commanded blood be split over the tyranny we are seeing today.

How can they work? They have all the money, and power. They can do what ever they want to, so long as we the people stand idiol.

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Perhaps you should lead by example.

How do you know these people are not working for the betterment of humanity, and remain in secret to protect themselves from all the whack jobs who don't want that(and they vastly outnumber the people who do)?

Cradle that was awesome I havn't laughed out loud In at least a day :w00t: Banks and the corprate elite helping humanity................ damn that was freakin funny :yes:

You were making a joke right :P

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Cradle that was awesome I havn't laughed out loud In at least a day :w00t: Banks and the corprate elite helping humanity................ damn that was freakin funny :yes:

You were making a joke right :P

Maybe he was joking. I should have gave him the benifit of the doubt. Looking at it that way, Im having a pretty good laugh myself.

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15 May, 2009 12:15 (GMT +01:00)

The London Daily News has been receiving dispatches from its Athens correspondent that armed security officials have maintained the secretive Bilderberg Group session in an atmosphere of almost hysterical paranoia, to keep all media out.

The Bilderberg Group which meets in secret each year is the opportunity for the world’s most influential politicians and financiers to debate the "high political issues" of the day in total secrecy. Anyone who attended the London G-20 summit would have thought that this was the precursor for the Bilderberg meeting in Athens.

The media have been locked out of the meeting Athens, and a total blackout is operating in Greece, with local media in many cases not even covering the event. One local journalist who spoke with the London Daily News correspondent in Athens said:

"We have been told by senior government officials that covering the event could cost us our jobs. Greece is in the depths of a major recession and I cannot afford to lost my job".

In terms of the content of the event, sources close to attendees of the Bilderberg have said to the London Daily News, that the recession and the environment are all taking major segments of the meeting. The attendants of the Bilderberg will be heads of governments, heads of central banks, parliamentarians and shopw business people.

The media in London is still frothing at the mouth over the expenses scandal of MPs, not giving much thought to the implications of the worlds most important leaders meeting in secret in Greece.

The "Bilderbergers" might well be wallowing in the crisis that has engulfed the worlds economy, accepting that this economic crisis is the responsibility of the careless and greedy practices of the heads of the banks and governments, and the way forward will be tough and testing.

Have a few Ouzo's on us guys, but why don’t you let us in? What is there to hide?

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Last update - 18:17 14/05/2009

Are the people who 'really run the world' meeting this weekend?

By Adam Abrams

From today until May 17, approximately 150 of the most influential members of the world's elite will be meeting behind closed doors at a hotel in Greece. They are called the Bilderberg Group or the "Bilderbergers," and you have probably never heard of them.

The group, co-founded by Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, has been meeting in secret every year since 1954. This year, says the British broadsheet The Times, they are meeting at the Nafsika Astir Palace in Vouliagmeni.

The individuals at the meeting come from such power houses as Google and the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Senate and European royalty. Governments, the banking industry, big oil, media and even the world of academia are amongst the Bilderberg ranks.

Those reportedly in attendance at last year's conference in Virginia include former U.S. senator Tom Daschle; Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner and his predecessor Henry M. Paulson; former U.S. secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and Condoleezza Rice; Microsoft executive Craig Mundie; senior Wall Street Journal editor Paul Gigot; World Bank President Robert Zoellick and Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

There is no official list of who's who in Bilderberg and there are no press conferences about the meetings. This is because the group operates under the "Chatham House Rule," and no details of what goes on inside are released to the press.

This secrecy has led to many claims that the Bilderberg Group are the world's real "kingmakers," and, some even suggest, behind the global financial crisis.

There are also rumors concerning Bilderberg's 2008 conference in Virginia, claiming that the recent U.S. presidential election was decided upon in a secret meeting between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, courtesy of Bilderberg.

Those involved in Bilderberg reject such claims outright, arguing that the forum offers a chance for world leaders to discuss international affairs openly and honestly.

Former British cabinet minister, Lord Denis Healey, who was one of the founders of the group, branded assumptions of world domination as "crap!" and said that the group's aims were much purer.

In an interview to journalist Jon Ronson of the Guardian, Healey said: "Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."

Veteran Bilderberg-watcher Daniel Estulin says that the big topic on the agenda for this year is the global depression.

Estulin quotes sources connected to the group as saying that the group is looking at two options, "either a prolonged, agonizing depression that dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline, and poverty... or an intense-but-shorter depression that paves the way for a new sustainable economic world order, with less sovereignty but more efficiency."

As the BBC's Jonathan Duffy noted in 2004, the air of mystery has fueled the increasingly popular conspiracy theory that the Bilderberg meetings are where decisions affecting the entire world are made.

"No reporters are invited in and while confidential minutes of meetings are taken, names are not noted," Duffy wrote. "In the void created by such aloofness, an extraordinary conspiracy theory has grown up around the group that alleges the fate of the world is largely decided by Bilderberg."

Recently, mainstream press coverage of the Bilderberg meeting has grown, largely due to the internet. This year's conference may have been covered by British broadsheets, but don't expect to see any coverage from U.S. news outlets such as The Wall Street Journal or the Washington Post - they will most likely be at the conference.

Adam Abrams is a British-American blogger, currently working as an intern at Haaretz.com

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Thursday, 14 May 2009 - 13:22

Bilderberg Group Meets In Athens Amid Tight Security

ATHENS (AFP)--Some of the world's top business and political leaders started annual secret talks with the Bilderberg group Thursday in a suburb of Athens, under tight security control.

The surroundings of the Astir Palace, a luxury hotel in the suburban resort of Vouliagmeni, where the group is holding its annual meeting, were protected by dozens of policemen, who were keeping the press and public at bay, an AFP journalist said.

A Greek navy launch and boats carrying elite divers could be seen a few meters off the coast of the peninsula where the hotel stands. Greek newspapers said the group had also asked for the protection of two F-16 warplanes and a police helicopter.

Reports say U.S. State Department number two James Steinberg, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, World Bank President Robert Zoellick, European Commission head Jose Manuel Barroso, Queen Sofia of Spain and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands are among those attending the Bilderberg meeting.

The group, which has been holding annual off-the record talks open to guests only since 1954, feeds conspiracy theories and speculation about its intentions, with critics accusing it of plotting world domination.

Several sources say Polish political adviser Joseph Retinger, former Belgian prime minister Paul van Zeeland and former Unilever chief executive Paul Rijkens organized the first meeting at the Hotel Bilderberg in the Netherlands to unite European and U.S. elites amid growing transatlantic tensions a half-century ago.

Its success spawned similar talks at posh hotels and palaces in Europe, the U.S. and Canada each year since.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 14, 2009 07:22 ET (11:22 GMT)

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Global Elite Hunker Down in Greek Luxury Resort

By James P. Tucker Jr.


Bilderberg luminaries all appeared grim-faced as they stepped from their limos on to the grounds of the Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel in Vouliagmeni, Greece. They arrived from the airport in nearby Athens, escorted by police with sirens blaring. The world economy is at the top of the Bilderberg agenda. Bilderberg will debate how to exploit the global recession and fabrications about “swine flu” to advance its world government goals. Bilderberg’s agenda has expanded, even as public awareness has grown.

Sources within Bilderberg said President Obama will be instructed to make another effort to get the United States to sign on to the International Criminal Court. The ICC treaty, if ratified by the Senate, would be superior to the Constitution, able to overrule Congress and the Supreme Court and impose “world law” on America.

Bilderberg leaders said they understood the effort would have to be handled with “subtle delicacy” because of the Senate’s traditional hostility to joining the ICC.

Former President Bill Clinton, who attended Bilderberg as the obscure governor of Arkansas in 1991 and was elected president in 1992, OK’d the ICC treaty, even though a test vote showed more than 90 senators objecting to the treaty, including world government advocates who were scared off by patriotic voters made aware of the perils by The Spotlight, the inspiration for AMERICAN FREE PRESS. So Clinton dared not submit the ICC treaty for ratification, and was forced to wait for a wind change in politics.


But Bilderberg owns President Obama, who sees himself as a “citizen of the world.” He will be sweet-talking Senate supporters who are afraid to back the treaty. He will be hoping for an even more left-wing Senate after the 2010 election, His goal, as dictated by Bilderberg, is to persuade the new Senate (to be seated in January 2010), to ratify the ICC treaty late on a Saturday night, too late for the Sunday papers or to make changes in the Sunday TV talkies.

You will not read of this in the Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times or hear about it on network news broadcasts.

AFP editor James P. Tucker Jr. is a veteran journalist who spent many years as a member of the “elite” media in Washington. Since 1975 he has won widespread recognition, here and abroad, for his pursuit of on-the-scene stories reporting the intrigues of global power blocs such as the Bilderberg Group.

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