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Shadowy Bilderberg group meet in Greece


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Last update - 18:17 14/05/2009

Are the people who 'really run the world' meeting this weekend?

By Adam Abrams

From today until May 17, approximately 150 of the most influential members of the world's elite will be meeting behind closed doors at a hotel in Greece. They are called the Bilderberg Group or the "Bilderbergers," and you have probably never heard of them.

The group, co-founded by Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, has been meeting in secret every year since 1954. This year, says the British broadsheet The Times, they are meeting at the Nafsika Astir Palace in Vouliagmeni.

The individuals at the meeting come from such power houses as Google and the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Senate and European royalty. Governments, the banking industry, big oil, media and even the world of academia are amongst the Bilderberg ranks.

Those reportedly in attendance at last year's conference in Virginia include former U.S. senator Tom Daschle; Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner and his predecessor Henry M. Paulson; former U.S. secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and Condoleezza Rice; Microsoft executive Craig Mundie; senior Wall Street Journal editor Paul Gigot; World Bank President Robert Zoellick and Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

There is no official list of who's who in Bilderberg and there are no press conferences about the meetings. This is because the group operates under the "Chatham House Rule," and no details of what goes on inside are released to the press.

This secrecy has led to many claims that the Bilderberg Group are the world's real "kingmakers," and, some even suggest, behind the global financial crisis.

There are also rumors concerning Bilderberg's 2008 conference in Virginia, claiming that the recent U.S. presidential election was decided upon in a secret meeting between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, courtesy of Bilderberg.

Those involved in Bilderberg reject such claims outright, arguing that the forum offers a chance for world leaders to discuss international affairs openly and honestly.

Former British cabinet minister, Lord Denis Healey, who was one of the founders of the group, branded assumptions of world domination as "crap!" and said that the group's aims were much purer.

In an interview to journalist Jon Ronson of the Guardian, Healey said: "Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."

Veteran Bilderberg-watcher Daniel Estulin says that the big topic on the agenda for this year is the global depression.

Estulin quotes sources connected to the group as saying that the group is looking at two options, "either a prolonged, agonizing depression that dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline, and poverty... or an intense-but-shorter depression that paves the way for a new sustainable economic world order, with less sovereignty but more efficiency."

As the BBC's Jonathan Duffy noted in 2004, the air of mystery has fueled the increasingly popular conspiracy theory that the Bilderberg meetings are where decisions affecting the entire world are made.

"No reporters are invited in and while confidential minutes of meetings are taken, names are not noted," Duffy wrote. "In the void created by such aloofness, an extraordinary conspiracy theory has grown up around the group that alleges the fate of the world is largely decided by Bilderberg."

Recently, mainstream press coverage of the Bilderberg meeting has grown, largely due to the internet. This year's conference may have been covered by British broadsheets, but don't expect to see any coverage from U.S. news outlets such as The Wall Street Journal or the Washington Post - they will most likely be at the conference.

Adam Abrams is a British-American blogger, currently working as an intern at Haaretz.com

Then why do this behind closed doors?If your intentions are "pure" why is this not done in the light of day? Im sure we'd all love to hear the plan. Deceit.

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The Logan Act is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. It was passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years.

The text of the Act is broad and is addressed at any attempt of a US citizen to conduct foreign relations without authority. However, there is no record of any convictions or even prosecutions under the Logan Act.

Text of the Logan Act

§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

1 Stat. 613, January 30, 1799, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953 (2004).


Scope and intent of the Act

In general, the Act is intended to prohibit American citizens without authority from interfering in relations between the United States and foreign governments. Although attempts have been made to repeal the Act, it remains law and at least a potential sanction to be used against anyone who without authority interferes in the foreign relations of the United States.

In 1967, an indictment was seriously considered against Stokely Carmichael for his visit that year to Hanoi during the Vietnam War. No action, however, was taken.

In 1975, Senators John Sparkman and George McGovern were accused of violating the Logan Act when they traveled to Cuba and met with officials there.

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan stated that the activities of the Reverend Jesse Jackson, who had traveled to Cuba and Nicaragua that year and had returned with several Cuban political prisoners seeking asylum in the United States, may have violated the Logan Act; but Jackson was never indicted.[1]

In 1987 and 1988, President Reagan was furious at what he felt to be House Speaker Jim Wright's "intrusion" into the negotiations between Nicaragua's Sandinista government and the Contras for a cease-fire in the long civil war. The National Security Council considered using the Logan Act to muzzle Wright, but nothing ever came of it.

In June 2007, Representative Steve King introduced legislation that would prohibit Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi from drawing on Federal funds to travel to foreign states which the U.S. deems to sponsor terrorism. King claimed that Pelosi's dialogue with the Syrian government violated the Logan Act. [8] The amendment was not adopted.

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I dont assume anything. Jim Tucker has told us from his inside info exactly what they were up to in the past that has come to full frutation over YEARS, and is telling us whats going on there right now.

Right, and Edgar Mitchell told us that Roswell happened and Alex Jones told us that they sacrifice children at that grove in California.

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Cradle that was awesome I havn't laughed out loud In at least a day :w00t: Banks and the corprate elite helping humanity................ damn that was freakin funny :yes:

You were making a joke right :P

Actually all of the richest men in the world have donated greatly, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson. But of course, they're capitalists so they MUST be evil.

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Actually all of the richest men in the world have donated greatly, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson. But of course, they're capitalists so they MUST be evil.

I know that Cradle.... Many many of the wealthy donate and do great things for the people. However what they do behind closed doors in regardes to making money may not be in our best interest. Such as the rape of the Earth for natural resources. I was privy to this as My ex father in law is a billionair and Humanitarian.

You will have to take my word as I have no reason to lie but this is my ex-father inlaw.


The picture in my profile with me in the monkey suit standing beside the hottie is his daughter. He wouldn't even be considered for an invitation to a Builderberg meeting as being worth 2 or 3 billion isn't rich enough LOL I miss those days LOL

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I know that Cradle.... Many many of the wealthy donate and do great things for the people. However what they do behind closed doors in regardes to making money may not be in our best interest. Such as the rape of the Earth for natural resources. I was privy to this as My ex father in law is a billionair and Humanitarian.

You will have to take my word as I have no reason to lie but this is my ex-father inlaw.


The picture in my profile with me in the monkey suit standing beside the hottie is his daughter. He wouldn't even be considered for an invitation to a Builderberg meeting as being worth 2 or 3 billion isn't rich enough LOL I miss those days LOL

sorry to hear that Silver... bye bye season tickets :D

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I know that Cradle.... Many many of the wealthy donate and do great things for the people. However what they do behind closed doors in regardes to making money may not be in our best interest. Such as the rape of the Earth for natural resources. I was privy to this as My ex father in law is a billionair and Humanitarian.

You will have to take my word as I have no reason to lie but this is my ex-father inlaw.


The picture in my profile with me in the monkey suit standing beside the hottie is his daughter. He wouldn't even be considered for an invitation to a Builderberg meeting as being worth 2 or 3 billion isn't rich enough LOL I miss those days LOL

i dont get it are you trying to say you were a jew?

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sorry to hear that Silver... bye bye season tickets :D

Tell me about it, I havn't been to a game in over 2 years :cry: We even use to fly to away games during the playoffs. I'm much better now though lol good times good times.

LOL Chem, to funny, me a Jew hmmm I might be a little :w00t:

Edited by The Silver Thong
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Actually all of the richest men in the world have donated greatly, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson. But of course, they're capitalists so they MUST be evil.

Yea, its called a TAX BREAK

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Right, and Edgar Mitchell told us that Roswell happened and Alex Jones told us that they sacrifice children at that grove in California.

Yea, thats it attack the source. The man has been spot on with everything he's said, that to me means he is a good source. Dont take the time to find out about it though, its better you just use these lame tactics.

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Our man at Bilderberg: I'm ready to lose control, but they're not

Charlie Skelton feels a sudden need to apologise for the trouble he's caused, swiftly followed by a rush of revolutionary rage against the powers that be being so, well, powerful

• Read all of Charlie Skelton's Bilderberg files

Comments (18)

Charlie Skelton

guardian.co.uk, Friday 15 May 2009 17.22 BST

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/may/1...lton-dispatch1I want to talk about Bilderberg 2009. But beyond a simple "yes, it's happening, it's real, the leaders of the world are hanging out here for the weekend", what can I say? It's a private meeting.

I don't know if they're discussing global financial unification or the season finale of Grey's Anatomy over their prawn cocktails. I don't even know what the vegetarian option is for starters. Butternut squash?

You're going to have to forgive me for speculating, but that's all I can do. I'm not a proper reporter. I don't have the foggiest of my rights (if any) to stand on public footpaths and point cameras. I don't even have a proper camera. But what I do have is this: a sense of something rotten in the state of Greece. To my nose, there's not a healthy smell wafting down from the Astir Palace. Or maybe that was the egg and pepper roll I had for breakfast.

Sorry if some of these speculations are wrongheaded, but I'm doing a lot of this thinking for the first time and I've only just shaken off my police escort. Sorry if I sound shrill or petulant, self-righteous or precious, sorry if my perceptions have been tilted by anger … sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry for bothering you Mr Bilderberg. I've spent the last three days apologising to everyone. Sorry to the staff at my hotel for having plainclothes officers loafing around in their lobby. Sorry to the plainclothes officers themselves for having to drag them around Vougliameni on a wild goose chase (I bought them some chilled water, and took it to them while they shuffled awkwardly behind a tree). Sorry then to the desk sergeant for bothering her with my predicament: "I'm being followed around like a criminal, I wonder if you wouldn't mind asking them to stop? I'm not doing anything wrong, and it's getting … well … a bit annoying."

I'm going to stop apologising now. I'm going to try and make sense of my experiences. It's not easy; I don't want to sound feeble-minded, but this has been a lot to take in. I feel a bit like I've driven down the wrong alley and suddenly don't recognise anything, and people are staring at me and not simply to admire my hair. I'm jumpy. I think someone has been in my room and moved my laptop. I know this sounds bonkers, I know it does, but I took a photo of it before I left the room and it wasn't where I left it.

Listen to me. I sound like a fruitcake. Three days and I've been turned into a suspect, a troublemaker, unwanted, ill at ease, tired and a bit afraid. And I haven't even walked up the road to the Bilderberg hotel since the whole "get in the car!" incident. I've been trying to stay out of trouble, but trouble has followed me down the hill.

So – to make sense of it. I'm going to begin here: with the face of the first Bilderberg delgate I saw in the flesh. I was trying, lamely, to get a snap of some delegates as they swooshed through Vougliameni in their mirrored limos with their plainclothes motorcycle outriders and police escorts. And one of them had their window open. I was so excited I forgot to bring the camera to my face and took a photo of the hubcap. What I saw I won't forget. It was a 40-something man with his head thrown back, laughing and laughing, the perfect photograph that only my retina will ever see.

And you know what: no wonder he was happy. It must be WAY COOL to be sirened through Greek streets in the back of bulletproof limo on your way to the COOLEST party in the world. You've been invited by the coolest of the cool kids to hang out for the weekend. Your cool cousin's über-cool older brother and his way cool friends have got a keg of beer and a pool in the yard, and their parents are away and you think Jessica might be going. THIS IS THE BEST PARTY EVER! Turn on the sirens! We're coming through! Woohoo!

And your life is already pretty cool. You already own a newspaper or head a thinktank, or you're the UK secretary of state for business, enterprise and regulatory reform, or you run Fiat, or you're chairman of the Federal Reserve or Queen of the Netherlands, or president of Shell Oil. You run stuff. You have big ideas. You're in control, and control is fun.

Bilderberg is all about control. It's about "what shall we do next?" We run lots of stuff already, how about we run some more? How about we make it easier to run stuff? More efficient. Efficiency is good. It would be so much easier with a single bank, a single currency, a single market, a single government. How about a single army? That would be pretty cool. We wouldn't have any wars then. This prawn cocktail is GOOD. How about a single way of thinking? How about a controlled internet?

How about not.

I am so unbelievably backteeth sick of power being flexed by the few. I've had it flexed in my face for three days, and it's up my nose like a wasp. I don't care whether the Bilderberg Group is planning to save the world or shove it in a blender and drink the juice, I don't think politics should be done like this. This might be a facile point, but if they were organising a charity snooker league, they could do it upstairs at Starbucks. If they were trying to cure cancer they could do it with the lights on. Innocent thoughts can be minuted.

Or maybe they're simply swingers. Maybe that's why the curtains are drawn. Imagine chucking your key in the tub and pulling out Ken Clarke. Sorry Timothy Geithner, that's the cost of doing business.

I have a confession. (I'm not a swinger, that's not it.) My confession is that being tailed today by Greek special branch, and doubling back through a cafe and catching them out, and buying them chilled water on a hot day like in Beverley Hills Cop, when Eddie Murphy has room service sent to their car – all this was pretty exciting. It's was my own little episode of the Equaliser. (The Greequaliser? No, really no, I'm tired). Being tailed was exciting and funny and absurd and confusing and terrifying and utterly, utterly wrong. And I know this sounds pathetic but I got a bit teary in the police station when I was telling the nice desk sergeant lady that I'm not a bad person and not a threat to anyone, and it would be nice if someone could call off the goons. I don't like to be made to feel like this. I've been "put" in this position, and I haven't deserved it.

Bilderberg is about positions of control. I get within half a mile of it, and suddenly I'm one of the controlled. I'm followed, watched, logged, detained, detained again. I'd been put in that position by the "power" that was up the road.

Likewise, the Bilderberg delegates occupy a position of power over the bobbing ignorance of the people patting beach balls in the sea, and me with my crappy little camera and my curiosity and my ill-formed sense of citizenship. I may not be very good at bearing witness here, but I'm doing my best. I haven't shinned over the fence and shoved a camera in David Rockefeller's face but I don't want to be shot in the forehead.

A final thought for the day. In the fable, the men may have been blind but they did at least get to grope the elephant before trying to describe it. Now shove that elephant in the back of a blacked-out Mercedes S600, whisk it off into a luxury Greek resort, circle it with heavily armed guards and helicopters, hand it a Martini, and pay the local police to harass, detain and follow anyone showing even the slightest interest of grabbing a flank. That, my friend, is the beast that is Bilderberg 2009.

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Yea, its called a TAX BREAK

While I agree that a lot of rich people are b******* I do believe that there are those who really do care. Just because you have money doesn't mean you're evil.

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While I agree that a lot of rich people are b******* I do believe that there are those who really do care. Just because you have money doesn't mean you're evil.

And vise versa ;) I know just how much Big Business influences government and law making. You must remember Ralph Klien, Alberta's Premier eh Corp?

He was in the back pocket of oil and gas companies and and often used head ceo's to help him make decissions. He was a hard baller a bit of a goof but he did do much in the way of big industry except let them dictate the rules. I have had dinner with Ralph a few times a really nice guy but crooked as can be. Thats how the oilsands took off, Ralph made major concessions to many of them. Look at the oilsands now. Ok partly due to market but as soon as Ralph left and Stilmach came in a relitive unknown and started to increase oil revenues the big companies fought back and now Alberta for the first time I can remember is now in debt... We were debt free for almost 15 yrs and 2 years later oil has pulled up some roots and moved due to the change in government. It's corrupt to the core with very nice rich people LOL.

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You can't blame King Ralph for anything he did or said while he was in office. He was drunk at the time :P

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You can't blame King Ralph for anything he did or said while he was in office. He was drunk at the time :P

He did like his drink lol but he toned it down a fair bit In his last few years in office. Fun guy to have a beer with though ;)

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Yea, its called a TAX BREAK

Warren Buffet and Bill Gates gave 28 Billion each to make more money? Their donations usually aren't just kicking money to UNICEF or the RSPCA, they make their own foundations so that they can control where it goes, so infact more of their donations go to use.

Now one could argue that they take part in philanthropy to cover up their actions, but they all seem to give a fairly large chunk of their money back, it seems like they wouldn't have enough to carry out their schemes.

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Have you drawn up any new "triangles" lately to support your theories?

My "triangles" have nothing to do with this group or any secret organization. The inspiration for my use of this symbol comes from several sources, but it is generally a symbol of caution or hazard, nothing more.

Why is there a global financial crisis? Ask Bilderberg..... DONT ask the Bible Raptor

If someone alludes to a character in Holy Scripture here, I see no reason to side step the argument.


I have yet to read anything about the Bilderberg Group that makes me fearful.

A high profile group like this could draw the attention of almost any terrorist group. Most of these folks can afford security. Put yourselves in their place. The more power you have, the greater the need for paid protection.

Why should a private organization need to answer to the public? That's like saying that if you're in a fraternity, you're obligated to tell the whole world what you do in the frat house.

All this is, is an adult fraternity.

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While I agree that a lot of rich people are b******* I do believe that there are those who really do care. Just because you have money doesn't mean you're evil.

Well if 0bama has his way, and the rich cant get a tax break for charity, then we will see soon enough.

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Well if 0bama has his way, and the rich cant get a tax break for charity, then we will see soon enough.

But you seem to be missing the point. If they just kept the millions and billions of dolars they give away they'd be richer, tax break or no.

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But you seem to be missing the point. If they just kept the millions and billions of dolars they give away they'd be richer, tax break or no.

LOL, wait a sec, you dont think Gates, one of the richest men on this planet, actual made a sacrifice do you? He could give me 100 billion today and would never feel any effect what so ever. The rich give to charity for tax breaks, this is old news.

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But you seem to be missing the point. If they just kept the millions and billions of dolars they give away they'd be richer, tax break or no.

I think you are missing Preacher's point... Do you understand how a write-off(tax Break) works?

A business, be it corporate, sole proprietorship, or partnership or what ever pays taxes on the gross AFTER all deductions(personal exempt, receipts, donations, etc...)

The less a business writes off the more it pays on the NET intake over the fiscal year.

Charitable donations are a great way to lower your over all net when a company has been rolling in the cash....

....look at celebrities for example... their over head is very low compared to say, retail outlets who are designed to provide goods and/or services to consumers.

... so celebrities usually donate money(which makes them look generous too) to charities to lower their overall net.

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LOL, wait a sec, you dont think Gates, one of the richest men on this planet, actual made a sacrifice do you? He could give me 100 billion today and would never feel any effect what so ever. The rich give to charity for tax breaks, this is old news.

Actually if he did that he'd be about $60 billion in debt if he did that. Why is it so hard for you to believe that the rich are capable of doing good for goodness sake?

Did he get tax breaks for releasing mosquitos in a crowded room while giving a speech too?

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AP has finally caught on:


Greek nationalists protest Bilderberg Club meeting

By DEMETRIS NELLAS – 15 minutes ago

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Police heavily guarded a luxury resort in Greece on Saturday where a secretive annual rendezvous of top politicians and business leaders reportedly took place.

Several dozen Greek demonstrators gathered outside the Astir Palace hotel in the coastal town of Vouliagmeni to criticize the Bilderberg Group, an international group that was founded half a century ago in the Netherlands.

It has no widely known headquarters, meets secretly at luxury hotels and resorts throughout the world by invitation only, and generally makes no public announcements afterward.

The demonstrators, from Greece's right-wing Popular Orthodox Rally party, shouted slogans and held a large banner saying "Bilderberg Unwelcome" outside the hotel, which is 25 miles (40 kilometers) south of Athens on the Aegean Sea. One demonstrator was arrested when the group tried to break through a police cordon.

"We came here to protest this anti-Greek meeting," Argyris Sideris, a regional party secretary, told the Associated Press. "We need to do something to protect our country."

The popular hotel was closed to the public.

A police officer told The Associated Press the resort was being protected by hundreds of police, navy commandos, coast guard speedboats and two F-16 fighter planes. The officer spoke on condition of anonymity, in keeping with his department's regulations.

Greek newspapers said the secret meeting of the politicians and managers of world capitalism included Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis.

The papers said this year's invitees also included U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner; Larry Summers, the director of the U.S. National Economic Council; the Obama administration's special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke; World Bank President Robert Zoellick; European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet and European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso.

But those reports could not be independently confirmed.

The three-day meeting apparently ended Saturday.

Associated Press Writer Tom Stoukas contributed to this report.

Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Edited by acidhead
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The Elite Gather in Greece for a Not-So-Secret Meeting

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124243871634226127.html (The WallStreetJournal)


VOULIAGMENI, Greece -- The Astir Palace hotel in this Greek coastal town wasn't open for coffee Friday.

The luxury resort -- 25 miles south of Athens on the Aegean Sea -- normally welcomes guests to use its bars and restaurants, or its private beach. But when a reporter tried to go in for a coffee, a suited security guard barred the way.

"The hotel is closed for a meeting…. A very big meeting," he said.

Greek media, apparently tipped off, were abuzz over the reasons behind the heightened security at the hotel: a gathering of the Bilderberg Group, a secretive annual rendezvous of top politicians and business leaders.

"At the Club of the Strong," said a headline in Greek daily Eleftheros Typos. "Bilderberg: The first violins of capitalism," wrote the Eleftherotypia paper.

Founded half a century ago, the group has no widely known headquarters. No accord is announced at the end of its meetings. And no one is supposed to divulge their presence.

Still, many do let it be known subtly, and past attendees are said to have included Henry Kissinger and Margaret Thatcher.

This time, one confirmed guest is Greek Prime Minster Kostas Karamanlis. "As you know, there are a lot of dignitaries in Athens, and this is a courtesy on behalf of the prime minister," said Chris Valtadoros, his communications adviser.

Others scheduled to attend, according to those in the know, include European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet and World Bank President Robert Zoellick. U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg is expected to attend, as well as Domenico Siniscalco, vice chairman of Morgan Stanley Europe and a former Italian finance minister, and John Elkann, vice chairman of Italian car maker Fiat.

The managers of world capitalism aren't always popular, which is one reason the Group of Seven leaders now meet in out-the-way resorts that are hard for protestors to reach. In Greece, a small nationalist political party, "Laos," planned to demonstrate Saturday outside the hotel.

The public was kept away from the hotel doors. As the same security guard explained later: "The hotel is closed until Monday. ... There's a big wedding."

—Sebastian Moffett and Bob Davis contributed to this article.

Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page A12

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Anybody notice the same talking points in both the AP and WSJ articles? ----posts #48 & #49

Why both authors took credit for writing the articles is beyond me.... oh.. right... they contributed to it....added a garnish.. :whistle: ... scratched in their name.... great reporting :td:

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