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Postmen 'threatened with sack' for refusing


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like the bnp :unsure:

Nope, they're not racist.

They have an Indian in their party. Mister Deva Kumarasiri.

Edited by GreyWeather
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At this rate England will look like Iran in 25 years. Do you really want to become a islamic nation?

In my opinion, the BNP is just about the most revolting, sickest political party in the west. It's an embarrassment.

I'd rather see Hamas win a majority in the British government than the BNP.


Actually, I made a mistake. The American KKK Knight's Party may be a little worse.

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Nope, they're not racist.

They have an Indian in their party. Mister Deva Kumarasiri.

Deva is British, of Shri Lankan descent. I dont' think he'd like you calling him an Indian.

I'll ask him if you like; he lives just down the road from the Catbasket, and is somewhat of a Local Hero.

Meow Purr :)

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In my opinion, the BNP is just about the most revolting, sickest political party in the west. It's an embarrassment.

I'd rather see Hamas win a majority in the British government than the BNP.


Actually, I made a mistake. The American KKK Knight's Party may be a little worse.

Well, thanks for you opinion.

I didn't know they sold the Daily Mirror in the states!

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Nope, they're not racist.

They have an Indian in their party. Mister Deva Kumarasiri.

<_< so bnp finds a "indian" to add to it's party then all is oklinked-image

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this is like Pharmacists here in the states refusing to give out birth control and what not on 'religious beliefs' ... your job is to fill a prescription not to refuse to because of your personal beliefs. Can't do the job ? find a new one .

That's a sticky issue, too, and I don't believe it's ever been fully adjuticated. There's supposed to be a pharmacist shortage going in, and many pharmacies are reluctant to fire otherwise-excellent pharmacists over a single issue, especially one which doesn't involve deficiencies in pharmaceutical knowledge and skills.

It's one thing to say that Conservative Christians have to be banned from practicing pharmacy but quite another to carry that out. (That's because they are not without both lawyers and legislators of their own.)

Regarding the British postel issue, a compromise might be this: hire additional workers to deliver the BNP materials and then deduct the full amount of their salaries from the "reluctant" mail carriers' paychecks.

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That's a sticky issue, too, and I don't believe it's ever been fully adjuticated. There's supposed to be a pharmacist shortage going in, and many pharmacies are reluctant to fire otherwise-excellent pharmacists over a single issue, especially one which doesn't involve deficiencies in pharmaceutical knowledge and skills.

It's one thing to say that Conservative Christians have to be banned from practicing pharmacy but quite another to carry that out. (That's because they are not without both lawyers and legislators of their own.)

I'd boot them. Plenty of people willing to go to school and work and not let their religious opinions try and decide what is between a woman and her doctor.

If the Pharmacist wanted to be a doctor they should have stayed in school longer. No one said to ban them from holding those jobs , but if they can't handle it ? find another job.

same with the mail. those leaflets were paid to be mailed. mail them. that's your job. If mailing them were against the law that would be another matter , but until then .... do your job. Nothing is stopping that man from protesting in other ways. Same with Pharmacists.

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