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Just a theory about N Korean nuke...


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I like to assess the events from different points of view. This one - purely economical.

We know, US owes money to the other countries, these debts are all in US dollars. In treasuries to be exact. It owes some 1/2 trillion $$$ to Russia, heaps more to Japan and South Korea, and over $2 trillions to China. Thats one input.

On the other hand on top of 11 trillions of foreign debt, US has some unfunded internal obligations till 2020, say another 15 trillions (more in fact). the Bad Debt (often called "toxic assets") in USA is $33 trillions, of which $1 trillion is the toxic debt of General Motors alone. Obviously, the choice of administration was to bail out as many dead businesses as possible - as this is socially important to prevent social security failure and a following big scale shootout. How can USA accomplish this goal? It cannot borrow anymore anywhere, so the only realistic source would be to start printing money. However, if US government in the years to come prints some 40 trillion dollars (conservative estimate), then what would each dollar be worth then? Right, we have inflation with hardly any control, and Zimbabwe-style $1billion banknotes, used to shop for groceries.

The question: what would happen with the foreign debt in case of such a rapid and serious dollar value drop? Correct! The creditors would get broke! Largest of them would be China, Japan, S Korea and Russia. Due to some mysterious reason, all these countries have a pleasure to border a Communist regime of North Korea. Due to another coincidence three out of four have advanced nuclear capabilities (yes, Japan as well - not bombs, but reactors and research). Another coincidence is that all 4 have space capabilities... Is not it strange, that a basket-case regime with starving population becomes able to find the funds to develop nuclear and space capabilities too?

In view of the above - can it be that the bomb of North Korea, was jointly funded by all these four countries, who now pretend to be scared of this bomb then assisted to create and mount on a space delivery vehicle? Den Syaoping was in Washington recently, and publicly asked Mr Obama, if US was going to honour its debts? Why was this asked? It is in fact a very strange question, specially if 3 months after it N Korea makes a new nuclear test! Is it possible at all, that N Korea was simply hired for food to work for all 4 and threaten USA if the debts are ignored? And all the wording used by the other 4 is just a badly-written soap opera?

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I doubt it. We are superiour to NK in every way. By land air or sea. NK isnt a threat to us unless somehow they smuggle a nuke close to our boarders. They cant even launch a missle without us knowing days in advance.

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In view of the above - can it be that the bomb of North Korea, was jointly funded by all these four countries, who now pretend to be scared of this bomb then assisted to create and mount on a space delivery vehicle? Den Syaoping was in Washington recently, and publicly asked Mr Obama, if US was going to honour its debts? Why was this asked? It is in fact a very strange question, specially if 3 months after it N Korea makes a new nuclear test! Is it possible at all, that N Korea was simply hired for food to work for all 4 and threaten USA if the debts are ignored? And all the wording used by the other 4 is just a badly-written soap opera?

Still a scary thought.

As for the debts...Don't be surprised if California belongs to China some day. :D

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I doubt it. We are superiour to NK in every way. By land air or sea. NK isnt a threat to us unless somehow they smuggle a nuke close to our boarders. They cant even launch a missle without us knowing days in advance.

that isn't exactly true. america never knew they were testing a nuke and the only reason the knew about the missile was because korea warned them about it.

i think marabod has an interesting theory here although i'm not sure if japan and korea would have the balls to do something like that.

russia and china? definately. although i really see no way of them getting their money now, not for what it should be worth. america does seem pretty ****ed.

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How would nuking the US increase the chances of them paying off their debt? It would likely have the opposite affect.

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I highly doubt Japan and South Korea would risk giving away nukes to such an unstable country right next door to them. Especially given how aggressive North Korea act towards them. It seems unrealistic. Especially given the history of war between North and South Korea. it would be extremely unusual.

I think North Korea got help from Pakistani nuclear scientists on their own agenda.

Edited by Ins0mniac
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