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Psychic Warfare across the Cosmos (?)


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bridges of understanding -- Theists & Atheists

According to this Alien allegation, advanced space Aliens selectively communicate, telepathically, to a "Chosen" few humans, on earth. Such "Contacted" humans have Religious experiences (voices, visions, dreams), of profound human-life-altering degree; "hearing the call", they then "heed the call", devoting their lives, in obedience, to "God in heaven", interpreted as the Aliens. If so, then Aliens foment differences, and hence potentially divisions, amongst mankind, since only some humans are Contacted, therefrom perceiving the Existence of "God in heaven", and so becoming Religious (Theists). Meanwhile, other humans are "unenlightened", so never perceiving the Existence of "God in heaven", and so remaining non-Religious (A-Theists, 'without God'). If all humans acknowledged, that they can only speak for their own experiences; then Theists & Atheists could recognize, that their own experiences are not logically irreconcilable, since "God in heaven" could plausibly Contact only the former, and not the latter. Thereby, frequent discords between "Chosen" Theists, and "Forsaken" Atheists, could be comprehended, and avoided ("different strokes for different folks"). For example, Atheists need not scoff at "Religious experiences" that they have never experienced; Theists could recognize that "Divine Influences" in their own minds & deeds seem "perplexing" to Atheists ("why is the Shaman Witchdoctor gyrating around in circles, and convulsing as if in epileptic seizure?"). Recognition of the Presence, of a remote Actor, amongst mankind on earth, and in human affairs throughout human history, could clear up confusions thusly caused, by 'Their' meddlings & interferences.

Mandated to Believe ?

Persistent reports, globally, for ages, of telepathic Contacts, to humans on earth, from "God(s) in heaven", can be construed, as Alien meddlings, in the minds of humans. If Aliens can communicate 'Their' Will, directly into humans' thoughts, then Aliens could compel acceptance of 'Their' Will. Or, 'They' could couch 'Their' Mandates & Orders, in such ways, that humans (predictably) perceived the same, as "Superior", "obviously better", "obviously the best way". Either way, humans would wind up obeying Alien Will, whole-heartedly, whole-mindedly, whole-souledly. If this writer attempted to order humans to stop obeying Astrological-Religious Mandates & Orders, from "God in starry heaven"; then this writer would wind up being perceived as pathetic, even with "home-field advantage" (same species, same world; same language; supported by all known facts & all logical speculations, i.e. Aliens may Exist & would presumably be Hostile; supported by social legitimacy, i.e. advocating obedience to non-human, non-terrestrial, other-worldly Authority is not legitimate). Meanwhile, essentially all humans widely report obeying the Will of "God in heaven amongst the stars", perceiving the same as "obviously Superior". That "God in heaven", interpretable as an advanced Alien, has "Superior people-on-earth skills", from light-years away, even with "away-team disadvantages" (different species, other side of space, total & utter non-legitimacy, i.e. human obedience to non-human, non-terrestrial, other-worldly Authority is not legitimate), can be construed, as reflecting the degree of 'Their' Superiority, presumably from being millions to billions of years more advanced than mankind. Seemingly, earth is bathed in "Divine Presence", from which humans perceive themselves to be bathed in "Space Love"; then, due to said perceptions, humans cannot even begin to think of space as fearful, frightful, terrible. In analogy, swimming pools kill a hundred times more children in the U.S. each year, than guns, yet humans do not perceive pools to be risky; on the lives of their own children, humans are "penny wise but pound foolish"1. Seemingly more so, humans, staring up at placid skies, cannot even begin to think of heaven as dangerous; instead, they blithely obey Mandated Orders from "Godlike Space Friends"; logically, any and all meddling, in human affairs (much less humans' minds), by non-humans, would actually be acts of hostile aggression. And, even if the objective risk from advanced Aliens were low, the cost would be extreme (Apocalypse, Doomsday, annihilation), so that the expected value would logically warrant concern & consideration. Yet, seemingly, humans cannot even begin to think such thoughts. Instead, they steadfastly bedeck themselves in starry symbols, blithely & brazenly carrying on, as if humans "had Space Friends in heavenly-high places"; logically, any and all extra-terrestrial influences, on earth, would actually be acts of hostile aggression, direct (Holy Wars by "soldiers of God in heaven") or indirect (distractions by sports 'stars'). Seemingly, no way exists, to associate "heaven", with "dangerous threat", in humans' minds; indeed, instead, "God in heaven" has already commandeered the word, and perception, of "heaven", to "pleasant paradise". That is a basic strategy of war-fighting; your enemy cannot even begin to perceive threat, when they already perceive safety. And, the moment when everybody feels convinced of safety, is the exact moment, when skillful enemies attack; indeed, widespread perceptions of safety logically imply widespread, and effective, deception. Yet, seemingly, no way exists, to undo human complacent presumption of space safety; no way exists, to engender, instead, presumption of hostility, aggression, danger, threat, i.e. to "fear heaven", to "fear the Empire of heaven", to "fear the Lord of worlds, Emperor of heaven" -- Who loves humans, Who is fond of half-furry earth apes, Who cares about their concerns, out of sincere earnest compassion, no no seriously2 :yes: . Logically, advanced Aliens plausibly Exist; would presumably be aggressive & hostile; ergo presumably pose credible cause for concern & contemplation.

Leavit & Dubner.

"God in heaven" will submit humanity, unto domination, by the simple strategy, of "reframing" dangerous
, to pleasant
? Space will be the "impregnable Ardennes forest", through which "unconquerable France", will be conquered, quickly & easily ? From where comes all of the "no no it just just couldn't couldn't couldn't be" ? All of the humans
be fooled, all of the time ? For all time, forevermore, too ? Or, are words like "God" and "stars" truthfully trifling nothings, of no real importance; humans actually have attributed social status, to trifling nothings, for
, even still
? (But, then, if so, by what Authority are those humans, who have long attributed something to nothing, now taken seriously?) Any and all acts of meddling (Choosing some, Forsaking others) are intrinsically
hostile & aggressive
so meddled amongst can claim to have received anything other than
hostile aggression
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Nice to see this well of thought still goes on :)

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Scoffing Skepticism

Logically, advanced Aliens would be God-like. Now, no human who as experienced altered states of consciousness, e.g. from drugs; or who has witnessed UFOs in earth's skies; have perceived the same, to be like "God". Instead, vertigo, dizziness, and drug-induced dazes are recognized as (perhaps pleasurable) malfunctioning of the human mind; and UFOs are recognized, as (perhaps "new fangled") air craft, operating within earth's atmosphere. In particular, nobody witnessing UFOs claims to have "beheld God". Ergo, neither altered states of consciousness, nor UFOs, are logically likely to derive from advanced Aliens. In particular, air craft, on earth, have no logical likeness, to hypothetical advanced Aliens, in space. Scoffing skeptics muddle-mindedly lump together altered states of consciousness, UFOs, and "Religious / Prophetic experiences"; then "debunk" the latter, with the former. However, unlike the former, "Religious / Prophetic experiences" involve the perceived receipt, of structured organized intelligible meaningful (telepathic) messages, from a perceived God-like source. Ergo, Religion amongst mankind, on earth, may derive, from actual advanced Aliens1:

  • bump - aliens may exist
  • set - advanced Aliens would be God-like
  • spike - "has anybody been perceiving anything from 'God(s) in starry heaven'??"
  • point - Religion

Scoffing skeptics counter with contempt, not with open-minded logic. For example, 1400 years ago, in Arabia, Muhammad reported receiving hundreds of kilobytes of "Divine Revelation", as structured organized intelligible meaningful (telepathic) messages. Muhammad was delusional; he perceived audio-video information, in his mind, which he could not have received, from earth. Logically, the crucial question, is what caused his delusions:

  • internal - random malfunctioning in his brain
  • external - (telepathic) signals from Aliens

Scoffing skeptics assume that the former is "more logical". Why? An unknown phenomenon generates the mental perception, of structured organized intelligible meaningful messages, from "God in heaven". But, according to the Cosmological principle ("what is 'here' is 'there'"), life on earth implies life exists across the cosmos. Ergo, invoking the existence of aliens, elsewhere in space, is no more logically "burdensome", than invoking some unknown brain process, on earth. In fact, invoking the existence of aliens involves positing nothing new, merely a known process (life) located elsewhere in space; whereas, invoking the existence of brain malfunctioning involves positing something new, namely some unknown process (strange hallucinations) located on earth. Although earth seems more familiar to humans than remote reaches of space, logically, "space communicating aliens" involves exclusively known-to-exist phenomena, e.g. humans communicate through space, to remote space probes; whereas, "random brain malfunctions" involve the convenient creation, of fundamentally new-and-unknown phenomena, "justifying" scornful derision (which seems to be intrinsically psychologically pleasurable, to scoffing skeptics, over logic & reasoning). Again, "nah, Muhammad's brain malfunctioned, for decades, somehow generating hundreds of kilobytes of structured organized intelligible meaningful messages, from 'God in heaven'" posits the existence, of some strange brain phenomena, never observed, anywhere-or-when in space-or-time; whereas, "oh, 'God' is earth's nearest space neighbor" posits the existence, of fundamentally familiar, mundane, phenomena, observed all the time, on earth (if not, yet, elsewhere in space). Ergo, "God is an Alien" is less logically "burdensome" than "organized Religion derives from random brain malfunctions"; given current human knowledge, logic demands favoring "God is an Alien" over "random brain malfunctions" (even if Authority demands otherwise; Authority on earth never seems to abide logical 'rhyme or reason', though Diabolical 'method amidst madness' can be inferred, e.g. US Doctors "innocently neglect" to wash their hands, thereby infecting so many American patients they come into contact with, that Doctors themselves estimate that up to 100K Americans die, each year, as a direct result, of diseases acquired, from their own Doctors; implicitly, millions of Americans are sickened, only a small percentage of which actually out-and-out die; Doctors earn income, from providing "care", only for sick-and-dying Americans, not for healthy people; Doctors may be seeking to "increase their share of the US market").

SETI has searched nearby star systems, for (radio, microwave) signals. The SETI search may have missed some signals. Caveats aside, the failure to detect signals from nearby star systems (naively) implies, that actual advanced Aliens are not transmitting, from those star systems. If 'They' Exist, then (naively) 'They' Exist elsewhere; innumerable other "else-wheres" exist, across the cosmos.
Edited by Widdekind
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I never heard of pyschic warfare before. But upon reading it here, there are good points to ponder. Very interesting post.

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1. Scientific evidence for Psychic Phenomena:

A. Scientific evidence of Human Sixth Sense:

Modern science reveals evidence for Psychic Awareness of "Distant Intentionality" (to wit, 6th Sense):

Some believe there is more to sensing others than pure evolutionary adaptation. Standing in the presence of another human, evaluating their intent, and, possibly, their desirability, is one thing. But what about those occasions when we feel we're being watched -- only to turn and look into the slightly guilty eyes of someone staring directly at us?
2005 AD
, the journal
Scientific American
published an article about
Rupert's Resonance
. This idea, from the mind of British Biologist Rupert Sheldrake, intended to explain, among other things, why people think they know when they're being looked at from a distance -- even when the person staring lies beyond the limits of their peripheral vision.

Sheldrake proposes that this apparent phenomenon is due to "
Morphic Resonance
" -- fields of
Energy (Morphs)
running between, and shared by, all
that has been, and all
that is. Sheldrake claims great success in his defiantly simple experiments, in which a subject, or "staree", tells the experimenter whether or not they're being stared at by a "starer" stationed directly behind them

2004 AD
, The
British Journal of Psychology
published a meta-analysis
(in which a large number of other studies in this field were grouped together, and statistically analyzed)
of available research into "
Distant Intentionality
, and the feeling of being stared at". The conclusion was that "there are hints of an effect
, but also a shortage of independent replications, and theoretical concepts". The jury, it seems, is still out. But studies into this nebulous area continue none-the-less, some of the most recent evidence being collected from a group of Hawaiian
. The
, at random time intervals, were invited by the researchers to send their own form of "
Distant Intentionality
(in their case, the intent was related to healing)
to recipients isolated within fMRI scanning equipment, capable of detecting patterns of brain activity over time.
had chosen their own recipient, on the basis that they
a "special connection". The authors claim to have found increased activity in several brain regions, correlating with the times that the
sent their
[Distant] Intent
. Areas that became active include: the
Cingulate Gyrus
, involved in a number of functions from controlling autonomic responses, to feelings of
Empathy & Pain; the Precuneus
, part of the
Parietal Lobe
that may be involved in
, among other behaviors; and the
Frontal Lobe
, the home of higher functioning &

This seems to suggest, that Emotions (eg. Empathy & Pain) can be Telepathically Imposed into a target's brain regions (eg., Cingulate Gyrus), much as Ecstasy can possibly be Telepathically Projected**.

Barry J. Gibb.
The Rough Guide to the Brain
, pp. 216-222.

. discussion of "
Psychic Ecstasy
" in: Hans Holzer.
ESP, Witches, & UFOs
: If
, "yes, my
is pleased" as it were)
can be
Telepathically Imposed
, presumably so
, "oh no, my
-pleased" as it were)
can likewise be
Telepathically Projected

B. Scientific evidence of Clairvoyance & Remote Viewing:

Modern science also reveals evidence of Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) abilities:

is the supposed ability to somehow gather information about a place or object beyond the reach of the traditional
Five Senses
... More recently, Canadian
Michael Persinger published research in
1987 AD
implicating the brain's
Temporal Lobes
ability. In this study, Persinger presented
Zener Cards
to a single test subject... w/
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
. But, before doing so, he exposed the subject's
Temporal Lobes
, at the sides of the head, to a
Magnetic Field
of one, four, or seven pulses per second (Hz). The one and seven Hz
Magnetic Fields
resulted in no difference from the normal chance success rate of 20%. However,
when the
Temporal Lobes
were subjected to the field of 4 Hz, the success rate for predicting the correct card apparently shot up to an astonishing, consistent, 50%
. One can only speculate why such a potentially revolutionary breakthrough was never published.

was already being seriously explored by some of the most powerful bodies in both the
Scientific & Political
worlds, under the guise of
Remote Viewing
(RV). In
1972 AD
, the CIA decided it needed to take a closer look at the potential
External Threat of Psychic Phenomena
. To do so, it enlisted 2 respected
from California's
Stanford Research Institute
, Russell Targ and Harold E. Puthoff. After identifying people w/ an apparent
potential, such as artist Ingo Swann from New York
(in one test, it is claimed Swann identified an object "sort of like a leaf" hidden inside a box, except that "it seems very much alive" -- it was a moth)
, the project was initially successful enough to secure funding for an advanced
Biofield Measurements Program

Moving beyond insects, the programme turned to more demanding test conditions. As part of the
Scanning by Coordinates Program, or Scanate, Remote Viewers
such as Swann were given
Geographical Coordinates
-- latitude, longitude, degrees, minutes, seconds. Like a modern
GPS System
, it seems
they were able to both draw detailed maps of the target area, and collect sensitive data
, such as passwords, from w/in any building at that site. Not content w/ planet Earth,
they even tested the limits of this unexplained ability in
. Coincident w/ the
Jupiter Probe
's fly-by in
1972 AD
, Swann attempted to
Remote View
what no human could ever have seen -- detailed information about the
Gas Giant
from over 600 million km distant. He received a good deal of information, including details of an icy ring encircling Jupiter
. This initially disappointing news suggested to observers that Swann had got his planets mixed up, and was actually viewing Saturn. However, the
Jupiter Probe
later confirmed the presence of this ring. That Swann, and others, of his kind were apparently able to perform such feats suggests either that they were involved in a conspiracy to promote wide-spread belief in ESP, or that
their minds really were somehow able to transcend time & space at will

1995 AD
, the collected results of the numerous projects were analyzed by the
American Institutes for Research
Their final report found the
to possess a
significant success rate
of 15%

2002 AD
The Journal of Perceptual & Motor Skills
published research in which Swann's brain was analyzed whilst in the act of
Remote Viewing
, subsequent to exposure to
Magnetic Fields
The study noted that an unusual pattern of brain activity over the
Occipital Lobes
showed a significant correlation w/ the accuracy of Swann's RV sessions
; the authors concluded a
basis for his unusual abilities

Now, logically, if comparatively primitive Human Anthropoid Apes can Remote View between Planets, then more evolved species could Remote View between Stars (see below).

Barry J. Gibb,

Modern science also corroborates the claims of Mediums, concluding that all Consciousnesses are connected, and that every Consciousness is like an "antennae", that can "tune in" to those connections. Successful Mediums, like John Edwards, can "reduce the noise" in the own Minds, and key into the quiet "signals" sent by other Consciousnesses (including those of the deceased)*.

History Channel
The Brain

2. Intelligence coincides w/ both Telepathic Ability & Vulnerability

We have seen that Psychic Abilities (eg. Sixth Sense, Clairvoyance, Remote Viewing) correlate to increased brain activity in key regions, including the Frontal & Parietal Lobes (Sixth Sense), Temporal Lobes (Clairvoyance), & Occipital Lobes (RV). And, these key regions are specifically crucial for Consciousness & Intelligence:

The overall size of a person's brain is less important for
IQ Scores
than the amount of
Grey Matter
found in specific regions of the
Frontal, Temporal, Parietal, & Occipital Lobes
. Intriguingly, these findings imply
is not related to just one brain area, such as the "higher functioning"
Frontal Lobes
, as is often thought

Thus, the very Evolution of Higher Intelligence & Conscious Awareness is precisely what imparts vulnerability to, as well as capacity for, Psychic Abilities.

Barry J. Gibb,
., pg. 120.

3. Probable superior Intelligence, of more Evolutionarily advanced Aliens, should coincide w/ superior Telepathic Abilities

On Earth, animals' Encephalization Quotients (EQs) have steadily increased, over the past half-billion years*. Therefore, more Evolutionarily advanced Aliens probably possess comparatively bigger brains. And, more developed brains probably imbue them w/ more potent Telepathic Abilities (as per above).

John Billingham.
Life in the Universe
, pg. 263.
: EQs correlate well w/ IQ -- and, hence,
Telepathic Abilities
(as per above)

4. Offense-Defense Theory analysis of proposed Psychic Warfare

Standard Strategic Offense-Defense Theory says that:

innovations favor
, whereas
innovations favor

Strategic Mobility
is the ability to transport military forces from the
to a
Theater of Operations
, or from one
to another... greater
Strategic Mobility
allows the
to expeditiously transport & supply its forces far from its own borders, thus negating the
's geographic advantage

Technological innovations that enhance
capability are disproportionately advantageous to the
. First,
allows the
to threaten the
's concentration of forces before an attack. An
typically needs a local advantage of combat power to pierce the
's forward defenses. Numerical superiority requires density; but, the greater density of forces provides more targets for defensive fire, and thus more attacker casualties. Second,
b/c it reduces the
ie, Offensive Power
of the Attacker.
In the face of greater defensive fire, an
must seek more armored protection
, cover, concealment, & dispersal -- all of which slow the
's advance. Finally, defensive firepower forces the attacker to provide its own
Covering Fire
in the advance, which slows the attack b/c of added weight and time required to reposition
Covering Fire


Nuclear Weapons & Terrorism
are the main cases of weapons that produce robust offense-defense effects
. The defense-dominance and
equalizing nature of
Nuclear Weapons
reflect the relative cheapness of maintaining a minimal nuclear deterrent compared to the high costs associated with offensive attack. Similarly,
confers offense-advantage because it does not require large amounts of traditional power to perpetrate, and is very difficult to defend against or deter

Note, too, that the energy required to accelerate a mere 10 lbs of Spacecraft, to ~90% the Speed of Light, is already about 100 megatons equivalent. Thus, the ratio of Energy Costs, from Inter-Stellar Invasion, to Nuclear Defense Deterrent, is probably billions to one.

Michael E. Brown, Owen R. Coté Jr.
Offense, Defense, and War
, pp. 373-375.

Rethinking Offense-Defense Theory: The Offense-Advantages of Terror


  • Psychic Warfare -- cheap to perpetrate (cf. Terrorism), & offers virtually unlimited (Strategic) Mobility, favoring Offensive
  • Inter-Stellar Space Travel -- imposes extreme Strategic Mobility difficulties (eg. Resupply across thousands of light-years of Space & Time), dis-favoring Offensive
  • Nuclear Weapons -- very effective for Firepower, favoring Defense

In particular, by affording maximal Mobility, at minimal cost, Psychic Warfare would be the expected Weapon of First Resort, for all Telepathy-capable "Predatory" Alien Civilizations. And, conversely, the extreme Strategic Mobility penalties imposed by Inter-Stellar Space Travel would make actual physical Invasion the expected Weapon of Last Resort. Furthermore, such Inter-Stellar Expeditions could conceivably require many millennia to complete (cf. invading ~10,000 light-years, across the Galaxy, at ~90% the Speed-of-Light). And, as seen from human history, many millennia is surely sufficient for species to develop from stone spears, to Nuclear Weapons. Thus, even comparatively primitive & backwards species could develop potent Nuclear Weapons whilst any Alien Invasion Fleet was under way.

Taken together, these facts virtually require that any Predatory Alien Civilization would necessarily employ Psychic Warfare, to "soften up" & completely subdue rival sentient species, at Strategic Long Range, before any physical Invasion Force was actually deployed towards the target Star System.

5. Solving Fermi's Paradox by proposing the presence of "Consciousness-triggered Predator" Alien Civilization(s)

A. Triggered Predators

In 1950 AD, Physicist Enrico Fermi proposed his famous Fermi's Paradox:

The extreme age of the
, and its vast number of stars, suggest that if the Earth is typical,
Extra-Terrestrial Life
should be common. In an informal discussion in
1950 AD
, the
Enrico Fermi questioned why, if a multitude of advanced
Extra-Terrestrial Civilizations
exist in the
Milky Way Galaxy
, evidence -- such as spacecraft or probes -- are not seen

Various solutions have been proposed. In particular, Predation explains the present lack of observations:

One reason why ETCs [Extra-Terrestrial Civilizations] might choose to keep quiet is
. When an ETC broadcasts to space, it reveals its location, and perhaps level of technology. Any neighbors who are listening may be
... Perhaps caution is a general trait among advanced intelligences

ETCs have either been prevented from arising by [
], wiped out by [
], or else are keeping quiet for fear of attracting [
... So, why have [
] silenced all other
, but left us alone? We could argue that
] destroy only
Technological Life
-forms, and need a "trigger" -- presumably the detection of
Radio Waves
-- before they begin to work

Thus, this "Predator Hypothesis" imposes a primitive Glass Ceiling upon emerging sentient species. To wit, the Milky Way Galaxy is proposed to be populated by an advanced Predatory Alien Civilization, that has already annihilated -- to wit, "Predated" -- all the unwary sentient species in our Galaxy.


Stephen Webb.
If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens ... Where Is Everybody?: Fifty Solutions to the Fermi Paradox and the Problem of Extraterrestrial Life
, pp. 112-113.
: Webb uses the word "Berserker" instead of "Predator", which word we have everywhere substituted for the original. In addition, note, too, that another of Webb's proposals is called "
They are here, and are meddling in Human affairs

B. Consciousness-Triggered Predators

All alleged emerging ETCs would clearly come from completely different Star Systems. And, they would probably be based upon completely different Bio-Chemistries*. But, despite their various Evolutionary backgrounds, all emerging ETCs should surely start to systematically study of the Stars scattered across the Cosmos. Indeed, this is precisely what would make emerging ETCs begin to be Space Capable -- and, hence, pose possible threats to the Space Dominance of our proposed Predatory Alien Civilization.

Barrie W. Jones.
The Search for Life Continued
, pp. 238-242.

So, the Systematic Study of the Stars, which focuses a sentient species' Consciousness out across the Cosmos, could quite conceivably be the "Psychic Trigger" which alerts our proposed Predatory Alien Civilization to the presence of potential threats -- thereby provoking Psychic Warfare, as a form of Territorial Aggression, from the Dominant ETC, who has clearly claimed the Cosmos for itself*.

On Earth, the
Systematic Study of the Stars
-- to wit, the
of Astrology / Astronomy
-- began
about 10,000 years ago
, in the
, w/ the advent of
. For,
must use the
to accurately reckon the
, so as to plant
at the proper times of year.
Crop Domestication
developed, from the collection of
-based food items, in primitive
groups, around that region, after the end of the
Last Ice Age
. In such
Stone Age
societies, plant
was expressly the province of
. Thus,
the first
were women
. And, by being responsible for such a powerful progress in technology, which could generate much more
Food Energy
from the land, womens'
Social Status
inexorably increased, as
Hunting & Gathering
was forsaken for
. Thus,
women came to dominate human society, presiding over it as
, of first-ever founded
full-fledged organized
, the
Goddess Cult
. Such Witches should be acknowledged as Mankind's first full-fledged
, by beginning
Astrology / Astronomy
, and embarking upon the systematic study of the
. Now, according to our proposed
Predatory Alien Civilization Hypothesis
, these early
unknowingly alerted
The Predator
to our presence upon this planet, by their


By Predating all other emerging ETCs, The Predator, hereby proposed, keeps the Cosmos quiet, & completely barren of (competing) Space Explorations -- in perfect keeping w/ observations, and, thereby, explaining Fermi's Paradox. It follows further, from this analysis, that the Milky Way Galaxy is likely littered with the wrecked remains of previously "Telepathically Possessed", and so self-sabotaged, and now Extinct, ETCs. Human space-farers should, then, repeatedly observe, upon other planets, Archaeological remains of now-Extinct ETCs, who would appear to have "killed themselves off", through various forms of bizarre, unhealthy, and "obviously self-destructive" behaviors -- as if their Better Judgements & Senses had been completely co-opted, by Telepathic Possession.

An Intelligence, that was hundreds of thousands of years ahead of us, would have overcome the problems of manifesting in our world... Yes, it takes a bizarre form, but here they are.

Dr. John Mack, Prof. of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

(National Geographic Channel Phantom Quest -- the search for Extra-Terrestrials (VHS))

If we received a signal, from a Civilization that was thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of years more advanced, they might even appear Godlike to us.

Dr. Seth Shostak, SETI

(National Geographic Channel Destination Space (VHS))

I'm still not getting it. Do you think you can expand your point?

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I'm still not getting it. Do you think you can expand your point?

Point zero, gibberish.

Heh... Guy has to be credited: almost 70 pages of self-talking,,, just amazing...

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Point zero, gibberish.

Heh... Guy has to be credited: almost 70 pages of self-talking,,, just amazing...

I know.

I am just a glutton for punishment. :su

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Only One Religion on earth, ever

If advanced Alien influences on earth explain Religion amongst mankind, then (most plausibly) a single such Alien species is involved; and so all human Religious experience has always derived from a single source. All Religious authorities, amongst all human groups, ultimately have all, and always, derived their "inspirations" from one single source. Religion on earth, amongst mankind, has always been de facto Monotheism, i.e. humans influenced by an advanced Godlike Super-Alien, from somewhere else in space. To wit, Religion amongst mankind on earth, is, and always has been, one single global species-wide integrated "conspiracy", a world-wide species-wide concerted "collaboration", of numerous human agents, often superficially in separate "cells" (individual Religious cults), but all, and always, acting together, in mutual furtherance, of a common agenda, to advance Alien Will, amongst mankind (presumably an aggressive hostile intent).

kilobytes per year

The Prophetic books, of the Abrahamic Religions, each amount to perhaps hundreds of kilobytes of information (on average). Over the past 4000 years, dozens of such Prophets have reported "telepathic Contact events", during which they purportedly perceive the receipt of intelligible meaningful structured organized information from Godlike Super-Being(s). Thus, the average data throughput rate amounts to approximately a kilobyte per earth year. Moreover, Prophetic experiences typically occur in the wilderness, far from other humans. For example, Jesus perceived powerful temptations in the wilderness; Paul perceived a Divine Voice on an isolated stretch of road near Damascus. Perhaps alleged Alien telepathic transmissions more easily reach particular people in isolation, as opposed to in large and dense throngs & crowds.

telepathy step-by-step

Today, humans can communicate to remote space probes, whose radio antennae are damaged, by adjusting transmissions, to accommodate for said damage. Plausibly, remote probes whose radio antennae are destroyed could also be communicated to, by further adjusting transmissions, to induce appropriate signals, directly into the onboard circuitry, treated as a "highly damaged antenna". In analogy, electromagnetic signals can induce voltages & currents in human electrical power, cable, and telephone lines; space probe wiring is qualitatively similar, and appropriately modulated signals could plausibly induce meaningful voltages & currents therein. Now, organic carbon-based lifeforms with brains have neural circuits; further re-adaptations of signals could plausibly induce organized structured meaningful intelligible information, directly into biological circuits, i.e. "telepathy". Alleged Alien telepathic Contact events can plausibly be attributed, to Alien super-long-range space communications technologies, re-adapted from communication to ('Their') electro-mechanical space probes, to (our) organic biology.

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  • 2 weeks later...

'The Dream' of the Shamans...

Over the past quarter million years, symbolic & (associated) Religious behavior, has increased in scope & scale, of social dominance, amongst Mankind ("Sheiks' Sharia Law has more influence than Shamans' occasionally-sought advice"). Ipso facto, Religious leaders must have desired, wanted, wished for, and sought after, that inexorably-increasing social dominance, which they have always ultimately obtained, for ages. Ergo, Religious leaders, always claiming to act on orders, from other-worldly astral Super-Beings "from starry heaven beyond earth's skies" (combining all common symbols & imageries), have been super-motivated -- i.e. more motivated than any other humans on earth -- to ceaselessly pursue a 'Dream' and 'Vision', of 'World Domination' over earth & humans thereon; which World Domination Religious leaders have obtained, according to their claims, by 'Divine Guidance' from those "God(s) in heaven", commonly received, through audio-video messages (Voices, Visions, Dreams), telepathically. Uncritically accepted, advanced Aliens, somewhere else in space, have guided "Chosen" human "elects", via (telepathic) space communications, to World Domination, i.e. the submission & subjugation of the human species, and pacification of planet earth. In short, "Buggers with space phones, recruited on-world mercenaries, who hijacked spaceship earth".

Advanced Aliens may Exist; if so, then 'They' would presumably be hostile, and would presumably possess advanced space communications (in order to manage 'Their' presumed space-spanning super-civilization). Ergo, 'They' would presumably employ advanced space communications, to exert 'Their' hostile intent, against all cosmological competitors, e.g. humans on earth. Ergo, Wisdom warning "better safe than sorry", earthlings would be wise, to be on guard, and on the lookout for, "Buggers on their space phones", attempting to recruit on-world mercenaries, to bring "War from the Stars", to earth. So, has anybody been hearing from, say, "God(s) in starry heaven", offering "free friendly advice", to attack terrestrial targets, and inflict damage, wounds & death, on humans' properties, limbs, and lives?


Zeus in the sky Decrees...

take Troy...

conquest of terrestrial cities is the Will of the Gods...

Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad...

Jibril, transmitting on behalf of Allah...

the Lord of worlds, of the Empire of heaven...

raise an army...

and conquer Constantinople...

Jihad is God's Will...

your army will be Divinely Guided...

you are Prophesied to succeed...




Divine Contract against earth...

Religious cults, amongst humans on earth, constantly compete, to earn Divine Blessing for themselves, and (most importantly) Divine Curse for 'other' humans on earth. Such competition -- "Hector of Troy sacrifices one goat to 'Apollo in heaven', but Achilles sacrifices two goats to 'Zeus in the sky', and so defeats Hector, and dominates his city" -- resembles defense contractors, engaging in competitive bidding, for a lucrative defense contract, for World Domination, i.e. the pacification of planet earth, and the submission & subjugation of the human species thereon. Economically, competition cuts costs; uncritically accepted, humans on earth, blindly obeying "Voices, Visions, & Dreams from their space buddies", have bent over backwards, to surrender their species & star-system, to "God in heaven", at the lowest-possible, bargain-basement, cut-rate, price; humans have competed for the 'honor' of subjugation unto Domination; humans have saved "the Empire of heaven" time, energy, and economic value ("money"), in conquering earth star-system. Presumably, those economic savings motivated "God in heaven" to aid, abet, and assist Religious leaders, amongst mankind, into positions of social status, which they otherwise would not have obtained on their own 'ape-ness'. I.e., quid pro quo, "Hezekiah becomes king over Jerusalem today; tomorrow, Jerusalem is defaulted to new owners".

God lies (to "losers")...

According to the Bible, c.1200 BC, in Egypt, the Pharaoh, during the Israelite Exodus, was deceived, by "God in heaven", into a disastrous military defeat. 3000 years later, Tenskwatawa, widely recognized as the Divinely Guided "Prophet" of the Shawnee in the Ohio River Valley, claimed that "the Great Spirit, the Master of Life" told him, to order the Shawnee to attack the U.S. Army; and that the white-mens' bullets would not harm them. Believing in "God", as voiced on earth through "Prophet" Tenskwatawa, the Shawnee attacked the U.S. Army; where shot to pieces; were disastrously defeated militarily. Conversely, the Israelites in Egypt claimed Divine Blessing; and, 3000 years later, the U.S. settlers in North America claimed "Manifest Destiny"1. Uncritically accepted, advanced Aliens, somewhere in space, can dis-advantage some humans on earth (Egyptians, Shawnee), whilst advantaging other humans (Israelites, U.S. settlers), via mis-leading dis-information, et vice versa. Indeed, for ages, humans on earth have competed amongst themselves, for the infliction of precisely such Divine Curses onto 'other' humans, and the contrasting receipt of Divine Blessing for themselves (see above). If so, then humans on earth should know, that "God in heaven" does deceive; has lied to earthlings; that those deceived, die, so that their perspectives, are afterwards ignored. (But, 'of course', "God loves" those allowed to live, and would never deceive them... the Egyptians & Shawnee were a bunch of chump punks, anyway, so who cares.) Will 'other' humans (continue to) gamble, that "God is true (to them)" ? Religious leaders will (continue to) gamble on earth, this world, the whole human species, for all time; any second thoughts? "Truthful yesterday" does not imply "truthful today"; perhaps relatedly, human agents on earth, being useful yesterday, may not still be useful today -- e.g. the Shawnee had trusted in the Great Spirit since the last ice age. Despite wisdom warning "look before leaping (to conclusions)", Astro-logy amongst humans exceedeth their own Astro-nomy.

Europeans also purportedly perceived a "
" promoting the U.S.A
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  • 2 months later...

Where is the "second Signature" ?

According to Supernaturalism, multiple witnesses are required, to corroborate their common claims; the testimony of a single lone witness proves nothing (Deuteronomy 19:15, John 8:17). How can One God, be two (mutually corroborating) witnesses -- no matter how many individual times that One God spoke (telepathically) through the mouths of multiple human Prophets on earth? That One "God in heaven" spoke to humans on earth is implied, by the reports of the same, from those Prophets, and their followers who acknowledged their Prophesies. But, establishing that the One God spoke truthfully, would require a second corroborating witness, according to that God's own Scripture. So, if that God speaks for that God's Self; then where is the second Witness? If "Orders" are supposed to be Signed & Counter-Signed, where is the Counter-Signature? And, if "Orders" are not Counter-Signed; then why does "God in heaven", "the Lord of worlds [exo-planets]", of the "Kingdom of heaven [Empire of space]", get to "Talk for free" on earth?

Cosmology Conspiracy ?

This writer personally perceives an over-powering influence of Religion, in cosmology. Observations of white dwarf supernovae (SN-Ia) are claimed to "prove" the omnipresence, of "Dark Energy" (cosmological "Lambda" constant), permeating deep intergalactic space; and causing the rate of expansion of our universe to speed up (accelerate). Prima facie, the terms "SN-Ia" and "Lambda" resemble the Religious Title of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the "Son of Iahweh", the "Lamb" of God (John 1:29). 1600 years ago, Christians burned the Library of Alexandria; 400 years ago, Christians burned Bruno & arrested Galileo. Today, Christians have, prima facie, "Graffiti'd" cosmology, to indicate Christianity's recurring Dominance over science. Fantasies of fabulous, exotic, "Dark Matter" & "Dark Energy" may be misleading mainstream science, away from observations of actual objects out in space; and towards fanciful contraptions designed to "detect" those exotic matters & energies, in underground mines. Actual observations of the heavens is seemingly be swept aside, for secretive "measurements", deep within the earth. In submarine analogy, Christians have seemingly seized the periscope & sonar stations; and are claiming to "look & listen", to the surrounding seas, by analyzing the deep interior of the boat. In thousands of years, on-world forces, claiming to act on earth, for "God in heaven", have never allowed human astronomy & cosmology to flourish. If these conspiracies are actually occurring; then Supranaturalists have again scuttled science -- their propagandizing promotion of "Dark Energy" today would resemble their past promotion of geocentrism, over the more-correct heliocentrism, nearly 2000 years ago. If Christians conquer science, then they would be predicted to destroy science ("break the periscope & smash the sonar stations") -- humans would never, ever, again have truthful, trustworthy, "eyes on the skies".

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Where are 'They' ?

Supernaturalism on earth has been characterized, for ages, by "Super-motivated" zealous fanaticism, amongst Religious adherents, "Super-animating" them, to supra-normal Virtue and/or Vice. All of the widely-acknowledged "cities of Virtue" (Jerusalem, Mecca, Medina, Vatican; cp. Teotihuacan); and all of the widely-acknowledged "cities of Vice" (Berlin, Paris, Shanghai, Las Vegas); are located on earth's northern hemisphere. Ipso facto, uncritical acceptance of "God is an Alien" implies that 'They' are located, out in space, somewhere in earth's northern skies. From 'there', 'They' transmit signals to earth, "painting" earth's northern hemisphere, so that all Supernaturalist "hotspots" reside thereon.

Cosmically, all galaxies reside within the Cosmic Web (CW). At the nodes of the CW, large "Clusters" of galaxies coalesced long long before "Filaments" formed, spanning the space between nearest neighboring nodes. Thus, the oldest galaxies in our universe reside in Clusters; and, galaxies "young" away from Clusters, out along the bridge-like Filaments, stretching away from them. The closest Cluster to earth is the Virgo Cluster, residing in earth's northern skies (at latitudes comparable to the aforestated cities). Ipso facto, given one guess, 'They' reside within our Filament ("Local Sheet"), between our galaxy, and the Virgo Cluster. Another Filament stretches from Virgo to the Eridanus & Fornax Clusters; galaxies within that Filament, near to Virgo, e.g. Leo I, also reside in earth's northern skies (NGC 2997 does not). So, visible galaxies within our Filament, in the Canes Groups; or galaxies within that other Filament, in the Leo group; possibly reside near to the alleged Alien "developed" non-visible dark galaxy remnant:


If these speculations are accurate, then there may occur a 24-hour periodicity, to experiences of Virtue & Vice, as earth rotates under the alleged Alien beam. For example, analyses of the times, at which people purchased tickets to Las Vegas ("moment of experience of Vice"), could possible evidence some sort of 24 hour periodicity, which would be fixed to the background stars (not varying seasonally).

hardest part of finding 'Them' is... 'Them' ?

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hardest part of finding 'Them' is... 'Them' ?

If a "galaxy-grade" Super Alien Exists within (say) 10-100Mpc of earth; then 'Their' "developed" dark galaxy remnant would presumably be comparatively easy to detect. For example, aliens would most plausibly emerge in spiral galaxies, which have the most prolonged star formation; and all large spiral galaxies have hot halos, of x-ray emitting gas, extending out hundreds of thousands of light-years. If an alien colonized and "developed" its (presumably) spiral galaxy; then, whilst the galaxy itself would (presumably) be converted into non-glowing structures ('They' wouldn't share 'Their' energy); the galaxy's halo might remain x-ray hot for billions more years. So, an "empty halo" might be an observable anomaly, far far away, suggesting the presence of an Alien Super-Civilization. Also, large spiral galaxies have numerous smaller satellite dwarf galaxies, orbiting them. For example, our Milky Way hosts the Magellanic Clouds. So, a swarm of dim dwarf galaxies, with no obvious visual large spiral amongst them, might also be an observable anomaly, out in the heavens.

But, on earth, the mere mention of the word "Alien" provokes automated knee-jerk reactions of derision & dismissal, i.e. Wrath (unprovoked aggression, in Supernaturalist speak). Divine Vices & Virtues, e.g. Wrath, Pride, Greed, are the hallmark of Supernaturalism on earth, throughout human history. Ipso facto, uncritical acceptance of "God is an Alien" implies, that those humans on earth, manifesting Divine Vices & Virtues, should be suspected to be, there-and-then, under Divine Influence, i.e. "painted" by Alien "(Un-)Holy Spirit" signals. So, the hardest part, of finding the alleged Aliens "there", may be acknowledging, and (somehow) over-coming, 'Their' signals to humans "here". I.e. the human species, "Demonically Possessed", would have to "Exorcise" its own subdued self, whilst under the influence, of the Aliens' subduing signals. Logically, that would be impossible.

Statistically, most humans on earth do not appear to even think, when confronted with the words "cosmology" and "Aliens". Instead, their behaviors seem stereotyped, knee-jerk, derisive, & dismissive, instantly, "Wrathful", without a first thought, without second thought, without recourse. Humans know no bigger word than "cosmology", the study of the whole natural cosmic universe (or, name the word, now). And, there is plenty of room, in the margins, of any cosmology textbook, for Super-Aliens to actually Exist. Such Super-Aliens would be supra-natural, and so "supra-cosmological". Super-Aliens are a perfectly plausible speculation, which have been predicted for thousands of years, and which would be bigger than the biggest word humans know. Yet, instead of calm collected clear cogent contemplation, most humans seem to respond as if with snap prejudgments. Such persons do not appear to comprehend, that they could be, and could be inducing all humanity to, muck up "supra-cosmologically". Such persons laugh, and pander to people's fantasies of social supremacy, over humans on earth -- but they know nothing, of what actually exists, out in space. Somehow, they reassure others with their laughter, and others allow themselves to be reassured; but their inner emotions are not in accord, with actual exterior facts, logic, reasoning, reality.

Ignorance is not bliss -- it only feels like bliss. But, humans flippantly respond as if with Wrath, to safeguard that pleasing psychological sensation.

where is the "second signature" ?

If one witness testifies, then their own existence, and their statements too, are real. But, only if their statements are corroborated, by a second independent witness, can the truthful veracity of their statements, be accepted. And, when in human history, has "God in heaven", ever had a second independent, "Other God elsewhere in heaven", to corroborate the claims, recorded in Supernaturalist Scriptures? And, if there Exists only One God in heaven; and if "They" have never had any other or equal; then why do humans on earth blindly obey Scriptures, uncorroborated by the required "Other Divine Counter-Signature"?

Being blunt, humans themselves seem to supply their own "second signature". Such persons perceive, in Religion, "what they want to perceive". They "see what they want to see, and hear what they want to hear". For them, Religion is flattery, honeyed words they had always wished were true. So, told what they wanted to believe, they then Believe. For example, "God in heaven" reportedly told the Prophet Muhammad, that his armies would one day conquer Constantinople, because Middle Easterners were a Divinely Blessed people. And so, flattered by words they had always wanted to hear, they effectively counter-sign the Koran, with their own names, under the Name of God; and so come to Believe that Religion "must be true". After all, what better two witness, could any man know, besides God, and his own self?


(signed) "
, the Lord of worlds, of the Empire of the heavens"

(counter-signed) Ahmed, Kalil, Mustafa...

The same seems true, too, of the Torah, Talmud, Zohar, Bible, etc. And so "God in heaven, amongst the stars", having somehow known, for thousands of years, exactly what each person on earth wanted most to be told, has seemingly flattered humans into obeying "Their Free Advice" -- which has resulted in casualties, conflicts, Crusades, Jihads, wars, & social strifes, down on earth (and no place anywhere else).

But, in actuality, the required "Second Signature" cannot be found, within the pages of any Divine Book (or, find the same, now). Prima facie, "God in heaven" simply broadcasts Messages to earth; humans up & obey the "Booming Voices"; and plunder & destroy themselves. If any humans on earth ever thought about that, then they would realize, that that is lame-brained -- wisdom warns, not to believe everything one is told, without checking, rechecking, and verifying.

Edited by Widdekind
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what would the Prophets have said ?

If this writer had heard about the Prophet Muhammad, from the far-off forests of Germany, 1400 years ago; and had walked, boated, and camel'ed to Mecca & Medina to meet him personally; and had personally offered to help guide his caravans, for free, if only he would explain why, logically, the Voices he was reporting to hear, were not only actual (the Prophet Muhammad did hear Voices); but also factual (and those Voices told him the truth); then how would the Prophet Muhammad have responded? By closest-possible analog, in modern day, who more closely resembles the Prophet Muhammad than (say) the Sheiks of Iran? Would their responses, to this question -- "where is the Second Divine Signature" -- accurately reflect what the Prophet Muhammad himself would have said?

If all earth, along with all human souls, are to be delivered to "God in heaven, the Lord of planets, of the Empire of the heavens" (approximately); then should not at least one person ask, for some appropriate proof credentials? Booming Voices are broadcasted to earth, and everybody blindly obeys, with neither fore-thought nor after-thought? Do they take the words "cosmology", "Supra-cosmology", "Lord of worlds", "Heaven's Empire", "earth", "human souls", lightly, as if they were paltry things? Does not wisdom warn, to look, before leaping ("always read the fine-print, before signing anything")?

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no more cosmology, on earth, ever again (?)

This writer personally perceives, that humans on earth will never again, ever, actually pursue cosmology, i.e. with honest earnest pursuit of truth, unbiased by politics. Most readers may not comprehend how bogus cosmology has become, e.g. only the brightest 4% of space objects have been observed; and yet the entire cosmology community has already come to a "consensus", that nothing else exists out there, except strange exotic "Dark Matter" & "Dark Energy", which a phalanx of new detectors have (allegedly) been custom built to "detect". To give a single example, common sense says, that "Dark" matter is simply dim space objects, like brown dwarves, planets, comets, asteroids, dust & gas, which is too cold & too diffuse to be easily visible, across incomprehensible cosmic distances. Some evidence even already exists to support such suppositions, e.g. galaxies observed far far away, from long long ago, have unresolved reddish halos, which could be composed, of then-young, and so still-warm, ruddy-brown dwarves, which over the ensuing eons cooled, into cold dark-brown dwarves, by present epoch, as observed in our own solar surroundings. Yet all such evidence is summarily dismissed, and swept aside, for the (seemingly) Religiously-encoded "SN-Ia / Lambda" consensus, for the "Canon Dogma" of exotic DM & DE. In this writer's opinions, people are oblivious to what could be at stake -- cosmology is humanity's "eyes on the skies"; and, relenting to Religious political pressure, people have apparently allowed cosmology to become bogus. This writer perceives, that cosmology will never again be free from political pressures. At this point, perhaps everybody would be better off, if political Power simply stated that cosmology is outlawed ("Shah Darius doesn't like telescopes, that's just the way it is"); and everybody else skipped ahead, and simply went straight back to buying copies of Ptolemy's Almagest, whilst pretending that nothing else exists in space, but those handfuls of small twinkling stars, easily observable with the naked human eye ("If Shah Darius doesn't see it, it cannot possibly exist, comprende?"). As names like "Niall Noigiallach" and "Pyotr Romanov" ("the Officers") have become "who's?", so cosmology seems suppressed to eventually become a "what?"1

One month-long Hubble Extreme Deep Field exposure, down along through our Local Filament, towards the Virgo Cluster, could have possibly observed some faint dim indications, of the Aliens, alleged to have long accounted for Religion on earth, for the past hundred thousand years. Finding an actual Super-Alien Super-Civilization might not be difficult -- 'They' wouldn't glow, but 'Their' galaxy remnant would still gravitate, influencing the motion of surrounding galaxies,
But those who Decree "no" are much more willing & able to be aggressive, then the few subscribers to star-gazer magazines. Of all the humans on earth, those who seek to
destroy science
(as an earnestly
pursuit of objective
) are, in reality, far more "super-motivated", than everybody else, playing video games, and watching sports shows,
This "Alien allegation" can account for that fact,
that humans on earth fight harder for Deception & Domination, than for facts, logic, & reasoning. But at this point, people should probably just go back to Ptolemy, and "wish upon the twinkling stars", that "nothing is out there". i'm not trying to be funny -- Power will
destroy cosmology
on earth. Save your money, don't buy books about exotic strange magical mysterious DM / DE, and look for work somewhere else besides Astronomy & Cosmology buildings on school campuses.
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Widdekind, just for putting my poor friend through the task of reading this entire thread for me I'm going to psychically shut down your computer.


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  • 3 months later...

This is my favourite UM topic and I've read through large chunks of it.

I'd like to see an overview of what the theory proposes in bullet points.

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  • 3 years later...
On ‎1‎/‎19‎/‎2010 at 7:39 AM, Widdekind said:

I understand, that Telepathic types of abilities (eg., Remote Viewing) are not really restricted in range. Thus, an aggressive, Telepathically potent, alien could conceivably use Telepathy to "trick" mankind, into mauling annihilating itself (and possibly its planet). This could conceivably be accomplished remotely, perhaps even before its corporeal conquest & colonization occurred ("look before you leap", pacify the planet completely before coming).

Ever thought that these telepathic predators may not know our reality is for real.. they may be subconsciously playing all this out in a dream state.   Note how real dreams seem sometimes.. and in the dreams you interact with people you don't even know.. you act out events and realize that the people you are interacting with in the dream know you but sense something different about you.. you may be acting out of character from what these other players in the dream expect... we have heard or read much about Out of Body Experiences.. we allegedly have these during  some meditations .. or whilst dreaming.. ( the flying dreams are a clue).... Could we then be the 'ghosts' .. spirits.. that others are haunted with.. or 'see'... could we.. ( our out of body selves )  be the ones 'possessing' others ?   There is a real possibility that it could be..   Worth a thought anyway :) 

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On 6/1/2016 at 2:51 AM, crystal sage said:

Ever thought that these telepathic predators may not know our reality is for real.. they may be subconsciously playing all this out in a dream state.   Note how real dreams seem sometimes.. and in the dreams you interact with people you don't even know.. you act out events and realize that the people you are interacting with in the dream know you but sense something different about you.. you may be acting out of character from what these other players in the dream expect... we have heard or read much about Out of Body Experiences.. we allegedly have these during  some meditations .. or whilst dreaming.. ( the flying dreams are a clue).... Could we then be the 'ghosts' .. spirits.. that others are haunted with.. or 'see'... could we.. ( our out of body selves )  be the ones 'possessing' others ?   There is a real possibility that it could be..   Worth a thought anyway :) 

That makes sense, but I guess that would still make them violent, at least if they're attacking us.  Usually in my dreams I don't attack people or manipulate them, and if something else or someone else does it to me in my dream it's usually a big deal.  It shouldn't be in the nature to attack, especially in a dream state like that.  But I get a feeling of attraction, if they're dreaming about us so much, it's as if they're getting close enough to have run bys and encounters in the physical life.

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On ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 1:03 AM, Opus Magnus said:

That makes sense, but I guess that would still make them violent, at least if they're attacking us.  Usually in my dreams I don't attack people or manipulate them, and if something else or someone else does it to me in my dream it's usually a big deal.  It shouldn't be in the nature to attack, especially in a dream state like that.  But I get a feeling of attraction, if they're dreaming about us so much, it's as if they're getting close enough to have run bys and encounters in the physical life.

Most of my family members and their kids all suffer night horrors.. ... sometimes up to 3 times a week..   I started fighting back in my dreams or visualizing I had a magic wand that would turn the demonics.. creepy things good.. wash out their darkness to shades of grey at least... ... but I think that in some cases the disembodied spirits from other times.. ( I believe we can time travel in the OBE state... It may explain so many hauntings from people from the past.. their stress.. their fear in an unexpected attack.. or just think of the soldiers or citizens that died in wars.. would they all know? would some keep fighting ??? )  We could also play the role of the Ghost Whisperer and help them move on... :) ... but then again.. so far my suggestions haven't helped my family members much from their night terrors.. I have also read that sometimes these experiences are indicators of on coming illness... but then again.. when reading the Shamanic perspectives..  it is these very draining experiences from other dimensions that are weakening our energy fields and allowing sickness to evolve. Their solutions are protective herbs.. sages etc and other such rituals for strengthening and protecting our energy fields.. and it is the Shaman that travels into our dreamtime and does the Ninja act of beating down the negative spirits and protecting us from that dimension.   But then too just as we meet and talk to loved ones in the dream dimensions.. maybe there are connections made there too.. maybe quarrels.. miscommunications.. or maybe soul group interdimensional past life squabbles... ??? who know for sure.. all we do know is that somehow this alternate reality blends with our reality and that  really creates some  damage in the here and now...


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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 1:03 AM, Opus Magnus said:

That makes sense, but I guess that would still make them violent, at least if they're attacking us.  Usually in my dreams I don't attack people or manipulate them, and if something else or someone else does it to me in my dream it's usually a big deal.  It shouldn't be in the nature to attack, especially in a dream state like that.  But I get a feeling of attraction, if they're dreaming about us so much, it's as if they're getting close enough to have run bys and encounters in the physical life.

I had another thought here too... Have you ever had frightening nightmares after watching a rather violent  or horror movie , or maybe , think of all the modern computer games where the whole point is attacking or killing off as many of the characters as possible.. there are monsters and all sorts of creepy stuff in these games.. that sometimes go on for hours...   maybe these can play out in your dream state when you are having out of body experiences..  think of all the other probably hundreds of thousands of kids or people playing the same games.. could some of these games be played out in dreams states as if they were a form of virtual reality.. or in your dream you could be simultaneously having an out of body experience and somehow reliving the game at the same time.. and/or even interacting with others having similar dreams?.  Then too .. what I learned during some of my Reiki classes.. the idea of thought forms... manifesting  a half formed energetic being between your hands... some people speak of doing energy balls.. I remember during the class feeling rather uncomfortable about this.. and couldn't see the point of learning this, especially in a healing class ..  it was meant to be a lesson in teaching us the power of  energetic visualization... .(  I always wondered afterwards  where do these thought forms go to afterwards?  Do they eventually dissipate ?    I also remembering reading about the biblical golems that were said to have been  manifested thought forms...   Just looked this up now...    spooky.. creepy... http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Thoughtform.html  reading this creeps me out more...  :(   It was so long ago.. I cant remember if we were told to make it disappear.. or were told it would disappear...  Can you imagine the collective thought powers of millions of kids over the centuries  being told scary bedtime stories of boogy men..?  I wonder if the collective fear in people's consciousnesses created any form of negative energy ?  http://www.esonet.com/News-file-article-sid-508.html ... Maybe we should all visualize them fading ? returning to light or something... ;) where is that Ghost Whisperer  when you need one ?   There is this type of thinking..  http://www.trans4mind.com/counterpoint/index-spiritual/goodwin.shtml ... this...  http://www.esoteric-philosophy.net/thoutforms.html   and.... http://thoughtsfromamaster.com/uploads/images/essays/11-08.Angeslandpowerofthoughtforms.v3.pdf

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On ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 1:03 AM, Opus Magnus said:

That makes sense, but I guess that would still make them violent, at least if they're attacking us.  Usually in my dreams I don't attack people or manipulate them, and if something else or someone else does it to me in my dream it's usually a big deal.  It shouldn't be in the nature to attack, especially in a dream state like that.  But I get a feeling of attraction, if they're dreaming about us so much, it's as if they're getting close enough to have run bys and encounters in the physical life.

This  article is quite interesting too  https://wingingwithwhitehawk.wordpress.com/2016/06/26/parasites-of-the-mind/


Getting closer to the light within ourselves simultaneously illumines these vampiric forces and catalyzes them, as being illumined is their worst nightmare, which is to say that the closer we get to the light, the more fearsome the forces of darkness can appear.

This can help us to understand the known psychological fact that the greatest danger for suicide is right before someone is going to have a breakthrough. Demons typically make their worst stink right before they are vanquished. This understanding can also help us to re-contextualize when we experience seemingly darker forces getting evoked in our mind-streams. For example, when we feel “attacked” by what seem to be the darker forces of the psyche, instead of interpreting this as evidence confirming how screwed up we are, we can realize that this is an expression that we are getting closer to the light within ourselves; shadows are not merely the absence of light, but are also an expression of its presence. In other words, the more light there is, the more the darkness becomes activated and visible. Since the darker forces want to derail us from our path, we can learn to understand that their manifestation is a reflection of exactly the opposite—that we are on our right path. We tend to think of illumination as “seeing the light,” but “seeing the darkness” is also a form of illumination.


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On 6/6/2016 at 4:08 AM, crystal sage said:

all suffer night horrors.. ... sometimes up to 3 times a week.. 

I call those regular dreams and they are not frightening to me at all. I find comfort in horror. Always have. While most kids were afraid of the monsters in the dark I sought them.

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On 7/2/2016 at 0:31 PM, crystal sage said:

I had another thought here too... Have you ever had frightening nightmares after watching a rather violent  or horror movie , or maybe , think of all the modern computer games where the whole point is attacking or killing off as many of the characters as possible.. there are monsters and all sorts of creepy stuff in these games.. that sometimes go on for hours...   maybe these can play out in your dream state when you are having out of body experiences..  think of all the other probably hundreds of thousands of kids or people playing the same games.. could some of these games be played out in dreams states as if they were a form of virtual reality.. or in your dream you could be simultaneously having an out of body experience and somehow reliving the game at the same time.. and/or even interacting with others having similar dreams?.  Then too .. what I learned during some of my Reiki classes.. the idea of thought forms... manifesting  a half formed energetic being between your hands... some people speak of doing energy balls.. I remember during the class feeling rather uncomfortable about this.. and couldn't see the point of learning this, especially in a healing class ..  it was meant to be a lesson in teaching us the power of  energetic visualization... .(  I always wondered afterwards  where do these thought forms go to afterwards?  Do they eventually dissipate ?    I also remembering reading about the biblical golems that were said to have been  manifested thought forms...   Just looked this up now...    spooky.. creepy... http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Thoughtform.html  reading this creeps me out more...  :(   It was so long ago.. I cant remember if we were told to make it disappear.. or were told it would disappear...  Can you imagine the collective thought powers of millions of kids over the centuries  being told scary bedtime stories of boogy men..?  I wonder if the collective fear in people's consciousnesses created any form of negative energy ?  http://www.esonet.com/News-file-article-sid-508.html ... Maybe we should all visualize them fading ? returning to light or something... ;) where is that Ghost Whisperer  when you need one ?   There is this type of thinking..  http://www.trans4mind.com/counterpoint/index-spiritual/goodwin.shtml ... this...  http://www.esoteric-philosophy.net/thoutforms.html   and.... http://thoughtsfromamaster.com/uploads/images/essays/11-08.Angeslandpowerofthoughtforms.v3.pdf

Yeah, I guess you can make those, but you're supposed to name them.  That's what I didn't want to do, I remember thinking about it, but I don't remember exactly what my train of thought was.  I don't remember what lines of thought I was using, but I thought that by naming them, it would cross the line into wizardry, so I didn't do it.  I remember though, some useful information for destroying poppets is that the correct way is to make a bath that is almost boiling hot and put it in.  Then you make it give up the life energy inside it by the hot water, which completely kills it.  Any other way I don't think is proper, and can cause damage.  Sort of like passing out from too much heat and dying.


Anyway, yeah, video games are interesting sometimes like that.  I'm not really sure how to put it, but I think, if you're dreaming and someone else is thinking about it you could get trapped in it.  Or the creators knew about the existence of the entities psychically and put them in so they effect you.  Also, psychically, like an archetype, some of the ideas they put in are important places somewhere in thought.  Almost like nexus places sometimes, or somewhere important.

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