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Al Qaeda vows 'dreadful revenge' on France


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Well why aren't all Islamic nations affected then?

Why am I free to drink alcohol and have my girlfriend dance around in a bikini in Bali (part of the largest Islamic country in the world, Indonesia)?

Why is the Hajib optional for women there? Why do women have far more rights there than in, say, Saudi Arabia?

They're Islamic If it's all Islam's fault why the difference? Maybe it has something to do with society and leaders?

I didn't say it's because of Muslims, but Islamic laws.

In Indoensia, is Sharia the law and does it apply to every one? If so, then your girlfriend would've been stoned already.

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I didn't say it's because of Muslims, but Islamic laws.

That's like saying it's not the fault of "Christians" but it IS the fault of Christianity...

What's Islam without Muslims? What are Muslims without Islam?

Oh, and you didn't say just say Islamic law, you did say "Islam".

Edited by Ins0mniac
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Wow, alot of France hate in this thread...

Some people just go with what's "cool" and don't want things like reality get in their way.

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Some people just go with what's "cool" and don't want things like reality get in their way.

It's like tucking in a t-shirt. It may feel good to you while your doing it, but the end result looks like crap to everyone else.


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I'm torn, I'm not over the moon about the France hating but I keep being reminded of the classified ad:

"FOR SALE: One 20th century French military issue rifle. Never fired, dropped twice."

I love the French really though, well, sort of love/hate, they way it's supposed to be.

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I've got 10 bucks on the burkas!

Don't really see the French putting up much fight...if any at all besides pelting them with crepes or something.

They never put up a good fight.

Oh well Frenchies us Brits will be on the way to win the war for you again.

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They never put up a good fight.

The Battle of Verdun is proof that this is not true.

Though as a Brit you are allowed to make fun of the French ;)

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I've got 10 bucks on the burkas!

Don't really see the French putting up much fight...if any at all besides pelting them with crepes or something.

Yep ....Bunch of sissies.Its about time someone shuts their mouths,Sorry for the comment my french U.M friends but I dont see the French doing anything but hidding.

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I didn't say it's because of Muslims, but Islamic laws. In Indoensia, is Sharia the law and does it apply to every one? If so, then your girlfriend would've been stoned already
They may be the majority but, they don't have the power or support to enforce their laws widespread and on everyone.
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That's like saying it's not the fault of "Christians" but it IS the fault of Christianity...

What's Islam without Muslims? What are Muslims without Islam?

Oh, and you didn't say just say Islamic law, you did say "Islam".

Sharia is Islamic law, a part of Islam.

If those people you speak of were really Muslim, they would follow Sharia, which does not tolerate naked women lying on the beach drinking alcohol.

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Let's face it, most of us would not want to live under sharia law and most of the ones that do live under it would never be happy with our freedoms. But, for them to be all upset about the whole burka thing is stupid to start with. If you don't like the way things are done where you are, why would you go somewhere else and demand that every one there do the exact same things that made the place that you came from unbarable? If you are happy with that sort of law, why not just stay where everyone else is that likes it?

The truest answer is that it would be too simple and it would leave far too many of the winiest folks on Earth with nothing to complain about.

I'm Jewish and I do follow Kosher laws but, I flat out do not want everyone else to submit to them as well! Hell, it's part of what makes me different and some girls find guys that are different to be "exotic and exciting"! LOL!

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You guys are a tough crowd, my catholic school girl comment didn't even get a "hell yeah!", or a "Right on!" :o

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Wow, alot of France hate in this thread...

Yep,But come on Who Really likes the French anyway?

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I just thought that we might all like to read this article on the burqas and all that explains how it was never oringinaly a part of Islamic law and all. Have fun!

The disease is progressive. It started 20 years ago with the hijab, donned then as a defiant symbol of identity, now a conscript's uniform. Then came the jilbab, the cloak, fought over in courts when schoolgirls were manipulated into claiming it as an essential Islamic garment. If so, hell awaits the female leaders of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Soon, children as young as four were kitted up in cloaks and headscarves ("so they get used to it, and then later wear the full thing," said a teacher to me who works at a Muslim girls' school) and now for the graduation gown, a full burqa, preferably with dark glasses.

White liberals frame this sinister development in terms of free choice and tolerance. Some write letters to this paper: What is the problem? It is all part of the rich diversity of our nation. They can rise to this challenge, show they are superhuman when it comes to liberty and forbearance. 

They might not be quite so sanguine if their own daughters decided to be fully veiled or their sons became fanatic Islamicists and imposed purdah in the family. Such converts are springing up in Muslim families all over the land. Veils predate Islam and were never an injunction (modesty of attire for men and women is). Cultural protectionism has long been extended to those who came from old colonies, in part to atone for imperial hauteur. Redress was necessary then, not now.

HERE! Put THIS on!

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