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Victims of Saddam's Regime


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Saddam Hussein - Crimes and Civil Rights Abuses

Iraq - A Population Silenced

Saddam's Torture Methods

Medical experimentation



Hammering nails into the fingers and hands

Amputating the penis or breasts with an electric carving knife

Spraying insecticides into a victim's eyes

Branding with a hot iron

Committing rape while the victim's spouse is forced to watch

Pouring boiling water into a rectum

Nailing the tongue to a wooden board

Extracting teeth with pliers

Using bees and scorpions to sting naked children in front of their parents

In one cell pieces of human flesh — ear lobes — were nailed to the wall, and blood spattered the ceiling. A large metal fan hung from the ceiling, and my guide told me prisoners were attached to the fan and beaten with clubs as they twirled. There were hooks in the ceiling used to suspend victims. A torture victim told me that prisoners were also crucified, nails driven through their hands into the wall. A favorite technique was to hang men from the hooks and attach a heavy weight to their testicles. — Independent, March 29, 1991


Edited by Kellalor
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It's pretty sad to think of what all these people have been through, and to think, it was the American Governement that put Saddam in a place where he could do stuff like that crying.gif

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and the arabs complain when some iraqis have to get naked in front of a girl:P

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Guest Lottie

It's pretty sad to think of what all these people have been through, and to think, it was the American Governement that put Saddam in a place where he could do stuff like that  crying.gif

Doomgirl, I have to disagree with what you said.

Yes it is a truly horrific thing that these poor people had to endure under Saddams regime.

But hold on.

The American goverment would not of put a man like Sadam intentionally into the country had they had known what he was like or likely to do.

This was Sadams doing he is evil through and through. No-one forced him to behave in this inhumane, dispicable and just pure evil way. It had nothing to do with anyone else.

Plus if we also remember after all this controversy and hoo ha as to whether or not the US and the UK should of gone into Iraq. It has been the Americans along with the Brits that went in and found that evil swine and took him out of the country.

Edited by Lottie
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