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Germany, France lead West out of recession


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LOL. Sure, we all realise we're being used and abused by "big brother" but I doubt "Love and the hive mind are our weapons" is sufficient as a future plan for humanity's survival, progress and development.

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The master plan unfolding for the Western economies is as follows:

1. Export all the manufacturing jobs to countries where labour is cheap and regulation can be circumvented (India, China, The Phillipines etc.)

2. Dirty up the environments in those countires and reintroduce the old Victorian child labour (murder) practices.

3. Back in the west, put all agricultural production in the hands of the mega corporations and further divorce people from the land.

4. Encourage the governments and the people in the west to become debtors and therefore debt slaves.

5. Temporarily prop up these false, making nothing economies with a bubble of weird and unfathomable debt instruments whilst you pick them clean.

6. When the **** hits the fan, let the people think that recovery is coming so that you can fleece them still further.(Now)

7. Then crash their economies. They'll have nothing to sell, nothing to eat, their cureencies will become valueless.

8. Institute the third world war as a cruel distraction, to begin in September 09 with a false flag attack on Jerusalem of some size, blamed on Iran.

9. Add to the fear with a nice pandemic, offer a solution of a poison vaccine.

10. Watch as the world falls into a time of butchery and carnage never before witnessed.

Then pick up the pieces with your new slave world government, your new world currency which you lend to the new world government, et voila!

Robert est son Oncle!

Such is the thumbnail guide to the history we are living through.

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I think they missed a few steps because I know plenty of small time farmers. Also I'm not sure all children in China are working 12 hour days in the factories. Otherwise everything you've said is perfectly logical and sane.


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