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Muslims group demands full Shariah law


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first off, says it all right here

I just found out about this. Apparently the group involved are a small group of jerk-offs who got about 20 guys to protest the return of British troops a while back. I would be shocked if they got more than 200 protesters, never mind 5000 (hell, I'd be surprised if the protest even makes it to Downing Street before fizzling out).

moving on...

IF you are English and stand up and speak about things which are happening to the country. thing's which you might not agree with, such has uncontrolled immigration or the Islamic religion spreading its values throughout the land, including Multiculturalism

wow. people like you really exist (people that have no clue what they're talking about). i'm (right now) embarassed to call you a brittain.... (not for that particular post though, just your completely disturbing and ancient views of muslims).

i do agree with the general concensus of the thread thread though. muslims (also polish, romanian, turkish, greek, pakistani, vietnamese, japanese, chinese, spanish, mexican, <the list really does go on> - if you're going to name one group, name them all) do not (as anyone would expect <and indeed should demand>) absorb themselves into british (crap as it may be) culture. they sequester themselves off. almost all immigrants keep themselves to themselves and do not even attempt, for the most part, to co-exist with the natives... they're, largely, only here for the money - which is wrong and i believe personally that something needs to be done. so i'm with most in the thread on that part...

and i also agree with most in having the view that islam is horrible, along with all other mono-theistic religions... the difference is, i don't have predjudiced views against individuals... it's the religions i hate.


so do i need to be english to have such completely warped and bigotted views of the world steve?... i'm guessing (at least according to you) that i do....

or do i need to support leeevapoooww?? which is, by any sane person's definition, even worse... (sorry but i'm p***ed off)

you should be ashamed of yourself.

i'm willing to bet that i can count on one hand, the amount of muslims you know.... disgusting....

you hate anyone who is muslim? sick... freakin sick mate....i can't even find the words to describe how completely idiotic you are being (i'm completely embarrassed)... and personally i'm a bit surprised and disappointed that you have had no warnings so far from mods....

so tell me... how many muslims do you know? not that i could ever make you see sense.(more chance trying to turn hitler <oops godwinned> straight)

i'll tell you what i've had enough of sitting by, while you quote churchill (something that goes to show you have no clue of any real history.. as the man was an idiot).

With Generations of my Family like many others fighting in two world wars for this country, i am sick to death and i refuse to be spoken down to by anyone, and i will not stand for it, for daring to speak my mind about the problems we face in our great nation.

you talk of your grandparents? my 'papa' saw first hand the atrocities of the war, so don't think you can lecture me, boy...

No one has any damn right to tell me what i should like or dislike, or i should conform to this ideology or that ideology no-one, and that goes for the government as well, who the hell do they think they are.

i have the right. and any other human being who has an ounce of decency. words can't describe how sorry i feel for you right now.

steve i like you, and i agree with 90% of your posts ... but you are wrong on so many levels here kid...

PS say what you want about me mate. because, you know what? i just signed up for the army (like, less than 12 hours ago)... give it 8 months and i'll be killing the brown people that you (and others here) hate so much... sigh...

i'm sorry if my reply was a bit harsh mate. but it can't be helped as this thread has become nothing more than a muslim basher's wet dream...

Edited by expandmymind
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Uh oh...

This country is at boiling point, you can feel the tension. Mainly white working class people, are jobless, pennyless and inraged because of imagrants (mainly muslims). They are changing the way our country functions, changing our beliefs not allowing us our traditions for example muslims tried to ban hot cross buns due to the fact they have a cross on. This is what happend is germany before the rise of hitler, Jewish imagrants taking jobs from the German people, and the german people had no say but hitler gave them that voice, and look what happend. History could repeat itself, especialy with the rise of the BNP winning over a million votes and 2 seats in european parliment also having nick griffin on question time. British people are fighting people, they wont let this country become a muslim nation well not with out a fight FACT. The right to freedom of speach is taking away from white people in this country, for example if i went in to the streets of london and protested the killing of all muslims, id be arrested straight away, but its ok for muslims to preach the death and demise of white westerners, where is the jutice? If a black/asian/arabic man attacked a white person it would be assualt, on the other hand if a white man attakced a black/asian/arabic man it would be racial assualt. the justice/polical system of this country has crumbled. I fear for what the future holds for this country.

You make some very valid points.

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PS say what you want about me mate. because, you know what? i just signed up for the army (like, less than 12 hours ago)... give it 8 months and i'll be killing the brown people that you (and others here) hate so much... sigh...

i'm sorry if my reply was a bit harsh mate. but it can't be helped as this thread has become nothing more than a muslim basher's wet dream...

So you will be killing Muslims, including innocent ones. Your whole argument has no legs now mate.

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first off, says it all right here

moving on...

wow. people like you really exist (people that have no clue what they're talking about). i'm (right now) embarassed to call you a brittain.... (not for that particular post though, just your completely disturbing and ancient views of muslims).

i do agree with the general concensus of the thread thread though. muslims (also polish, romanian, turkish, greek, pakistani, vietnamese, japanese, chinese, spanish, mexican, <the list really does go on> - if you're going to name one group, name them all) do not (as anyone would expect <and indeed should demand>) absorb themselves into british (crap as it may be) culture. they sequester themselves off. almost all immigrants keep themselves to themselves and do not even attempt, for the most part, to co-exist with the natives... they're, largely, only here for the money - which is wrong and i believe personally that something needs to be done. so i'm with most in the thread on that part...

and i also agree with most in having the view that islam is horrible, along with all other mono-theistic religions... the difference is, i don't have predjudiced views against individuals... it's the religions i hate.


so do i need to be english to have such completely warped and bigotted views of the world steve?... i'm guessing (at least according to you) that i do....

or do i need to support leeevapoooww?? which is, by any sane person's definition, even worse... (sorry but i'm p***ed off)

you should be ashamed of yourself.

i'm willing to bet that i can count on one hand, the amount of muslims you know.... disgusting....

you hate anyone who is muslim? sick... freakin sick mate....i can't even find the words to describe how completely idiotic you are being (i'm completely embarrassed)... and personally i'm a bit surprised and disappointed that you have had no warnings so far from mods....

so tell me... how many muslims do you know? not that i could ever make you see sense.(more chance trying to turn hitler <oops godwinned> straight)

i'll tell you what i've had enough of sitting by, while you quote churchill (something that goes to show you have no clue of any real history.. as the man was an idiot).

you talk of your grandparents? my 'papa' saw first hand the atrocities of the war, so don't think you can lecture me, boy...

i have the right. and any other human being who has an ounce of decency. words can't describe how sorry i feel for you right now.

steve i like you, and i agree with 90% of your posts ... but you are wrong on so many levels here kid...

PS say what you want about me mate. because, you know what? i just signed up for the army (like, less than 12 hours ago)... give it 8 months and i'll be killing the brown people that you (and others here) hate so much... sigh...

i'm sorry if my reply was a bit harsh mate. but it can't be helped as this thread has become nothing more than a muslim basher's wet dream...

Congratulations on joining up, :tu: i hope the hostilities don't go on for much longer and you have a great career and get to see a lot of the world.

Do you have the same thoughts on people who don't like Christians? if that's the case your going to be very busy on these boards.

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first off, says it all right here

moving on...

wow. people like you really exist (people that have no clue what they're talking about). i'm (right now) embarassed to call you a brittain.... (not for that particular post though, just your completely disturbing and ancient views of muslims).

i do agree with the general concensus of the thread thread though. muslims (also polish, romanian, turkish, greek, pakistani, vietnamese, japanese, chinese, spanish, mexican, <the list really does go on> - if you're going to name one group, name them all) do not (as anyone would expect <and indeed should demand>) absorb themselves into british (crap as it may be) culture. they sequester themselves off. almost all immigrants keep themselves to themselves and do not even attempt, for the most part, to co-exist with the natives... they're, largely, only here for the money - which is wrong and i believe personally that something needs to be done. so i'm with most in the thread on that part...

and i also agree with most in having the view that islam is horrible, along with all other mono-theistic religions... the difference is, i don't have predjudiced views against individuals... it's the religions i hate.


so do i need to be english to have such completely warped and bigotted views of the world steve?... i'm guessing (at least according to you) that i do....

or do i need to support leeevapoooww?? which is, by any sane person's definition, even worse... (sorry but i'm p***ed off)

you should be ashamed of yourself.

i'm willing to bet that i can count on one hand, the amount of muslims you know.... disgusting....

you hate anyone who is muslim? sick... freakin sick mate....i can't even find the words to describe how completely idiotic you are being (i'm completely embarrassed)... and personally i'm a bit surprised and disappointed that you have had no warnings so far from mods....

so tell me... how many muslims do you know? not that i could ever make you see sense.(more chance trying to turn hitler <oops godwinned> straight)

i'll tell you what i've had enough of sitting by, while you quote churchill (something that goes to show you have no clue of any real history.. as the man was an idiot).

you talk of your grandparents? my 'papa' saw first hand the atrocities of the war, so don't think you can lecture me, boy...

i have the right. and any other human being who has an ounce of decency. words can't describe how sorry i feel for you right now.

steve i like you, and i agree with 90% of your posts ... but you are wrong on so many levels here kid...

PS say what you want about me mate. because, you know what? i just signed up for the army (like, less than 12 hours ago)... give it 8 months and i'll be killing the brown people that you (and others here) hate so much... sigh...

i'm sorry if my reply was a bit harsh mate. but it can't be helped as this thread has become nothing more than a muslim basher's wet dream...

First i refute what you have wrote, your reply is filled with inaccuracies.

I have continually stated i do not like the religion of Islam or the followers of that religion. I have never once brought race into it, like you seem to be doing. especially with the highlighted above.

If you end up in Afghanistan you will not be killing "brown" people, you will not be killing "Moslem's for their religious beliefs, in short you wont be killing for race or religion, you will be killing an enemy, but they'll teach you all that.

I think it is safe to say that if you go to page one of the thread and read through not once have i said i hate Moslem's. but will stand corrected if you do highlight such. i think it was matt who first made reference to hate in one of his replies to me, and you have taken it on.

nothing personal, I enjoy reading your posts and will continue to do so.

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First i refute what you have wrote, your reply is filled with inaccuracies.

I have continually stated i do not like the religion of Islam or the followers of that religion. I have never once brought race into it, like you seem to be doing. especially with the highlighted above.

If you end up in Afghanistan you will not be killing "brown" people, you will not be killing "Moslem's for their religious beliefs, in short you wont be killing for race or religion, you will be killing an enemy, but they'll teach you all that.

I think it is safe to say that if you go to page one of the thread and read through not once have i said i hate Moslem's. but will stand corrected if you do highlight such. i think it was matt who first made reference to hate in one of his replies to me, and you have taken it on.

nothing personal, I enjoy reading your posts and will continue to do so.

Posted 21 October 2009 - 10:40 AM

I don't like Moslem's. One of the worst things to happen in this country was to allow uncontrolled immigration of its followers.its a shame we cant rewind the clock.

You are right, you never said you hate muslims.

Edited by odas
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Posted 21 October 2009 - 10:40 AM

I don't like Moslem's. One of the worst things to happen in this country was to allow uncontrolled immigration of its followers.its a shame we cant rewind the clock.

You are right, you never said you hate muslims.

like i said, no mention of the word HATE. thank you Odas. thank you for verifying that for me. you wont find the word HATE because i didn't use it, because for me Hate is too much of a strong word. hence the use of dislike - Don't like. but if you want to be pedantic carry on.

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like i said, no mention of the word HATE. thank you Odas. thank you for verifying that for me. you wont find the word HATE because i didn't use it, because for me Hate is too much of a strong word. hence the use of dislike - Don't like. but if you want to be pedantic carry on.

No problem, I just like to be fair.

Steve, I had a simmilar discusion with Billy a while ago about England.

If I had the opportunity to go back in time I would go to England of the 50', 60', and 70'.

I would like to be a part of it, the English culture, way of life, music...There is nothing that I dislike or hate about England and their people. Except Englands foreign politics.

It would pi** me off too If a group of people came to my country and impose their laws upon me. You guys have to fight for what is yours. BUT, you are pointing the finger to the wrong direction, as I said so many times. Your government is responsible for this mess. They alowed it to happen. Their irrational politic is hurting both, the English and the immigrants. This does not mean that you have to go to the extreme and vote for national parties. I am sure there are ways to curb this.

Here is a funny thing. I am planning to visit the UK next year. I want to see London, Liverpool, Manchaster. Most of all I want to see Scotland and Edinbourgh and of course the Rosslyn Chappel. But, I am trying to avoid places with a huge immigrant population because I want to see the UK and at least some of the perseved herritage.

And do not worry, I have enough money so I will not take your jobs, just visiting. I promisse. :yes:

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No problem, I just like to be fair.

Steve, I had a simmilar discusion with Billy a while ago about England.

If I had the opportunity to go back in time I would go to England of the 50', 60', and 70'.

I would like to be a part of it, the English culture, way of life, music...There is nothing that I dislike or hate about England and their people. Except Englands foreign politics.

yeah I remember, :tu:

I know you and akuma are moderates.

No one wants a civil war at the moment it's only the extremists mouthing off from all sides.

Personally I think it's just letting off steam. I know I do it alot, and then might read back one of post and think that's oops too much.. :innocent:

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No problem, I just like to be fair.

Steve, I had a simmilar discusion with Billy a while ago about England.

If I had the opportunity to go back in time I would go to England of the 50', 60', and 70'.

I would like to be a part of it, the English culture, way of life, music...There is nothing that I dislike or hate about England and their people. Except Englands foreign politics.

It would pi** me off too If a group of people came to my country and impose their laws upon me. You guys have to fight for what is yours. BUT, you are pointing the finger to the wrong direction, as I said so many times. Your government is responsible for this mess. They alowed it to happen. Their irrational politic is hurting both, the English and the immigrants. This does not mean that you have to go to the extreme and vote for national parties. I am sure there are ways to curb this.

Here is a funny thing. I am planning to visit the UK next year. I want to see London, Liverpool, Manchaster. Most of all I want to see Scotland and Edinbourgh and of course the Rosslyn Chappel. But, I am trying to avoid places with a huge immigrant population because I want to see the UK and at least some of the perseved herritage.

And do not worry, I have enough money so I will not take your jobs, just visiting. I promisse. :yes:

Odas, I agree with you almost 100%, but it's not just the fault of the politicians, it is possibly mainly their fault for letting these extremists get away with their crap. There is no excuse today to be so backwards and ignorant. Not in the west at least, and all the knowledge we have, scoentifically, psychologically and through experience. I can't pretend our values are perfect either. We are a materialistic culture and place too much value on shallow endeavors. But we attempt to progress with what we know and learn.

It is the utter lack of respect and appreciation of our values, and many of these radicals accepting a hand out from a the tax payers who literally feed and house them. I am talking about the radicals. I also get angry when people pretend or claim that the teachings of Islam have no influence in this.It is also disturbing how few Muslims protest the radicals and their brand of Islam. What are we to think?

Like Wafa Sultan an ex- Muslim stated: You can believe in rocks for all I care, just don't throw them at me!

People such as you and Akuma are welcome, and set a good example, I hope it catches on.


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first off, says it all right here

moving on...

wow. people like you really exist (people that have no clue what they're talking about). i'm (right now) embarassed to call you a brittain.... (not for that particular post though, just your completely disturbing and ancient views of muslims).

i do agree with the general concensus of the thread thread though. muslims (also polish, romanian, turkish, greek, pakistani, vietnamese, japanese, chinese, spanish, mexican, <the list really does go on> - if you're going to name one group, name them all) do not (as anyone would expect <and indeed should demand>) absorb themselves into british (crap as it may be) culture. they sequester themselves off. almost all immigrants keep themselves to themselves and do not even attempt, for the most part, to co-exist with the natives... they're, largely, only here for the money - which is wrong and i believe personally that something needs to be done. so i'm with most in the thread on that part...

and i also agree with most in having the view that islam is horrible, along with all other mono-theistic religions... the difference is, i don't have predjudiced views against individuals... it's the religions i hate.


so do i need to be english to have such completely warped and bigotted views of the world steve?... i'm guessing (at least according to you) that i do....

or do i need to support leeevapoooww?? which is, by any sane person's definition, even worse... (sorry but i'm p***ed off)

you should be ashamed of yourself.

i'm willing to bet that i can count on one hand, the amount of muslims you know.... disgusting....

you hate anyone who is muslim? sick... freakin sick mate....i can't even find the words to describe how completely idiotic you are being (i'm completely embarrassed)... and personally i'm a bit surprised and disappointed that you have had no warnings so far from mods....

so tell me... how many muslims do you know? not that i could ever make you see sense.(more chance trying to turn hitler <oops godwinned> straight)

i'll tell you what i've had enough of sitting by, while you quote churchill (something that goes to show you have no clue of any real history.. as the man was an idiot).

you talk of your grandparents? my 'papa' saw first hand the atrocities of the war, so don't think you can lecture me, boy...

i have the right. and any other human being who has an ounce of decency. words can't describe how sorry i feel for you right now.

steve i like you, and i agree with 90% of your posts ... but you are wrong on so many levels here kid...

PS say what you want about me mate. because, you know what? i just signed up for the army (like, less than 12 hours ago)... give it 8 months and i'll be killing the brown people that you (and others here) hate so much... sigh...

i'm sorry if my reply was a bit harsh mate. but it can't be helped as this thread has become nothing more than a muslim basher's wet dream...

You need to quit your "brown skinned" accusations. There are brown skinned people upstairs who do not appease or appreciate Islamic extremism either. Some are ex-Muslims.

In fact there are many brown skinned peoples fighting the radicals. There are even caucasian Muslim radicals.

The problem is that Islam is host to the most radicals percentage wise (religious wise). Their radicalism is not a result of skin color. Even the original Jews are of the same race.

Being caucasian doesn't make us racist, just like being Muslim doesn't make one radical.

Edited by momentarylapseofreason
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